>U Mom Knows Best: Santa Shops At Best Buy

Santa Shops At Best Buy

The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.

                                                     Best Buy is where Santa shops!

   Santa is a very busy person this time of year and needs all the help when it comes to buying gifts for my boys. I confess that I am Santa, but don't tell my boys as I want to keep Santa real as long as possible. Now that my younger boys are getting older, it is harder to buy gifts for them. I think it is easier to buy for the teen and my two adult children as they love gift cards. The younger buys still love toys and the thrill of opening presents. So when it comes to figuring out what my boys want for Christmas, this mom has to be sneaky so I don't blow my cover of being Santa.  

  I was very happy to see the Best Buy Holiday toy catalog in my mailbox the other day. I left it on the table so the boys could look at it. The boys were super excited to look at all the toys in the Best Buy catalog. As they were looking at the catalog, I was carefully listening to them talk about which toys that they like. I was also taking notes on my computer, the boys thought that I was just working. I wrote down which toys that they liked the best so that later I could visit Bestbuy.com and look at them. I could then also order their favorite toys online and get them shipped to grandpa's house so the boys would not see them.

Recoil Laser Tag Starter Set SKU: 5966503

I was amazed at the selection of toys that Best Buy carried. I really love that they had toys for all ages. It was easy to shop by age or price on their website. My boys really loved the Recoil Laser Tag Starter Set. I knew this would be a great gift for them as it would get them off the couch. I could just see the boys having fun with their older teen brother and dad as they turn the house into a laser tag battlefield. This awesome toy uses the Wifi and a smartphone app to keep track of the ammo and stats. Since it lets up to 16 players participate at a time, this awesome toy would be a hit at my son's birthday party next year.

LEGO - Star Wars Rebel Trooper Battle Pack SKU: 5854200

          It just is not Christmas without a Lego set or two under the tree. Best Buy had so many sets to choose from, this Santa(mom) had a hard time choosing which one to buy. I finally selected the LEGO - Star Wars Rebel Trooper Battle Pack and the LEGO - Star Wars Yoda's Jedi Starfighters as the boys are big time into Star Wars. Thes sets will be a great to let the boys know that Santa left them tickets for the new Star Wars movie that is being released in December. For the past couple of years, Santa has left tickets for the whole family to go see a Star Wars movie in the theatre and they are always thrilled to see those tickets!    

LEGO - Star Wars Yoda's Jedi Starfighter SKU: 5854201

I was so happy that Best Buy made my holiday shopping so easy. You need to take a look at the huge selection of toys that Best Buy has. They have everything from classic toys, to learning toys, to tech toys, from babies all the way to big kid toys. You might even find the perfect tech toy for your teen or husband. The best part is you don't even have to leave the house. So start your holiday shopping early this year and head on over to Best Buy!


The Kim Six Fix said...

Best Buy is one of my kids favorite places to shop.. now that they are a little older. And I don't blame they, BB has the BEST STUFF!

Claudia Krusch said...

I need to get the Best Buy Holiday toy catalog. I need a few ideas for this Christmas. Best Buy is one of my favorite store to shop at.

Mary said...

I love when the toy catalog comes out and then I can check off exactly what I want to buy!

JNoteMusic said...

Though I am not ready for Christmas yet, I know I will be all over the Best Buy catalog like starting after thanksgiving.

TColeman said...

We always head over to Best Buy to pick up a couple things. I will be checking them out in the coming weeks.

Jennifer G said...

I am going to have to head on over to Best Buy asap! This is some amazing and cool stuff.

Gingermommy said...

I love the Star wars stuff. I can think of a few people on my list that would love this stuff.

Ronnie said...

These are awesome!! My nieces and nephews would love the laser tag set. It's really a great way to get them active and having fun.

1stopmom said...

I love shopping at Best Buy. On Black Friday that is where I get a majority of gifts including movies, video games and headphones. It is one of my favorite stores.

Ivonne said...

Very informative! I haven't been to Best Buy in a while! I'll have to head over there soon and see all the other goodies they have!

The Motivated Mom said...

I love this post. You have no idea how helpful it is. Thabk you.

Kelly Hutchinson said...

We were just talking about Best Buy for Christmas tonight! I already have something in my shopping cart for my son!

Unknown said...

Loving these LEGO sets. These were also a go-to for my boys when they were a little younger.

ConciergeLibrarian said...

I love BestBuy...I think they have some of the best prices. I can't believe Christmas is almost here

duffelbagspouse said...

Haha, this brings me back to my days shopping via the toy store catalog and circling everything I wanted.

Candy Rachelle said...

This is such a great list for Christmas gift ideas. My son is a huge fan of LEGO. and I am pretty sure that my son will love this Star Wars Yoda's Jedi Starfighter. Glad you shared this.

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Mom knows best