>U Mom Knows Best: Homemade Soft Playdough That Uses Only Two Ingredients

Homemade Soft Playdough That Uses Only Two Ingredients

I discovered a wonderful recipe for soft playdough that uses 2 simple ingredients that you probably have at home. The ingredients are cornstarch and hair condition. I love that the ingredients are safe for children to touch and doesn't hurt their skin like salt based playdoughs. This simple recipe makes a playdough that is very similar to ones you buy at the store but so much cheaper. You can buy the ingredients for under $2.00 and it makes plenty of playdough. You can choose different color hair conditioners to make different colors or use food coloring. I prefer using different color conditioners so it will not stain hands or clothes. You can also use different scented conditioners to make great scented dough like coconut or vanilla. 

Soft Playdough

2 cups cornstarch
1 cup hair conditioner 

Place ingredients in a bowl and stir well. Add more cornstarch as needed to get the dough the texture of playdough. You can use your hands to form the dough into a ball. Store the dough in a tight lidded container so it does not dry out. If it does dry out just work some more conditioner into until it is soft again.

My boys had fun playing with the playdough. It was easy to roll out and they used cookie cutters to create things like play pizza. My son is holding half of the recipe as my other son who is not picture has the other half of the playdough. This makes a great activity for summer.

I used a lightly scented Suave condition and it made a nice white soft dough. I will be buying a purple lavender conditioner or a vanilla scented one for the next batch. 


Julie Baswell said...

How neat! That's also a good way to use up a conditioner that you bought but didn't necessarily like. I'm sure this smells soooo much better than regular playdough. Plus the fact that it has to be conditioning your hands instead of drying them out. You gotta love that.

Unknown said...

Thank you for this recipe! Great idea for kids!

Autumn said...

That looks awesome! I have made home made playdoh before but it required more ingredients than this and was kind of sticky. I am going to try out this recipe next time! Thanks.

Unknown said...

2 ingredients is a nice easy way to get the gets off the bored train! Thanks for sharing this

Erin S said...

I have never seen a hair conditioner version-how easy and cheap is that?

Grace Matthews said...

This is cool. I have made play dough before but have never seen it done this way. This looks a lot easier

Ellen said...

What a great idea. I never would have thought of conditioner.

Keiani Worrell said...

this is easy and fun to make! I will definitely try with my toddler. thanks for sharing!


Anonymous said...

That is so cool. I have to make some for my daughter!

Michelle F.

Amy said...

How easy! I love it! I'd have to keep it away from my 18 month old though, he still has to try everything out with his mouth before he actually plays with it. Eww.

Gabe and Libby said...

This recipe is new to me. I'll be sure to make several batches for all the grandchildren to play with. Thank you so much for sharing,

Jessica said...

Ok, I am totally using this recipe. I love it! I am pinning it and we are making this next week!

Yona Williams said...

Very cool, easy recipe to use with the kiddies. I like that it comes lightly scently and is soft in texture.

Lexis @ BabyStuff.tips said...

Wow! So much easier to make than the traditional recipe.

Unknown said...

This seems super easy! I can't wait to try it, especially with this being the kids first week off from school. We will need all the activities we can get :)

Glamamama said...

What an excellent money saving idea....so easy too and kids of all ages can have fun with it. :)

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