>U Mom Knows Best: Cool & Natural Form-Fit Pillow Is Adjustable, Comfortable, and Provides Great Support

Cool & Natural Form-Fit Pillow Is Adjustable, Comfortable, and Provides Great Support

Are you looking for a new pillow? Does your current pillow not offer much support? Cool & Natural Form-Fit Pillow is a comfortable, adjustable pillow that offers great support unlike many memory foam pillows. This pillow is unique as it is filled with a blend of natural buckwheat hulls and shredded foam. 

  I was offered a chance to try the  Cool & Natural Form-Fit Pillow and the description of the pillow made me want to put it to the test. I am a two pillow person when I sleep. I use a memory foam pillow on the bottom and a gel filled pillow on top. This combination is what works for me to get my head in the proper position to get a good night sleep. So I decided to give the Cool & Natural pillow a chance.

    Let me first tell you about the pillow and then I will give you my experience with the pillow:

 The  Form-Fit Pillow is a pillow that provides softness, comfort, and loft. The blended filling of buckwheat hulls holds any shape you want. And it doesn't fight back-no pressure points and no sore neck. The pillow is great for all types of sleepers- side, back and stomach. It has a three-layer quilted cover that is made from unbleached muslin. The pillow has a large zipper opening so you can add or take away the filling to get the comfort and support to your liking. The pillow is easy to use also. Just simply shake the filling down and lay it flat-and then nestle right into its gentle, cradling support. The pillow is also cool and breathable, naturally anti-microbial, and non-allergenic. The pillow also comes The picture below shows what the filling looks like.

     When I received the pillow I had to take out a couple of cups of the filling. The filling may look uncomfortable but it is not when you lay on the pillow. I replaced my pillows with this pillow and gave it a try. I am ultra picky when it comes to pillows and found that I was not able to get comfortable with this pillow. The filling made too much noise and it was way too firm for me. I do like the pillow for a back rest as it supports my back while I am sitting on the couch. The pillow helps me to sit up straight and I am more productive when I am on my computer.  I think the pillow would be great for people who like a firm pillow. The pillow got good reviews on Amazon. This may just be the perfect pillow for you. Go check it out on Amazon and read some reviews to see if this pillow will work for you. The pillow can be returned, as it is sold with a risk- free guarantee. The pillow also comes with a ten year warranty.

"These opinions are my own and I was sent the above mentioned product to write my honest opinion on."


Unknown said...

That's very innovative that you can take filling out if you want to! Wow, that's so crazy cool! I think a ton of people could benefit from this! Pillows are such a integral part of getting good sleep!

Anonymous said...

I can relate to your review- I love buckwheat pillows for yoga- not sure if I would for sleeping. (Leslie from Mom it Forward)

Jamie said...

I can never find a pillow that works for me. I would love to check this one out, but not sure about allergies, etc. Thanks for the info! :)

Laura Funk said...

Interesting pillow. I am slightly weirded out on the insides of the pillow but it is really cool

Katriza @ Everything Home Life said...

That is a really interesting pillow! I kind of freaked out when I saw the inside thinking it was a bunch of bugs O_O! haha Silly Me. I'll have to check this out. I've been in the market for new pillows forever now.

Jenn said...

Sounds like an interesting pillow. I like the idea of a blend of materials.

Christy G said...

This looks like a great pillow. I need a new pillow, mine is super flat.

Linda A Kinsman said...

This sounds like a good pillow for people who get hot while sleeping. I like that its naturally anti-microbial, and non-allergenic. Those are huge pluses for me. I'll check them out on Amazon. Thanks.

MomGlenz said...

I'll check it out and thanks for sharing

Peter Floyd said...

Nice pillow

Antonio said...

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Unknown said...

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Farber@NeckPillows said...

Not many people realize how much the wrong pillow will cause pain and discomfort. I actually made myself a buckwheat-filled pillow and I absolutely LOVE it. I'm a side sleeper and have a hard time finding good pillow that stays lofty but isn't too high.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Nice post! To choose best pillow for side sleeper click here: http://www.pillowboss.com/side-sleeper-guide/

Whymattress said...

When i basically manufactured myself personally some sort of buckwheat-filled bed sheets in addition to When i certainly Find it irresistible. Now i am some sort of area sleeper and have absolutely a tough time locating beneficial bed sheets of which stays on lofty although is just not too big.

Mueeid Soomro said...

Take a look at that pillow on your bed and describe it - is it lumpy and bumpy? So soft that you can put your hand in the middle and push all the way down to your mattress?

FAL said...

Great post!

Lisa Smith said...

Spruce up your nest with the pillow of your dreams. Then share it here! Each month you can enter one pillow to win Fabric and the Honor of our judges. Your pillow can be sewn, knit, crocheted - so long as you made it. May your creativity know no bounds! Click To Read.

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First impression for this fit pillow is very well. I think the appearance of this pillow is very high quality.

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Unknown said...

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Peter Floyd said...

Lovely post

Peter Floyd said...

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