>U Mom Knows Best: Purex Plus Clorox 2 Has Amazing Stain Fighting Powers & A Giveaway

Purex Plus Clorox 2 Has Amazing Stain Fighting Powers & A Giveaway

What's the toughest stain you had to take on this week?

  I know a lot about fighting stains, I have four boys, five if you count my husband. As a mom to boys, I have learned that messes are a part of life. My younger boys rarely stay clean for more than five minutes. I joke that I can tell what they are for lunch at school just by looking at their shirt. Who needs a napkin when you have a shirt? Now my teen is a different story when it comes to dirty clothes. Dirt just seems to find him as he either is running in the dirt with his cross country team or busy fixing something with ROTC. Don't get me started with the messes in their underpants or the blood from all those bloody noses from allergies . Laundry day means mom fighting the stains on their clothes.

  It is a good thing I have Purex plus Clorox 2 detergent in my laundry room. This smart value Purex detergent  has an extra powerful boost of Clorox 2 stain fighters to tackle all those messy stains on my boys clothes. It works on 100 stains, is safe on colors and is bleach free. This wonderful smelling detergent contains 3 stain-fighting enzymes to remove stains like chocolate, tomato sauce, grass, blood, and even BBQ sauce. I just love how clean and fresh smelling my clothes are after using Purex plus Clorox 2.

 The other day the teen got BBQ sauce on his shirt after eating ribs. I told him to rub some Purex on his shirt and he was amazed that it started to work almost right away on the stain. Once the shirt was washed, the BBQ sauce stain was gone. I wish I had pictures of that before and after. Since I don't, I recreated the stain on a white shirt so you can see how this amazing detergent works. I also decided, for fun, to add ketchup too.

  Here is the before picture of the BBQ sauce stain and ketchup stain on the shirt. I placed it near the tag so we can identify the area later. I let the stain set in for 10 minutes, as in real life kids don't tell you about the stain on their clothes right away.

I then rubbed some Purex plus Clorox 2 and the stain with a toothbrush and let it sit for 5 minutes. I tossed the shirt into a load of clothes with a capful of the Purex and started my washing machine.

I am amazed, the stain is gone and the rest of my clothes are clean and bright.

So tell me, what is the toughest stain you had to take on this week? Purex plus Clorox 2 detergent comes in two wonderful scents, Sunny Linen and Original Fresh. Look for this stain fighting detergent at your favorite stores like Target, Walmart, Kmart, and more.


Who wants to win some coupons so they can have amazing clean clothes? I am giving away 2 coupons that can be redeemed for free Purex plus Clorox 2 detergent. Just enter on the form below and good luck!

          a Rafflecopter giveaway

This giveaway is open to US residents 18 years of age or older.  Chances of winning giveaway depends on number of entries. All entries will be verified. Winner will be notified within 24 hours of end of contest and will then have 48 hours to respond to the email or a new winner will be chosen. Sponsor is responsible for shipping out prize. Void where prohibited

"The Purex® brand provided me with a sample of Purex® plus Clorox 2® detergent in exchange for a product review. However all the opinions expressed here are my own"


D Cheatle said...

My hardest stains all have to do with the dirt in the garden. I swear my hubby rolls around while he's working in the garden!

1froglegs said...

Ink is so complicated that it is almost worth throwing the clothes away.

amy guillaume linderman said...

i spilled spaghetti sauce on a brand new white shirt. soaked it in cold water but really the whole stain didn't come out.

amy guillaume linderman said...

pinned https://www.pinterest.com/pin/396527942172680337/

Unknown said...

I love that Purex is so affordable yet works so well, especially on tough stains.

oana79 said...

I have one girl and she loves to keep herself clean, so I have never used Clorox on her clothes. That thing seems to be doing cleaning miracles, so it does!

Jessica To said...

I think the hardest stain was probably grease from making home made French fries.

Buzz4Mommies said...

Food stains are always the worst, especially if a kiddo doesn't tell me and it sets in. I love Purex products!

Rose-Marie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elena said...

grease stains are the worst

Michelle Gwynn Jones said...

I use clorox 2 all the time, things just look so much brighter.

Elizabeth O. said...

Oh, the pains of doing laundry. I may not have boys but I have twin girls who doesn't seem to care about stains when they were younger. It would have been nice to have something like this to make my job easier! Thanks for sharing your experience and the giveaway!

BluKatKraft said...

I will have to try this, I have the hardest time keeping the whites white!

JessyPooh87 said...

My hardest stains would be from my daughter, she likes to claw all over the dirt and grass at the park.

Heather Jones said...

I've loved using Purex and it's usually the cheapest brand at the store. I think it does its job and it's a money saver.

sheila ressel said...

Oil is the one thing I have not been able to get out of my clothes.

Lauren said...

Ink is my worst stain.

kelly tupick said...

The toughest stain i have had to deal with was an oil stain on my husbands clothes.

It's Me De said...

The toughest stains I have had to deal with was blood on my daughters sweatshirt. That, and grass stains on her jeans.

Terri. said...

The worst stain is salad dressing oil! UGH!!! They are so hard to get out!

patty wright said...

My husband repairs mowers and he gets oil all over his clothes. I have never been able to get these stains out

arress said...

Oil and grease are the toughest stains.

Jackie said...

Spaghetti sauce that splatters on a shirt is always a tough stain to remove.
Thank you!

Sandra Watts said...

My husbands grease and oil stains from work are my toughest, and stinkiest.

Unknown said...

Special hydrolyzed baby formula!!!

katieoscarlet said...

I think engine grease and grime was the hardest stain I ever had to treat.

iggysaysno said...

We've had dog poo.... ew.

LauraJJ said...

Oh for me its the grass stains from the baseball fields!

[Whatever U are, be a good one!] said...

Curry was the toughest stain I had to tackle
Thank You for the giveaway

Fiona N

Emma White said...

I wonder if I can get this here in the uk? I sure need some, the amount of clothes I through away cos of stains is unreal!

Unknown said...

Love that stuff! This giveaway is perfect!

Lisa said...

I always have problems with grease stains or tomato sauce stains.

Liz said...

My sons uniform had grass stains that were impossible to remove!


Unknown said...

Got four boys too plus the husband is the fifth! We also use clorox and i find effective compared to other bleach. This kind of clorox though isnt available in our country, or havent seen one.

Mami2jcn said...

Grass stains are tough.

Melissa Storms said...

The toughest stains I have had to tackle are mud and grass stains.

Laura said...

The toughest stain that I had to tackle was when I accidentally left a couple pens in the washer and they got all over my husband's jacket. He was not happy.

Unknown said...

Ketchup was always our biggest stain on my son's clothing. He loves ketchup to this day but he is a little less messy these days.

Unknown said...

The toughest stain is grease, it's so hard to remove

cindiizzy said...

My toughest stains are grass stains. My boys are infamous for grass stains!

juliemurphy said...

Tomato sauce is hard to get out.

KrisJ said...

My toughest stain is grass stains from working in the yard.

sweepmom said...

My toughest stains are the mystery oil stains that show up on my husband and son's clothes.

clc408 said...

Mustard stains are always a challenge but mostly I have trouble with grease spatters from cooking.

Julie Waldron said...

My toughest stains are grease/oil stains from my husbands work clothes.

clynsg said...

The toughest stains here have been on my grandson's work clothes, since working in a foundry is really rather a dirty job!

a_ski25 said...

Grease stains are pretty hard to remove.

Deborah Wellenstein said...

For me, grass stains are the toughest. Nothing I've tried seems to work!

Anonymous said...

I think hardest stain for me to clean was grass stains on jeans

Deborah Wellenstein said...

I've pinned the giveaway to Pinterest. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/570127634058855246/


Socks always have the toughest stains to clean.

Denise S. said...

My toughest stains are grease/butter that splashes on my shirts.

mscoffee77 said...

Coffee stains are really tough to get out!

tisme143 said...

Baby poop from the cloth diaper

Unknown said...

Grease stains from my husband working on his truck

Unknown said...

My husband works in a garage and his cloths have grease stains all the time and they are so hard to get out.

Linda said...

grease is my toughest stain to get out.

Unknown said...

Toughest stain that I had is cooking oil

Tabathia B said...

I would say grass stains

Julia Baxter said...

Oil stains are a pain!

Unknown said...

I hate grass stains, they are the worst.

bbrittbrat1398 said...

I have problems with grass stains when the kids play sports. Brittney House

Susan Christy said...

Red clay on a white baseball uniform.

Jessica said...

Oil or cooking grease, yuck!

Amanda said...

The toughest stains I've had to tackle were poop stains from my baby.

ouzel said...

Pomegranate juice. That stain isn't going anywhere - if I ever get it on something that something has just become a rag. :)

chris z said...

the hardest stains i had to tackle were grass

Meghan B said...

Red wine!

Robin M said...

My son's grass stains from sliding to home base.k Never did come out.

MommaG said...

My sons football pants never stay clean!

Melissa R. said...

Rust stains are hard to get out!

Unknown said...

Grease stains are the worst especially on the front of shirts.
Ryan S

steve weber said...

Grass and grease stains are the toughest to get out for me.

Mita said...

Food stains are always the worst

Emily Benzing said...

My partner works at an office supplies store & recently spilled ink on his khaki pants so that was definitely the toughest stain EVER!!!

Anonymous said...

Blood stains.

Anonymous said...


latanya t said...

armpit stains

Cindy P said...

Cooking grease is always tough to remove especially from poly fibers.

Anonymous said...

My son works "search and rescue" at off-road motorcycle races -- his laundry is a real challenge

Unknown said...

My toughest stains I have to deal with are mystery stains. I get second hand cloths, sometimes for free other times I buy at garage sales and the toughest is stains that your don't know what they are or how long they have been there or even what was tried to get rid of it.

Anonymous said...

Grass stains were a big one for us last summer!

Unknown said...

baby poo... seriously sometimes it aint worth trying to get out I have to trash them.

Lisa RIos said...

Being a mom of two naughty kids I know how much you have to deal with stain every day. Purex plus Clorox sounds like a wonderful detergent that could do a handful job in removing them easily & I am going to try it out. Thanks for sharing the giveaway!

Amy Jones said...

Yes ! clorox is what my mom always gets, we use it every time, you would believe the stains my mom has erradicated with this clorox hehehe

Cheryl Chervitz said...

My toughest stains are dirt and mud. My dogs are always getting me dirty.

Kimberly B. said...

The hardest stains for me is dirt and keeping my kids white clothes white.

Debbie Yoder said...

My husbands a mechanic, so its grease!

Jessica K. said...

The toughest stains I have to tackle are my husband's clothes. His work clothes are one thing- I know those will get dirty and I don't care. However he seems to manage to get his regular clothes dirty and muddy on a regular basis when he's not working, I really don't know how he does it! lol.

msrodeobrat said...

Food stains! We always have impossible food stains on clothes!
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
Ashley C

Nicole Escat said...

I really hate any kind of stain. It all gives me so much headache. This product looks great, i should try this one

Unknown said...

I have 2 boys who love playing baseball, football, basketball, digging in the dirt etc so they make ruining clothes very easy. It's usually always grass, mud & food stains that I have to deal with.

Barb said...

Grease is the toughest stain around here.

Heather D said...

I accidently pop grease on myself when cooking and it is so hard to get out of some materials.

tiffany dayton said...

Grass and oil stains are the worse.

Sarah Hall said...

The toughest stains at my house are greasy food stains.

Unknown said...

grease on the front of my shirt from when i cook, i never bought an apron... so i get splatter

Unknown said...

Toughest stains that I have had to deal with is my husbands work clothes since he works on small engines, so 99 % of the time he comes home with oil on them! Thank you!

Kathy Balmores said...

We have some stains here that just can't be battled with. I hope that this would be the solution for those kind of problems we have.

Kelly Skibbe said...

I am still attacking the unknown stain on my daughter's knees of her favorite pants.

Jennifer Wilson said...

I hate grease stains. So hard to get out.

Jessica said...

My toughest stains are baby food stains.

Darwinsfrg said...

Unknown stains on kids clothes.

CandeceG said...

If you have ever made hot chicken, the greasy red sauce is heck to get out.

cbusch said...

The hardest stains have been grease stains.

Lisa said...

Definitely blood!

Dk52 said...

Had dried on dog poop on a throw rug. Took several scrubbings to get out. Arghhh!

Soiree Design Studio said...

With a family of 5 I need this...stat!

Leela said...

Tomato sauce mixed with oil.

Lisa V. said...

Grease/oil from climbing under a train (long story).

Edye Nicole said...

The toughest stains for me are always mustard or ketchup.

Wanda Tracey said...

The toughest stains that I find the hardest to get out are grass stains
and soil from working in my gardens.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Grease stains are a real pain to get out.

Shakeia Rieux said...

Armpit stains are the toughest to tackle

richelle bowers said...

the hardest stains to tackle is spaghetti sauce and armpit.

Unknown said...

mystery stains on my kids clothing lol

luckynordberg said...

The hardest thing I've had to handle is baseball pants stains.

Callahan4021.wordpress.com said...

my stains normally come from coffee and soy sauce!

Unknown said...

My husbands work clothes and my daughters play clothes are probably the toughest stains!!

ineedaubrey said...

The toughest stain I ever had to tackle was blood on my sons shirt.

LesleyfromWI said...

Chocolate on my granddaughter's dress

Anonymous said...

I think oil stains are by far the worst to get out of anything.

Kathleen said...

I just had to tackle spaghetti sauce on my sons white with red and black trim golf uniform shirt - ugh!

Erica C. said...

Blueberries are the worst.

sarah050 said...

I poop explosion with my son, a brand new white pajama set and poop that went up his back. Eek!

susansmoaks said...

my husband does lawn service and his work clothes are really hard to get clean.

Anonymous said...

The hardest stain was probably grease from making french fries.

Anonymous said...

My toughest stain has always been grease stains in my family's clothing.

Anonymous said...

Grass stains on the knees of baseball pants would be the most difficult


Unknown said...

Grease stains by far!

hannah said...

blood stains are the worst for me to tackle.

mail4rosey said...

Splattered oil is the hardest stain to get out for me.

Nancy said...

I think grease stains are the toughest ones I have to face.

allibrary (at) aol (dot)com

Anonymous said...

I think the toughest stains for me are my hubby's ring around the collar stains on his dress shirts. My email is traciemichelle0515@gmail.com

polly said...


Unknown said...

Grass stains are defiantly the toughest stain that we face in my family

laurasloves said...

My daughter plays softball and soccer. Her uniforms are white and trying to get any grass stains off from it is almost impossible.
Laurie Emerson
lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com

yellowlabs said...

An ink stain was the hardest to get out for me.

Brian E. said...

The toughest laundry stains we encounter usually involve homemade marinara sauce stains on tablecloths & napkins !

Rafflecopter Bryan E.

Brian E. said...

Pin ---> https://www.pinterest.com/pin/574138652476738520/

Rafflecopter: Bryan E.

Hillary said...

Grass stains are always tough to get out.

Juana said...

I'm always getting grease/food stains on my clothes.

mtbears819 said...

oil stains are the hardest

mecarolks said...

My hardest stains are grass stains.

Anonymous said...

My toughest stain is grease from my son working on machinery.

Kathy P said...

My toughest stains would be grass stains

DeeAnn said...

grease splatters from frying! The worst!

dvice12 said...

Our toughest stain is tomato sauce from spaghetti.

Brenda said...

The toughest stain for me is blood.

SexyBrat said...

Blood stains are the hardest.

Pooch said...

The toughest stain I had to handle was a black magic marker stain.

Buddy Garrett said...

Automotive grease stains are our toughest stains.

Unknown said...

Poop stains from breast milk are the worst, I'm still trying to find something that will remove those stains.

Angela Saver said...

My toughest stain is oil & grease! Thanks for the chance at this!

Nicole Carter said...

My toughest stain would be oil or blood. Sometimes I just give up and have to throw away and that makes me so sad!

Nicole Carter said...


Breanne said...

My toughest stain has been grease.

Seyma Bennett Shabbir said...

So many tough stains but the toughest is fruit juice!

Betty C said...

Spaghetti sauce seems to be the hardest to remove. No matter what I use there is always a faint stain still showing.

Unknown said...

My son's uniforms got stained with Ketchup that was a tough clean up.

Anonymous said...

My nemesis is the paint/marker stains that my preschool son comes home with on his clothes.

Jerry Marquardt said...

The toughest stains I have dealt with are both mustard and spaghetti sauce.

Jerry Marquardt said...

I re-pinned this giveaway on Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/575475658617659760/

lilyk said...

The toughest stain I had to tackle was pasta sauce.

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Mom knows best