>U Mom Knows Best: Twelve Tips To Get A Better Night Of Sleep

Twelve Tips To Get A Better Night Of Sleep

"These opinions are my own and I received products to facilitate this post."

Do you have trouble falling asleep? 
Check out some helpful tips to get a better night of sleep.

 As I get older, I seem to have more trouble falling asleep. I have tried many things to help me fall asleep and these are the ones that I have discovered to help me sleep. If I practice most of these tips, I have no trouble falling asleep. Not all these tips will work for everyone but if you are having troubles with sleep, I recommend trying them to see which ones work for you.

Some highlights of a sleep survey:

Women wake up more frequently in the middle of the night because of kids or pets than men (23 percent of women, versus 12 percent of men).

Ninety-one percent of people surveyed say they wake up at least once during the night.

Nearly two-thirds of people (63 percent) would give up coffee or alcohol for the rest of their lives in exchange for a better night’s sleep.

Thirty-eight percent of women report feeling like they don’t get enough sleep compared to only 20 percent of men.

Check out more about this sleep study HERE

1. Exercise
  Getting some exercise during the day can help you fall asleep faster. I find that going for a walk every day helps me to fall asleep but I have to work out before 7 PM or the exercise tends to keep me awake.

2. Stop all caffeine 7-10 hours before bed
  If you are sensitive to caffeine, like me then you need to have a cut-off on your intake to be able to fall asleep. I personally need to not have any caffeine 8 hours before sleep so by 3 PM, I have to stop drinking coffee and tea. I also have to say no to chocolate as it has caffeine in it too.

3. Take a warm shower before bed
   There is just something about the warm water that helps a body relax and fall asleep. I like to shower an hour before bed.

4. Slow down on electronics before bed
   For some, those computers and TVs can make sleep difficult so try slowing down or turning off at least an hour before bed. For me slowing down on my computer means stopping work and doing relaxing things on my computer like watching a TV show or catching up with friends on Facebook. Also, do not bring the phone to bed as the light and noise will interfere with your sleep. Most calls/texts can wait until morning. If you must bring the phone to bed turn off notifications and face the screen down so no light is showing.

5. Use a sound machine
  A sound machine can help you relax and drift off to sleep. I recently received a Baby Oasis Sound Machine and this has helped me to fall asleep. This wonderful device has over 10 different sounds on it like ocean waves, crickets, woodland animals, dolphins, car ride, white noise, heartbeat, and others. You can even record your own sounds. The sounds are so realistic and I love that it charges on my computer. My favorite sounds are the ocean waves and crickets. You can read my review of this sound machine HERE.

6. Use an essential oil diffuser
  I love using essential oils to help me fall asleep. My favorite scents are lavender and orange. The scents of these oils are so relaxing. I even use a diffuser in my 8-year-olds room to help him sleep better. My son falls asleep quickly but tends to move around all night in his bed. Ever since I started using lavender oil in a diffuser in his room, he no longer moves all night in his bed. Since he gets a better night of sleep, he also behaves better during the day too.

7. Get a new pillow
  Having the right pillow can make all the difference in sleeping better. I am a pillow person and I use a contour memory foam pillow and a softer pillow on top of that. If my head feels comfy then I sleep better. There are many pillows out there so go pillow shopping to see which one works best for you. Splurging on pillows is so worth the sleep. The pillow that I am loving right now is a Memory foam cooling pillow.  This soft memory foam pillow gives me great neck support so I get awesome sleep. This Cool Gel Pillow also stays cold all night. I no longer have to puff up my pillow before bed as my pillow stays comfy all night and holds its shape.

8. Try a silk pillowcase

 Sometimes the smallest thing can be what is affecting your sleep. Do you lay your head on your pillow and say "this is so comfortable?" Well, maybe it is time for a new pillow and pillowcase. If your head is not comfortable that can affect your sleep. A silk pillowcase may be just the thing you need to get a better night of sleep. A soft silk pillowcase can help your body temperature to keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Silk is naturally hypoallergenic so it is great for allergies. My favorite silk pillowcase is made from 100% mulberry silk and I like that is soft but not slippery like other silk pillowcases I have tried.

 Celestial Silk's 25 momme pure mulberry silk pillowcase is thicker, more durable and more luxurious than lighter weight ones.

9. Stretch and breath
 Once I get in bed, I do some stretches and deep breaths to help my body relax. I like to stretch my arms and legs while I do deep breathing. I take a long breath in and hold it for the count of 20-30 seconds then I release it slowly. I do these breaths for 3-4 times and it really helps me to fall asleep.

10. Keep the room cool
  A cooler temperature may help your body fall asleep faster.

11. Use Magnesium
     A magnesium supplement may help your body to relax. It is best to use this supplement 30 minutes before bed. You can take a supplement in the form of a magnesium drink, a pill, or a magnesium spray.

12 Change out your lightbulb 

On days that the sun does not come out, I have trouble falling asleep. I know that sleep is what my body needs to feel better but my body does not want to fall asleep. Sometimes these sleep tips help me fall asleep but not always. So I changed out the lightbulb in the family room to a healthy LED light that helps my body settle down for sleep. This unique soft white light eliminates the blue light so my body gets the light it needs to settle down. This light has also been helping my boys with bedtime too as the whole family typically spends the evening in the family room. The light is still bright enough for daytime use also. Sleep not only helps your body rest and recover, but helps your brain operate at its best. Sleep unlocks focus, creativity and helps you make good choices.

Blue light impact on delaying sleep
If most of us are not coming anywhere close to the requisite 7-8 hours of sleep each night, we have to do everything we can to stop delaying our sleep at night and keep our bodies on our natural circadian rhythm.   Soraa Healthy is literally the only LED bulb you can buy with zero blue light and as such at full brightness it's less than the incandescent and can be even closer to a candle because of its ability to be perfectly dimmable.

What tip will you try to get a better night of sleep?


Masshole Mommy said...

The only thing holding me back from a good nights sleep is my husband's snoring. I could definitely do without that.

Jennifer Gilbert said...

I have a harder time falling asleep the older I get. I'm going to try cutting out caffeine and more exercise.

nellwyn said...

Taking a shower or a bath is one of my favourite ways to unwind at the end of the day and prepare for sleep. Plus it keeps me away from those evil screens right before bed!

Buzz4Mommies said...

We have used a sound machine for years and even our kids do, it works wonders. I really need to cut back on the caffeine and electronic use though!

Mom Knows Best said...

I feel for you, I have that problem too.

Elizabeth O. said...

Sleep is very important to me, it keeps me on my toes and I find that I have more energy when I sleep well. I think these are the perfect tips to get a good night's sleep!

Unknown said...

These are all great tips in getting a better nights sleep. REM sleep is so important! I love to be able to get a good night sleep!

Sarah Bailey said...

I already knew all of this and did most of them. The only thing I have never try is using a Baby Oasis Sound Machine and I heard that this thing works amazingly.

Unknown said...

When I go to sleep, I have to have the room cold. I am going to try out these other tips.

GiGi Eats Celebrities said...

Working out in the morning makes my falling asleep at night - so so so easy. I also cut off all caffeine by noon or 1pm - just like you say! ;)

Unknown said...

Some great tips here! I'm usually so tired by the time I lay down that I'm out like a lightbulb. I do like to keep it cooler as I like heavier blankets on top of me for the weight. I also don't have a tv or really any light emitting in my room and make it the room I go to for sleep and not much else so that my body will react well to it.

Ruth I said...

These are real great tips! I actually have insomnia, it's really hard! It's really difficult to sleep even if I'm tired. This will help me for sure.

pinkoddy said...

I am glad you found ways to help you sleep - it is so important. I did not know about magnesium.

Passions of a SAHM said...

sleep is really a luxury nowadays, and it's true for me too. thanks for this tips hope these work for me

Maria Magdalena said...

Really? I just knew that magnesium can make you sleep better.

Lisa Rios said...

I have such a hard time falling asleep. It takes me about an hour (at least) and then sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night. I need to turn around my sleeping habits.

Wendy Polisi said...

This is a brilliant tips, I'm also having a hadrd time falling asleep.

Karlyn Cruz said...

My mom is having hard time to sleep, this would be perfect for her.

Jessica said...

These are some good tips! I've been entertaining the idea of buying a new pillow. Do you have any specific suggestions for memory pillows?

Angela Milnes said...

Stick to a sleep schedule. Go to bed and get up at the same time every day, even on weekends, holidays and days off.

Unknown said...

I have to start to don't use electronic items, I always go bed checking my mobil, there are great tips, I have to do some of them more often like some sport.

Azlin Bloor said...

Great tips, especially for mothers who are always on the go. My nightly yoga always helps me to sleep better.

MammaNatty said...

I love your tips and agree with them all! I need my sleep and I really think I am in need of a new pillow.

Homemade for Elle said...

My boyfriend has been having a bit of trouble sleeping lately. I will definitely share some of these tips wiht him - thanks!

Unknown said...

These are some great tips. Sleep is so important! I make sure to have my 8-9 hours beauty sleep every night. #3, #4 & #9 are some of the things that helps me sleep better.

Unknown said...

I take magnesium and find that it really helps - I take it in a soluble form and drink it but it definitely helps me calm down and relax - like the warm bath before bed tip too!

Katy {AShadeOfTeal} said...

These are all such great tips. I always find taking a warm bath or shower helps the most for me. But I had no idea about magnesium, I'll need to give this a try.

janine escolta said...

How you feel during your waking hours often hinges on how well you sleep. Similarly, the cure for daytime fatigue and sleep difficulties can often be found in your daily routine and lifestyle choices.

Unknown said...

Taking a shower before bed and exercise always helps me

Joanna said...

I can't seem to stay away from technology before I fall asleep. I actually need it to be able to fall asleep. But then again, I don't have troubles sleeping.

Unknown said...

Great tips!! I might need help with the technology one though!!

Anonymous said...

This is so true! I wake up at least 3 times per night. I use magnesium and chamomile tea, but still. Will try all your tips.

Simple Mama At Home said...

I usually have no trouble at all going to sleep at night. That's probably since my boys have me worn out by then. These tips will be handy to have after they are grown and I find myself less worn.

Nancy at Whispered Inspirations said...

Falling asleep at night has always been a little bit of an issue for me. I have Anxiety so it seems that right before bed is the time that I spend a lot of the evening laying there thinking about all the things that need to be done and dumb things I might have said. These tips are going to be really very helpful and I am going to give them a try tonight.

Garf said...

I don't have problems getting a good night sleep. But my husband does so I will pass this info to him.

Coralie Seright said...

All of these definitely contribute to a good nights sleep. For me it is making sure I get enough exercise (or do enough) during the day so that I wear myself out. Otherwise I read until I get tired.

Ruthie Ridley said...

Stretching and breathing is something I must do more!! I always sleep better!!

Cynthia Nicoletti said...

Thank you for sharing all your great tips. I am up all night long and sometimes so tired during the day.

fashionmommy said...

So many of these facts make perfect sense, particularly the cool room and the cutting out of caffeine.

Unknown said...
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Mom knows best