>U Mom Knows Best: They Are Never to Young For Chores

They Are Never to Young For Chores

It was time to fold the laundry and I asked Jesse to get the clothes out of the dryer. He found a better way than me to get the job done. He filled up the basket for me. Then Kodi and Jesse got busy folding the clothes all by themselves,they did not need my help.
As I am typing this post they are busy folding and asking me whose clothes are whose. It is great to see that at a young age of 4 and 5 they learned how to be a part of the household chores. It is amazing what little ones will do if asked, as they like to be helpers. Jesse and Kodi not only help fold the clothes but will put them away also,I just tell them where it goes. I love their saying for towel folding. "First you fold it like a hamburger,then a hotdog,then a hamburger." Their big sister showed them how. Of course they make folding fun also, as they try on moms underware(sorry no picture for that one.)

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Mom knows best