>U Mom Knows Best: This Is Our Time Movie Review And A Giveaway

This Is Our Time Movie Review And A Giveaway

I love when films come out that are faith based. I was sent this wonderful movie This Is Our Time from Flyby Promotions to watch and review. This movie helps us to realize it is about God's plans in our lives and how we need to be faithful to Him even when times are tough.  When we follow God,he will help us through the hard times.

About This Is Our Time
The movie tells the interwoven stories of Luke (T.J. Dalrymple) and AlĂ© (Erin Bethea), who marry right after school and move to India to serve as missionaries for Embrace A Village, a ministry that cares for those afflicted with leprosy and their families; aspiring financier Catherine (Kate Cobb), who joins a prestigious financial institution determined to make an impact on corporate America; Ryder (Matthew Florida), who lands an impressive job in social media and can’t wait to use the powerful medium for a greater good; and Ethan (Shawn-Caulin Young,) seemingly the odd man out, who struggles to find his God-given-purpose and feels sidelined by God.
“What they all come to learn is that it never really was their time,” Arnold said. “It always was, always is, God’s time.”

I have a copy of this DVD to giveaway to one of my readers. Just enter on the Rafflecopter form bellow.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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laughwithusblog said...

Many tough times. Just went through a miscarriage last week. :(

Jamie said...

Haven't we all? Just knowing that God is there with us makes a big difference. Hugs to laughwithusblog above :(

GeorgiaBeckman said...

Absolutely. I've been through very hard times & very good times. I don't know a human being who hasn't. What I don't know is how people that don't know God get through these times. I can't even imagine.

ReviewsSheRote said...

entered TY

Buzz4Mommies said...

Yes! I think that everyone has been through tough times and I feel blessed that God helps us through them!

Unknown said...

sorry to hear that. you never know what people are going through so always be nice to those around you.

Maria said...

I'm so sorry to hear that as well. Praying for peace in your heart & for your family as well.

Maria said...

I love inspirational movies like this.

Mom Knows Best said...

So sorry to hear,I know the pain in your heart as I went through 2 miscarriages. Will pray for God to bless you with a baby.

cjabdelnour said...

YES, MANY THINGS HAPPENED TO US BUT GOD IS THERE THROUGH IT ALL. Cheryl Abdelnour cjabdelnour@hotmail.com

c allen said...

yes we have had tough times but our life is a roller coaster, up and down.. non stop thanks crystal allen

juliemurphy said...

Yes, right now I can not find a job.

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Mom knows best