>U Mom Knows Best: LG Appliances Help Me Prep For The Holidays

LG Appliances Help Me Prep For The Holidays

The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.

  I get all excited for the holiday season as to me it means family and time spent together. It also means cookie exchanges. I love cookie exchanges as it means I get to bake lots of cookies and then gather with friends who then give me more cookies. I love eating cookies. I also love baking cookies. When I bake cookies, it is an all-day affair. I have at least seven cookie sheets so I can do a baking marathon of many different kinds of cookies. When I bake, I usually bake at least three different kinds of cookies as cookies also make great gifts. I mean who would turn down a plate of delicious homemade cookies. Sometimes the different cookie recipes will bake at different temperatures so having a double oven with ProBake Convection makes all the difference to me when it comes to holiday baking. I have my eye on an LG Double Oven with ProBake at Best Buy as this oven circulates air evenly throughout the lower oven and the ProBake Convection speeds cooking times for fast and flavorful meals. I told my husband that if we buy this LG Double Oven we can Save up to $600 on an LG Kitchen Appliance Package.

 My husband liked that idea as our appliances are over ten years old and will need to be replaced soon. While we were at Best Buy browsing through the appliance section, my husband really liked the LG - InstaView™ Door-in-Door® Refrigerator. Who here has fun looking at appliances and all the new features? I know I do. It is so fun opening refrigerator doors and seeing all the cool things inside and out. I agree with my husband that the LG-InstaView is a cool refrigerator. This refrigerator features a sleek glass panel that illuminates with two quick knocks on the right-hand refrigerator door, letting you see inside the easy-access compartment without ever opening the door. If I had this fridge, I would no longer have to scream at my boys to close the fridge door. Does your family open the refrigerator door and stare inside hoping that the selection has changed? 

  My family thinks the refrigerator is a TV! They sometimes don't have a clue when it comes to the opening the door forever. Why would I buy new food when they won't eat it? My two favorite LG appliances are just two of the many LG appliances that included in this great Best Buy deal: Save up to $600 on an LG Kitchen Appliance Package. The holidays are a perfect reason to get some new LG appliances for your kitchen. Just think of all the wonderful baking that you could be doing. New appliances could help you prep for the holidays. Just think of it as an early Christmas present to yourself. Check out all the LG appliances that are included in this awesome deal at the 


Sarah Bailey said...

LG sound like they have some great items for the holidays - I am loving the knock feature on the fridge to see what you have.

Unknown said...

My fiance does most of the cooking so the kitchen is his domain. (I know lucky me) so he would love this stove and fridge.

Roger Willis said...

I have a bad habit of going to the fridge to get something, knowing that that something isn't even in there! Leave it to fridges and appliances to start getting smart technology! Good stuff!

Claudia Krusch said...

I would love to get new appliances this year. This fridge would be amazing. We are hoping to do a small kitchen reno in the new year.

Liz said...

This fridge is so amazing! I can't believe they make them this way these days! Everything in the fridge you can see so easily, and no need to waste energy when opening that door!

Kelly Hutchinson said...

I am drooling over that fridge! Ours is so outdated. I would love to upgrade!

Blair Villanueva said...

These latest LG kitchen appliances are every Momma's dream! Guys should read your post so they should know what to gift for their Moms and gf's mom :)

Unknown said...

We need to change our 10 year old fridge very soon. I'll share this with my hubby and hopefully he'll replace it for the holiday. Will check this at Best Buy!

stephanickety said...

This looks like a fridge with cool features. Unfortunately, we have not had a good experience with LG appliances. Lowes had buys our back it had so many problems.

TColeman said...

This oven definitely looks like it would get the job done. The holidays are always so stressful but looks like they dont have to be.

Bobbi said...

Lots of cooking and baking goes on here around the holidays. This looks like it would be an amazing help!

Jessica Terry said...

This is such a neat appliance. I love something that can help to prep for the Holidays, especially since it's such a busy time of year.

www.keepingupwithcandy.com said...

I am so in love with that refrigerator! With two kids and now my brother living with us, I could never have this type of refrigerator. The see-thru door would always be dirty and it would always be ME cleaning it...which means I would not be in a good mood quite often!

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Mylifesmanual said...

i have been hearing great reviews about it. It will surely makes every moms life easier.

Unknown said...

Oh girl I forgot about LG. I haven't heard about it in a while. Thanks for bringing it up.

Garf said...

LG products are great. But I don't have one at the moment.

redheadmomblog said...

Best Buy has so many great brands and appliances. These look like some good ones for the holiday season.

Nicole said...

LG sure does have some great appliances! I especially love that refrigerator, gonna have to go on my wish list, thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Wow! This classy refrigerator, now with that cool feature, what else can you ask for?! That knock-faeture to see what's inside of your fridge, that's ridiculously cool. :D

-Gerome of G&D Blog

Jeannette said...

I think that fridge would totally intrigue me! I might stand in the kitchen and just knock on the door half the day just for the fun of it. I would love to get a fridge or stove before the holidays.

mine said...

nice frige

victoria seo said...

The author has really done justice with his readers and his work.
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Itouchless Dual Trash can said...

All these latest technology like fridges, stoves and trash cans is making the hone ownner's life easier.With that said I can only see better things in the future of technology

Expert Blender said...

Cool fridge to have in a kitchen. The see-through window is the tip of the ice berg.

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Mom knows best