>U Mom Knows Best: ShiftCon 2016 | Eco-Wellness Influence Conference

ShiftCon 2016 | Eco-Wellness Influence Conference

   I’m so excited! I’ve officially registered for my another awesome conference!  This conference is all about healthy living! I get to go on a mini trip and learn all about healthy living. This is my fourth conference that I will be attending. As a blogger, I have discovered that conferences help me build my website and the ability to work with more companies. Last year I attended my first, second, and third conference and since then, many companies have been reaching out to me to promote their products.

Register Here for ShiftCon 2016 and use 
                                          code:VMOMKNOWSBEST for $50 off

ShiftCon is the only social media conference focusing on food, wellness, health, and the environment. This conference blends workshops, networking, parties, and intense collaboration of changemakers all over in one place. Bloggers and other social media professionals participate and collaborate with each other to inspire and empower each other to create effective communication and take their profession to the next level. Attendees participate in workshops, learn from professionals, discuss their niche and value systems, and decide on themes to collaborate on in the following year. This is a powerful event meant to organize the eco-wellness niche as a powerful community online.
Content Creators can look forward to the following:
  • Instruction on using social media to promote their voice and values online in an effective manner
  • Instruction on how to improve our social media platforms, websites, legal understanding, and communication tactics
  • Collaborating with their peers with plans to support one another
  • Networking with brands that do a better job of valuing health and the environment
  • Learning about best practices from professionals that have succeeded in the eco/wellness niche
  • Discovering more about wellness and the environment
ShiftCon was born out of the idea that together we can create a profound impact on the world around us. We can literally shift how we eat, raise our families and our impact on the environment. That shift has begun, and now it’s time to come together and leverage our collective influence to accelerate that shift. ShiftCon was created to give wellness and eco-friendly bloggers a place to network, share ideas, learn from experts, empower one another and organize their efforts into activism. This is a one-of-a-kind conference bringing together some amazing people with amazing talents and passions.
Shift happens. Be part of it December 1-3, 2016 in New Orleans.
   I know this conference is not until December, but ticket prices will be going up by $100.00 June 1st! So now is the time to commit to learning more about healthy living and save                                                        $150.00 off your ticket price!  
Register Here for ShiftCon 2016 and use code:VMOMKNOWSBEST for $50 off !
Watch the below video to learn more about this wonderful conference. 

                Check out some of the companies that will be at ShiftCon 2016

Bookieboo-Logo-150     Mamavation-sans_tagline_150x55
  Annie's Rain Cow RanchCRM logoRBG72dpiStonyfield LogoiBlog logo New media Kit tagline2

Mambo Sprouts LogoManitoba Harvest

                Will I see you at ShiftCon 2016  December 1-3, 2016 in New Orleans?

Register Here for ShiftCon 2016 and use 
                                          code:VMOMKNOWSBEST for $50 off


Jamie said...

That sounds interesting!! So many great brands that are a part of it! :)

azwaa said...

Hi. I came from Anna Nuttall bloggers link up. Great blog you have here <3 http://azwaa.blogspot.com

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Mom knows best