>U Mom Knows Best: How I Use Food And Herbs To Heal My Body

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

How I Use Food And Herbs To Heal My Body

I turned the big 50 and realized that I needed to make changes in my diet. I realize what I was eating and not eating were big reasons for the way I felt.

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 It was when I turned the big 50 that my body started turning on me. I don't know if it was the age or it was how I was feeling that made me realize that I needed to make some changes in my lifestyle. My reasons to make changes in my diet and exercise all started with my first running injury, an ankle tendon issue, that was not healing as quickly as I wanted it to. Then my daughter's wedding, made me realize that I did not like what I saw in the mirror. My seasonal allergies were not being controlled by the allergy medicines anymore.

  So I started making small changes in my life and starting eating better. I attended my first blogger conference and it was the samples of protein powder and other supplements that helped my ankle injury heal, after traditional medical treatments failed to do. I continued to supplement my diet with protein powder as not only did it help heal my injury but it toned my muscles. It was then that I realized that I was deficient in protein following a vegetarian diet. I also continued to use turmeric supplements as my research showed me that it was a good supplement for older folks for healthy joints.

Traditional medicine failed me

 It was at that health conference that I met a brand that taught me about how collagen protein could help heal my ankle injury from running. This was 9 months after the running injury and I was still not able to run. This was after having X-rays that showed no broken bones, several steroid shots, and wearing a walking boot for 3 weeks. I had given up on ever running again. I thought that would have to live with a swollen foot and ankle pain for the rest of my life. 

 I decided to give the collagen protein a chance and within a month my ankle injury was healed. So I was excited that I could take up running again. It was that experience with collagen that I started working with other supplement brands and brands that sold protein powder. 

Research showed that food could heal my body

 Researching and trying different supplements was my new hobby. I always had a passion for nutrition so writing about my experience with supplements and herbs was my new hobby. I saw firsthand how supplements like matcha gave me energy and helped me look younger. I enjoyed sharing healthy recipes with my readers as I discovered that eating healthy food made me feel better.

 I enjoyed connecting with brands who introduced me to synbiotic probiotics and plant-based protein powder. It was fun sampling healthy foods and trying new fitness products. Through the years, I attended more health conferences and learn so much more about the connection of food and herbs with healing the body. I also learned that my dairy lactose issue was a dairy allergy that became life-threatening when I started using a whey-based protein powder.

 After having severe asthma attacks, an elimination diet and a food allergy blood test revealed that I was allergic to dairy, soy, and mushrooms. I realized, even more, the effect that food and herbs had on healing the body. I also learned that most prescription medicines have undesirable side effects as they mask the symptoms of the disease instead of healing the disease. I did not like the long-term side effects of asthma medications and learned how to manage asthma naturally.

Ancient Remedies: Secrets to Healing with Herbs, Essential Oils, CBD, and the Most Powerful Natural Medicine in History 

 So when I discovered a book written by Dr. Josh Axe while attending the virtual Moms Meet Wow Summit, I knew that I had to read this book. For the past 6 years of my life, I have been learning the effects of food and herbs on the healing of the body. My body has changed for the better and have I many before and after photos of my body to prove it. I have written many articles about the positive things of herbs and CBD in my life. I have seen my face look younger over the years as I discovered healthy things to keep the wrinkles away.

So I needed to know the information in Dr. Josh Axe's book ~ Ancient Remedies: Secrets to Healing with Herbs, Essential Oils, CBD, and the Most Powerful Natural Medicine in History.  Dr. Josh Axe's new book is a powerful reference guide that uses the power of Eastern medicine, herbal remedies, and mind-body practices to help improve overall health. Since I already experience the healing power of food and herbs on my body, I wanted to read this book to gain more knowledge to keep my body healthy. 

 I really enjoyed reading Dr. Axe's book and I read the whole book in one night. If you knew me, you would be amazed as I don't enjoy reading books. The topic of the book has to be exciting and useful for my life for me to read the book. The book that Josh wrote was filled with so much useful information and it will be a great reference book for me. This book explains how to treat more than seventy diseases, lose weight, and increase vitality with traditional healing practices passed down through the ages all with food and herbs.

 I loved that this body healing book confirmed my choices in supplements that I was already using like CBD oil. This book explains how to treat more than seventy diseases, lose weight, and increase vitality with traditional healing practices passed down through the ages all with food and herbs.

Products that I discovered that the book recommends

 I love that Ancient Remedies book recommends many products that I already use. The book inspired me to keep using the supplements and to up my use on many of them. Check out some of the products that the book recommends. While the book recommends using supplements like CBD, they do not endorse these brands. These are just brands that I recently discovered and they have the herbs and supplements in them. 


 I am a huge fan of CBD oil products and I have been using them for quite some time. I use CBD gummies for sleep and CBD oil tinctures for pain relief. I also use CBD topicals for muscle pain. So I love that Dr. Axe recommends CBD for healing. I recently discovered a unique Flower-Only™ hemp CBD oil. This CBD is made with no stems or leaves included in the process. That means the CBD product doesn't have a harsh, bitter aftertaste that many full-spectrum CBD products contain.

 I was surprised at the nice mild taste of Cornbread CBD oil and I love that it is USDA Organic. So this CBD product is great to take during the day when I feel stressed or at night to help me fall asleep. When I have muscle pain, I like using Cornbread Hemp Balm. This CBD balm has a nice peppermint scent and has arnica in it for amazing muscle pain relief. I love using the balm after running.

Protein Powder

 I think that protein powder has been a huge influence on my body's healing. When I had my ankle injury years ago, it made me realize that I was not eating enough protein in my diet. I was following a vegetarian meal plan and thought that I was eating plenty of protein from eggs, cheese, and beans but my active lifestyle needed more. My ankle injury started healing after I increased my protein intake. I was also amazed at how quickly my muscles toned up after I included a protein shake in my diet that had 25 grams of protein.

 Since discovering my dairy and soy allergies, I use plant-based protein powder in my fruit smoothie. A brand that I like is Huel as this is a nutritionally complete vegan protein powder. Huel is also gluten-free with fewer carbs and comes in amazing flavors. I am loving the Strawberry Shortcake flavor right now. I add some fresh strawberries to Huel and this is so delicious. One scoop has 20 grams of protein and 27 vitamins and minerals.


 Collagen was another product that helped my ankle injury. When I learned that our bodies produce less collagen as we age and that collagen is good for our cartilage, I started using collagen on a daily basis. Collagen powder is also great for hair, skin, and nails. So now my morning smoothie also includes a scoop of collagen. I think that adding collagen to my diet has also helped my skin look younger.

 Sometimes I also add collagen powder to my coffee. Dr. Axe recommends bone broth collagen for a healthy body. I discovered a delicious cocoa collagen that also has turmeric in it. So the Paleo Pro Grass-Fed Bone Broth Collagen helps with inflammation too. This delicious collagen is also keto and paleo-friendly. I love that it is dairy-free, gluten-free, and sugar-free. The Ancient Cocao bone broth collagen tastes like hot chocolate and makes a great drink even when mixed into water.

Beet Powder

 Beets are a powerful food that is good for your blood and energy.  Beets are also so delicious. I like including oven-roasted beets in my diet. Last year I planted beets in my garden, thinking that I would be able to dry the beets into beet root powder so I could add it to my smoothies for amazing nutrition. The rocky soil of New Mexico did not give me any beets. 

 Beet root powder is a delicious and nutritious whole-foods powder that has become increasingly popular as a vital ingredient in smoothies. Red beets have a wide variety of benefits in daily nutrition. So I was glad to discover a 100% beet root powder from True Nutrition. I was amazed that their 1 pound bag is under $10! When I added the beet root powder to my smoothie with frozen prickly pears, the purple color was so pretty. 


 Mushrooms are a popular superfood right now and I am seeing mushrooms in lots of supplements. Sadly I am allergic to mushrooms but my college kid is eating plenty of them. My middle son is huge into fitness and weightlifting so, like me, he has a supply of protein powders and supplements.

When my son heard about a coffee with mushrooms in it, he wanted to try it. GOOD PHARMA™ Brain Gain™* – Coffee & Mushroom Infusion. This fresh brew coffee infusion is enhanced with Lion’s Mane Mushroom extract and supports brainpower. So on gets amazing focused clarity. My son is working on a big school project right now so he is thankful for this coffee.


 Turmeric was a supplement that I used to help with the pain from my ankle injury. This superfood supplement helps with body inflammation so it is a supplement that I continue to use on a daily basis.  Turmeric is also good for your immune system so that is another great reason to add it to your diet. 

 I discovered an Immune Vegetable Sipping Broth from Grace's Goodness. These drinks fortify your defense system with Reishi, Cumin, and Turmeric. The drinks also have functional benefits that improve digestion, relieve nausea, and control blood sugar.

Green Tea

 Green tea is loaded with antioxidants so it is a healthy drink for your body.  Green tea is rich in polyphenols, which are natural compounds that have health benefits, such as reducing inflammation and helping to fight cancer. So I included several cups of green tea into my day.

 Green tea can have a grassy taste so I like to drink flavored green tea like this blueberry green tea. In the summer, I make a big batch of cold-brew ice green tea. While green tea is my preferred tea, black tea still offers plenty of healthy antioxidants and I love the variety of tea that Harney & Sons offers on their website.

 These are just some of the many herbs and foods that the Ancient Remedies book mentions. This book is a huge reference book for how to heal the body of so many diseases. The book also has plenty of delicious recipes. If you are tired of being sick or just want to explore the power of healing your body without traditional medicine, then you need to read this book. Dr. Josh Axe has an amazing story of how he healed his mom from cancer. So head here to find out more about Dr. Josh Axe's book ~ Ancient Remedies: Secrets to Healing with Herbs, Essential Oils, CBD, and the Most Powerful Natural Medicine in History


AiringMyLaundry said...

I would try some of these out to see how it worked with my body. I will have to read the book!

melissa said...

I have got to try CBD oil it seems to be magical and a real cure all. That book seems like a must read and the foods it describes are worth trying for us older people.

Tammy said...

I’m a huge fan of matcha tea and collegan. They work for me

Kathy said...

This is really wonderful. I need to give some of these products a try. They all sound amazing.

Fatima D Torres said...

I'm glad you've been able to find something that works for you. There are so many natural options out there. Glad you got your hands on these, more so turmeric.

Ivan | Daddy Blogger PH said...

I love the idea of using food and herbs to heal my body. When our body is strong, we won't have to rely on traditional medicine to cure our illnesses.

Albert said...

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Terri Steffes said...

I'm into this type of healing as well. I find there are so many subpr ingredients out there. Like collagen. I am going to try yours as I am in the market for a good one.

Gust si Aroma said...

So many interesting info to remember always! I need to add Collagen to my diet. I hope that it will help me!

Wanda Lopez said...

My aunt is a huge fan of natural remedies. I always look for a natural remedy before any other. It's so much better for you.

Cook with 5 Kids said...

I have heard great things about Huel. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

hellolittlepeepers said...

My joints feel so much better when I take collagen daily. It is just night and day.

Romy Schorr said...

This is such an informative post! I am a big fan of Dr Axe's new book, it is so full of incredible healing information that can really help us embrace a much healthier life

Swathi said...

These sounds like great products. i need to check it out Dr. Axe book sounds like great information.

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Mom knows best