>U Mom Knows Best: A Kid Friendly Recipe For Mother's Day Breakfast In Bed & Sweepstakes

A Kid Friendly Recipe For Mother's Day Breakfast In Bed & Sweepstakes

A simple recipe for kids to make for their moms for breakfast in bed on Mother's day.

  Mothers day is a special day for me. My kids love serving me breakfast in bed on Mothers day and I love that they do. The only problem is breakfast in bed in never enjoyable when there is a mess in the kitchen that mom has to clean up afterward. I remember one Mother's day, my oldest daughter made muffins and with the help of her brothers served them to me in bed. It was so special until I walked into the kitchen. The kitchen was a mess. We had to leave for church in ten minutes and the kitchen had to be cleaned because it was ant season. If I left the kitchen a mess, there would be tons of ants when we arrived home after church. That stress just was too much for me. The following year I told my kids how much I would love a bagel and cream cheese for breakfast in bed on Mother's day. That idea meant they could still serve me breakfast in bed and there would be no mess in the kitchen. Bagels and cream cheese have been my standard Mother's day breakfast for many years. This year I discovered a simple recipe for my younger boys to make for my breakfast in bed as one can only enjoy bagels so much. I love that this simple recipe not only tastes so delicious, but it is so much healthier than bagels. My boys can also prepare this yogurt parfait without any help. I love that I get breakfast in bed without a messy kitchen!

Bonne Maman strawberry preserves make this yogurt parfait taste so delicious. Each jar of their strawberry preserves contains an abundance of strawberry pieces. The sweet richness of cooked strawberries creates a perfect texture and flavor. They use only the freshest, high-quality strawberries along with all-natural ingredients. Their traditional recipe has a refreshingly sweet taste of ripe strawberries which makes it perfect to spread on toast and use in many recipes. Check out the many delicious flavors of Bonne Maman preserves and also enter to win the Share The Love Sweepstakes.


Bonne Maman, producers of 100% all-natural preserves, are proud to announce the Share the Love sweepstakes in honor of Mother’s Day. One lucky mom is going to win $4,500 so she can have a day off. That is an awesome prize! The Share the Love sweepstakes will run from April 1- October 31, 2016. Entries can be submitted through the Bonne Maman website (www.bonnemaman.us).



Download a
Bonne Maman Preserves and Jellies
$2 off coupon

Everyone who enters the Share the Love sweepstakes will be able to download a $2 off coupon for their next Bonne Maman purchase. One grand-prize winner will win $4,500 from Bonne Maman to take a day off doing whatever she’d like.
To enter the sweepstakes and for more details on the full terms and conditions of the sweepstakes, please visit

Here is my wonderful simple recipe for a strawberry yogurt parfait. I love that my boys can make me breakfast in bed on Mothers day without a big mess.

               Strawberry Yogurt Parfait
4 Tablespoons Bonne Maman Strawberry Preserves (or any other flavor)
2 Tablespoons of granola
½ cup of regular or low-fat plain yogurt
Fresh fruit garnish

Fill a glass with one layer of granola at the bottom of the glass. Next fill one layer of Bonne Maman Preserves over the granola. Next fill one layer of yogurt over the preserves. Finish with some Bonne Maman Preserves and granola and fresh fruit on the top. Serve immediately.
"These opinions are my own and I received samples of Bonne Maman products to facilitate this recipe and post."


Jamie said...

Oh, I love it!! I'll have to see if we can get that jelly here, it looks amazing!! Pinning this to share with my son!! ;)

Jackie said...

This looks absolutely delicious!

Kathy Balmores said...

I'll show this to my son. Maybe he will make this for me hahaha.

Michelle Gwynn Jones said...

What a great recipe - something a child can actually make and a mother can ACTUALLY eat. :)

Amy Jones said...

I love parfait, the mixture of yogurt with fruits is delicious, the jelly gives it a great taste =)

Heather Jones said...

Ah breakfast in bed is such a sweet gesture, I haven't had that yet. Maybe one day when they are old enough to cook.

Robin (Masshole Mommy) said...

This is adorable, and I bet the kids would love making this. I am a huge fan of strawberries, and I have been eating them like crazy lately.

Elizabeth O. said...

That's such an awesome breakfast in bed, I love yogurt and strawberries and putting them together would be awesome. Thanks for the idea and the discount!

Unknown said...

Wow, this is really looks good. I bet my son would love this

Inspiring Kitchen said...

That looks really good! My family will love this.

Rachel Mouton said...

This is perfect! My kids are always wanting to make me breakfast in bed, but quite frankly, it scares me LOL This will be perfect :) Thank you!

Unknown said...

That looks so yummy and delicious! I'm sure my family will love this. Thanks for the recipe.

GiGi Eats Celebrities said...

I don't think I have EVER done breakfast in bed for my mom! Ha! She's definitely not the traditional mom, that's for sure!

Ron Leyba said...

This is so amazing. Kids will surely love making this for their mom.

Shaylee Anne said...

Oh wow this looks amazing! I'm all about jars of deliciousness lately and this one just jumped to the top of my list!

Tam @ TravellingBookJunkie said...

This looks delicious. Will have to try this myself.

Liz Mays said...

I coudln't ask for a more delicious looking and tasting Mother's Day breakfast. This is a winner!

mail4rosey said...

Hurrah for the coupon. The giveaway sounds great too. I'm headed over to take a look.

Shabby Chic Boho said...

I'll have to help my grand kids fix this for their moms for Mother's Day. I'll be sure to snag the coupon first.

Sarah Bailey said...

Oh this sounds delicious - what a treat it would be to wake up to in the morning as well.. x

Doran // HauteBeautyGuide said...

What a smart idea! I hate pancake or really any breakfast foods but I would love to be surprised by this oatmeal parfait.

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Mom knows best