>U Mom Knows Best: HEXBUG Nano Halloween

HEXBUG Nano Halloween

\ I was selected to do a party with Mommy parties and Nano Hexbugs. The above picture(I borrowed from Facebook as my child tore into the stuff and boxes were not saved)shows everything that was sent to me. My 11 year old was already having a birthday party so this was a great opportunity to share at the party. My son had a great time setting up the bug maze. He was able to set up the glow in the dark maze in many different combinations. He enjoyed getting the stuff ready for his friends. His brothers enjoyed helping too. The friends had a blast with the Hexbugs and loved taking home bugs. This Hex bug set is a cool toy. You put this battery operated bugs on the maze that you build. The bugs move around the maze and provide entertainment for all ages. The set also glows in the dark. The little brothers loved turning off the lights for that part. The Hex bugs come in many differnt colors and styles. The halloween bugs came in cute little coffins. The day after the party,the set is still keeping my son and his friends entertained. Our house will be the cool house for a while.

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Mom knows best