>U Mom Knows Best: How To Conquer Seasonal Allergies With Breathe-Ease Balm & A Natural Homemade Weed Spray Recipe

How To Conquer Seasonal Allergies With Breathe-Ease Balm & A Natural Homemade Weed Spray Recipe

I fought the weeds naturally and won!

    I dislike/hate weeds for many reasons. Spring brings weeds and they seem to take over my yard.  Not only are they an eyesore but they also make me sneeze and cough. I seem to be allergic to almost every weed in my yard so the sooner the weeds go away the better for me. The sad thing is the weeds are not going to leave my yard by themselves. The only way to get rid of the weeds is to kill or pull them. I dread pulling the weeds every year as afterwards I am miserable as my allergies flare up big time. I know what you are thinking, why not pay someone to spray or pull the weeds? Well, that costs big bucks and they would use chemicals. I would rather save my money, thank you, and I just discovered a wonderful natural balm that helps me breathe when I get all congested from those miserable weeds. I also use a natural homemade weed spray on those weeds to kill them and this makes weed pulling easier. I think my weed spray also works better than those nasty chemical sprays.

  My teen needed some money for a trip a couple of weeks ago so I gave him the money in exchange for weed pulling. My teen agreed and I thought I did not have to deal with the weeds this year. The time came for my teen to pull the weeds and he wanted to spray the weeds instead with a store bought weed killer. I agreed as I would not have to deal with the weeds and my teen has not seen the light when it comes to living chemical free. My teen sprayed the weeds and two days later the weeds were still alive. I then remember how I used vinegar and salt on the weeds last year and how it killed the weeds. So I put plan B into action and bought the supplies for my natural homemade weed killer. I then bribed my husband and younger boys ice cream if they helped me pull weeds, the teen was gone for the day.

  I was happy to have my Puriya Breathe-Ease Balm on hand as I knew this wonderful smelling balm would clear up and congestion that I would suffer from my weeds and allergies. The ingredients in this natural balm are Olive Oil, Beeswax, Eucalyptus Australiana Oil, Peppermint Oil, Lavender Oil,  and Tea Tree Oil. This combination of ingredients smells pretty good and does not make my eyes water, unlike some other rubs I have used. The best part is this balm allows me to be able to breathe again without having to resort to medicines that make me sleepy. This balm is also great for colds and coughs too, so it will come in handy when my younger boys get sick.

  So now that I had my allergy relief balm available for my weed allergies, I made up my spray. I then went around the yard and sprayed the weeds, while my husband started trimming overgrown plants. It was sunny out which is good as it makes the homemade stuff work faster. We had a lot of weeds and by the time I finished spraying, some of the weeds were already started to brown. Since my family was already in work mode, we decided to pull the weeds instead of  waiting for them to completely die. The spray was great for those small hard to pull weeds. Here is a before and after picture that I took when I used my homemade spray a couple years ago. The time span is 24 hours.

  My family and I then spent a couple of hours pulling the weeds. By the time we were done, my husband and I were sneezing. I also had a nice rash on my arms from the weeds. The weed pulling did a great job of making me miserable and I was starting to feel congested. So I quickly rubbed some Puriya Breathe-Ease Balm under my nose and washed my arms with soap. The Breathe-Ease Balm had a pleasant scent to it and the congestion in my nose felt better. The balm did not burn my skin either. It was like aroma therapy for my senses. Thankfully the rash on my arms never got itchy and it cleared up in a couple of hours.  

 The below pictures are just some of the weeds that we pulled, there was more in the front trash can. My yard looks so much better without the weeds. I forgot to get a picture of the yard before we pulled the weeds but trust me there were a lot of weeds.

 Here is some more info on the natural Breathe-Ease Balm that I used. As I am writing this my 8-year-old started coughing from allergies, I rubbed some of this balm on his chest and he stopped coughing. The cool thing is he did not complain about the scent.

                                                   Puriya Breathe-Ease Balm Facts

                                              + Provides fast and long lasting relief.
                                              + No side effects as 100% natural
                                              + Proven  and trusted formula
                                              + Maxium strength ingredients- Olive Oil, Beeswax, Eucalyptus                                                                Australiana Oil, Peppermint Oil, Lavender Oil,  and Tea Tree Oil
                                              + product contains no Paraben, preservatives, petroleum, alcohol or                                                           artificial fragrance
                                              Find out more at the below link.

                     Homemade Natural Weed Spray
                                      1 gallon vinegar
                                     1/4 cup dish soap
                                     2 cups salt Epsom or regular table salt
                                     a large gallon container to mix the spray in
                                     a spray bottle or weed sprayer, I use one like this

 Using a funnel pour the salt into the empty container and then add the vinegar, leaving a little room at the top for the dish soap. Place the lid on the container and shake the vinegar and salt together. If using Epsom salt, I recommend letting the salt dissolve for a couple of hours before adding the dish soap. Add the dish soap, put the lid on and shake well. Then pour the mixture into a spray bottle. If you have a large weed sprayer like the one pictured above, you can make the spray in that container. Then spray the weeds with the mixture. Bigger weeds may need more spray than the smaller ones. It can take 24- 48 hours for the weeds to die. Don't spray plants you want to keep or grass as it will kill both.

"These opinions are my own and I received a sample of Puriya Breathe-Ease Balm to facilitate this post."


GiGi Eats Celebrities said...

I should gift my fiance with this!

Jamie said...

That sounds like a great product!! I know when the monsoons hit, the weeds go crazy! :p

Amy Jones said...

I really like the fact that this is 100% natural, wanna try it

Unknown said...

Love that this is 100% natural product.And it's helping you out when you have to pull your weeds.

alfonzowrods said...

I have such allergy issues. Thank you so much for sharing what works for you and this amazing product. I cant wait to get it

Rachel Mouton said...

OMGosh! My husband would love this. I think I might get it for him for Father's Day :)

Michelle Gwynn Jones said...

Did you use this in your flowerbeds? Both vinegar and epsom salt can change the ph of the soil. Roses and gardenia would love it.

Unknown said...

I tried the homemade weed killer last year and did not get any results. Of course I was trying to kill poison ivy. I might have to try the spray again and see if it will take care of other weeds. My flower beds are a disaster area this year! Thanks for sharing!

Agnes Dela Cruz said...

Finding the best source to relieve allergies can be tough. It's a trial and error part but once you get a start of it it will help big time. Thanks for sharing this.

Elizabeth O. said...

I'm sure it provides immediate relief and I love that it's made with natural ingredients. This is going to be useful in the next couple of months!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful product to kill weeds. I will give the DIY weed killer a try.

Unknown said...

The Puriya Breathe-Ease Balm sounds like a great product. I hate weeds on my garden too, they caused my allergy attacks.

Unknown said...

I want to make the DIY weed killer. I hate to see weeds on my garden especially during allergy seasons.

Unknown said...

I have been suffering from allergies for a few weeks and it is crazy how quickly they can aggravate you. I like the Puriya Breathe Ease Balm doesn't burn when put on but still helps clear you up.

Joyce from Live Laugh Love Post said...

Ohhh! I HATE WEEDS TOO! I have never seen the Puriya Breathe Ease, I would like to try this. Also, I tried the vinegar + water spray and I found it did not work at all. Now, I am trying your idea of DIY weed killer. :-)

Karlaroundtheworld | Karla said...

These two things couldn't have come at a better time. First, my random rhinitis-like symptoms always get me sneezing once I inhale something "natural" from grass and I feel that this balm might help. Second, I agree. Weeds need to go away and my front garden is starting to grow like an unwanted mini-forest. I thank you for the home-made suggestion.

The Handmade Chic said...

this is such a good item to have. i hate weeds it makes my nose super ichy! Ughhh ==Therese Glenn

Shaylee Anne said...

Oh man I need this. My allergies are so bad and I'm always looking for more natural ways to help them. The neti pot can only do so much!

Wildish Jess said...

Wow, that's awesome that you made a natural spray! I'm totally going to try this out today!

Melissa Bernardo said...

I cant believe that this spray is all natural. Need to get this for the hubs!

Jessica Cassidy said...

My son has bad allergy with pollen. I feel bad because he likes to ride his ATV. Going home early because his eyes are swollen. Now he checks the weather channel before riding his ATV if the pollen is high or low on trees.

Becca Wilson said...

Allergies kill me and have taken my household over as of late. This looks like a great way to combat them.

Unknown said...

Love that it is 100% natural. Allergy seasons sucks so much!

Liz Mays said...

I love how quickly that worked to ease your symptoms. That's the best kind of relief!

Ellen said...

My allergies are driving me crazy this time of the year. I'll have to give this a try.

Jem Alvarado said...

I'd really like to try this breathe-ease balm. I know it will provide soothing to people from allergies.

Unknown said...

I've never heard of a natural weed spray! What a great idea. I have to share this with my mother. She'll love having a good, safe option to take care of the weeds taking over her garden.

Ayesha Heart said...

Oh interesting products! I wish we have that too :( I'd love to try that. Great idea! Keep those awesome HOW TO'S coming'

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Mom knows best