“This is a sponsored conversation from Mums the Word Network and The Stork OTC. All opinions are my own.”
I call my last two boys, my 4th, and 5th, my miracle babies. I had already had three children when my husband and I decided to add to our family. My older children were five, ten, and fourteen at the time. So I though having another baby would be easy. I got pregnant right away with my first three kids so I never imagined that I would experience secondary infertility. We got pregnant the first time we tried, but sadly I miscarried at ten weeks. The infertility journey began when we decided to try again after the miscarriage. I thought I would get pregnant right away as I needed this to help me grieve the loss of a baby. I cried so hard when it did not happen. So I would tell myself it would happen next month but it did not. I went through a year and a half of sorrow and pain. My desire for a baby was so great and it was very hard to see my friends having babies during this year and a half. People would tell me to just enjoy the three kids I had but I felt incomplete without another baby. I did everything in my power to conceive this baby.
I read books about getting pregnant and how to pinpoint when my body was ovulating. The books went into detail about the best days to conceive. I knew when I was ovulating, with the help of ovulation tests. I was so in tuned to my body that I could feel the changes that happened before ovulation. I just could not understand why I was not getting pregnant. I tried everything to conceive a baby. I ate healthy foods, exercised, avoided certain foods, took supplements, and even used expensive lubricants made for getting pregnant. A year and a half went by and nothing worked. I was desperate for another baby so I made an appointment with an expensive fertility doctor. I went to the doctor and after several embarrassing invasive tests, they could find nothing wrong with my body. My husband even had tests done and again nothing was wrong on his end. I went on Clomid to increase my chances of becoming pregnant. I then took a test to pinpoint when I was ovulating. When the test showed I was, my husband had to give a sample. This was not fun for him as what guy wants to play with himself at the doctors. I then had an IUI, another costly procedure, to increase my chances of getting pregnant. I was one of the lucky ones and I became pregnant after the first IUI. I was overjoyed! Baby number 4 was on the way. I became pregnant with number 5 when this baby was 8 months old when we were not even trying. After being infertile for a year and a half, I thought I was not able to get pregnant again and was overjoyed to be pregnant once again.
I wish my husband and I could have taken a shortcut on our journey with having a baby. I wish there was a product my husband and I could have used at home to become pregnant instead of having to pay big bucks at the doctors office. I think the Stork OTC would have assisted my husband and I in getting pregnant faster. This FDA-cleared, over-the -counter device places the sperm as close as possible to the cervix, using cervical cap insemination, and I might not have needed the IUI. I could have avoided the drugs and expensive doctor. By using the Stork OTC, in the comfort of our bedroom, our baby making experience would have been an intimate one and not an embarrassing clinical one. Buying the Stork OTC is easy to purchase too! The Stork can be purchased at CVS. No shots, scans, doctor appointments, or prescriptions are needed. Getting pregnant is hard enough so let the Stork help.
Buy 1, Get 1 50% off with code STORK50 at CVS.com for the months of July and August.
Watch this video to better understand how the Stork OTC works.
Want to know more about the Stork OTC?
Then join me Wednesday, July 20th at 8pm EST with Hashtag #successwithStorkOTC
There will also be prizes! You could win a $50 CVS pharmacy gift card or the grand prize of a Stork OTC twin pack, 3 First Response Ovulation test kits and a $50 CVS gift card.

Oh wow! That is such a tough thing. I have heard a lot about secondary infertility and it seems very frustrating.
Thanks for sharing your experience, it must've been so hard
I have never heard about secondary infertility until reading this. Thanks for sharing your experience.
Imagine if you were two generations ago and didn't have options we have today. It must have been awful
That was a tough experience for the both of you. I will read more about this product and learn more. Thanks for sharing.
Such a hard experience! It must be really frustrating. I didn't know it could happen.
It's heartbreaking that a lot of couples experience this and it's always nice to have a little help. I'm sorry for what happened. I'm glad everything worked out as you hoped despite the long journey.
Such a tough situation. I know what it means to feel incomplete though. My friend is going through the same thing right now.
I am so glad that there are products out now like this to help with some of the infertility some face. I had no idea that you could have infertility like this after having children.
I"m so glad that you share your story with us, I have a friend that try a many product for getting pregnant and until now nothing happened.
I had never heard of secondary infertility before. That had to be tough for you and your husband. However, I am glad to see that things turned out just fine for you. Your sons look really cute and healthy!
It must have been so hard for you, to go through all that pain. I know it was worth in the end, when your baby was born. It's great when things turn out well in the end.
trying to get pregnant can be so heartbreaking for some. I sympathise for your difficulties but am overjoyed for your triumphs. You're right, however, there should be something less costly.
It took me nine years to get pregnant. I understand how hard it is. Five years after our second. The babies, like yours, are so worth the wait. What adorable boys you have! I, too, wish a product like this would have been available.
I am so happy to hear that you were able to conceive. I know several people experiencing difficulties conceiving; i'll let them know about the product
I'm so happy to hear that it worked out for you. I have never had to go through this so I really don't know what it's like. I know it can be really hard though.
It's amazing that you were finally able to conceive. I like that there is help available for people who need it!
thank you for sharing your amazing story of overcoming your situation by finding the right help and staying positive through it all.
Oh, I like your story. This reminds me of a friend who are having a hard time conceiving. I will share this to her.
Such a difficult subject for me. Thank you for sharing your story.
Thank you for sharing your story. The strides that they are making to help with infertility are incredible, but it is still so hard and such a sensitive subject.
Oh, congrats! My sister is having a hard time conceiving too. I will share this to her.
Aw sorry to hear that it was so difficult to conceive, I have friends who went through the same and tried everything. Now they have miracle babies too.
Stories like this make me so sad but also grateful for my two girls!
Ughhh what a tough thing to deal
With!!! Glad there is something out there like Stork to help!
We tried for 18 months before I got pregnant with my daughter. My son was much faster.
Wow, what a journey. I know a few of my friends who are struggling to conceive. Thanks for sharing!
New discovery on my end. That's a tough one.
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