>U Mom Knows Best: Summer Scientist Bug Catching Kit Giveaway #LearnWithOrkin

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Summer Scientist Bug Catching Kit Giveaway #LearnWithOrkin

  Summer is almost here! That means picnics, baseball games, barbecues and all the fun of enjoying the great outdoors with your family. There’s one thing no one likes about being outdoors, though: mosquitoes! They not only are a nuisance, but they also pose potentially serious health risks. Fortunately, the experts at Orkin study the science of mosquitoes and other pests closely in order to better tailor plans that help keep them out of your home this summer.

To help you better prepare yourself and your family to fight the bite, Orkin presents the “Buzzer Beater” app, which features its deep scientific knowledge of mosquitoes. Are you prepared for mosquito season this year? Take the quiz to see if you’re ready to earn your badge in Mosquito Season Prep.

Watch the “How to Deal With Mosquitoes” & “Do Mosquitoes Prefer Adults over Children” videos, as well as the rest of Orkin’s How-To video series, to get the most up-to-date knowledge on dealing with pesky home invaders.

About Orkin Mosquito
Are you prepared for mosquito season this year?

At Orkin, we use the latest technology and unparalleled training to develop an effective treatment that's right for your needs. To learn more about our pest control based in science or to schedule an inspection, visit orkin.com or call 1-800-800-ORKIN.

Orkin on Facebook: facebook.com/OrkinPestControl 
Ask The Orkin Man® on Twitter: twitter.com/TheOrkinMan
Orkin YouTube channel: youtube.com/user/OrkinVideo

Enter to win this cool bug catching kit. Just enter on the form below and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Each household is only eligible to win Summer Scientist Bug Catching Kit via blog reviews and giveaways. Only one entrant per mailing address per giveaway. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you will not be eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.

"I received a Summer Scientist Bug Catching Kit in exchange for this post."


Laura said...

I learned that bug spray is effective initially but begins wearing off as soon as it’s applied.

Anonymous said...

Perfume can attract mosquitos. nathankyle1707@yahoo.com

Jamie said...

The times to stay inside helps us! :)

tisme143 said...

This really did help and I really didn't know that , wow!!

rajee said...

learn to use pest control

Donna said...

that bright colors can attract mosquitoes

Shakeia Rieux said...

I learned that male mosquitoes feed on plant nectars, but female mosquitoes also bite in order to extract protein from blood to use in egg production.

clc408 said...

I was surprised to learn that ants can live over a week under water.

Stacie H said...

I learned that mosquitos prefer adults over children because they have more CO2. Also, walk around the yard and pour out anything that is collecting water. Don't forget to check your gutters. That's one place I didn't think about.

Meghan B said...

I didn't know they prefer adults over children, interesting!

nickieisis3 said...

They perfer adults over kids.

AnnaZed said...

Apparently I need those yellow bug lights like my mom used to have;(show of hands please) who knew this!
{in the contest I am Margot C__ on the Rafflecopter}

christina moore said...

i learned that Perfume can attract mosquitos

Heather D said...

I also didn't know that perfume could attract mosquitos. I also learned that they seek the proteins.

Cassie Eastman said...

I was surprised to learn that mosquitos prefer adults over children!

Evelyn said...

I learned that the bright yellow light is better than blue anti-mosquito lights or regular lights for keepign mosquitoes away.

Kimberly O said...

I did not know that bug spray begins to wear off as soon as you put it on.

Unknown said...

I learned that: Bright colors have not been proven to attract adult mosquitoes, but strong smells like perfumes, scented soaps, and lotions do. Standing water sources and hot exhaled gases also attract mosquitoes.


i didnt know mosquitoes prefer adults over children interesting !!

Unknown said...

I was surprised bug spray wears off so fast

Angela Saver said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Angela Saver said...

I learned that adult mosquitos are attracted to smells such as scented lotions & soaps!

Anonymous said...

I learned that perfume can attract mosquitos.

Anonymous said...

I learned that bobbing in water motions are signed of mosquito infestations Rosanne rosans4@comcast.net

laurasloves said...

I learned that mosquitoes prefer adults over children. I would never have thought that.
Laurie Emerson

lilyk said...

I learned that ants can live over a week under water.

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Mom knows best