>U Mom Knows Best: Time To Stock Up At Smith's Case Lot Sale- My Top Ten Deals

Time To Stock Up At Smith's Case Lot Sale- My Top Ten Deals

I get excited when Smiths has their case lot sales.

I love saving money!
 One of the best places to save money is your grocery bill. A Smith's Case Lot Sale is a great way to stock up on items that your family regularly uses and you can save a lot of money. You might have to pay more ( buying more items) when you buy items by the case but, in the long run, the savings add up as you don't have to buy that item for a while at regular price. Another advantage of buying items by the case is you have plenty of the food your family likes in your pantry and you don't have to run to the store which results in you buying unnecessary items. The savings might be only 25-50 cents per item but when you are buy 12 items that will add up to $3.00 to $6.00 per case. If you are buy ten different items that will add up to $60.00. I know what you are thinking,"but I don't need 12 cans of soup." Time to change that thinking and save money. Those 12 cans of soup will be fine to eat for at least a year and will probably be eaten in about a month. Let me show you what ten items I will be buying from this case lot sale and show you how much money I will be saving by buying in bulk. I will be quoting average prices when showing my savings, take in mind that I normally buy things on sale so your savings might be even better. These ads are also for the Smiths stores in New Mexico.

Item #1  Kroger peanut butter  This is a favorite item in my house. My boys can consume a jar or more of peanut butter a week so 12 jars will be used in less than 3 months. I normally pay $1.99 a jar for Kroger peanut butter so $1.00 a jar is a great deal. I will be saving $11.88 by purchasing a case.

Item #2 Ragu Pasta Sauce  My teen loves making pasta for dinner and this sauce is great to use on pizza so we use 1-2 jars a week. So 12 jars will be used up in less than 3 months. I normally pay $1.99 a jar for Ragu Pasta sauce so $1.00 a jar is a great deal. I will be saving $11.88 by purchasing a case.

Item #3 Macachun Ramen Noodles  There are 24 packages in this case and 4 people will be eating these. So these will go quickly as my boys love these for snacks and quick meals. I normally pay .20 for one so I will save $1.20 a case but I will buy two of these so my savings are $2.40.

Item #4 Campbells Chunky soup  Winter is coming and soup is a favorite easy meal to make. These are also great for lunches. My family uses 2-3 cans a meal so 12 cans will be gone in less than a month. I normally pay $1.99 a can for  Campbells Chunky soup so $1.00 a jar is a great deal. I will be saving $11.88 by purchasing a case.

Item #5 Tillamook Cheese  We go through a lot of cheese in our house. These 5-pound packs of shredded cheese can be frozen for up to a year or more. I normally pay $3.50 or more for a pound of cheese and these are priced at $2.59 a pound so that is a savings of $4.51. I will be buying five of these so I will be saving $22.55

Item #6 Libby's Vegetables  We use a can of veggies a night and these are great to add to soups so 12 cans will be used up in less than a month. I usually pay $1.00 a can so that is $6.00 in savings. I will be buying 2 cases,one corn, and one green bean so $12.00 savings.

Item #7 Simple Truth Organic Beans  I like to have these on hand for making hummus and chili. I usually buy non-organic at $1.29 a can so the savings are $4.80 a case.

Item #8 Kroger Can Fruit  My boys love can fruit for breakfast so 12 cans will be used up in less than a month. I regularly pay $1.19 a can and I will be buying 2 cases so savings are $4.80 a case.

Item #9 Bumble Bee Tuna  My husband packs a lunch for work and uses a can a day so 48 cans will be in 3 months or so. I will be saving $.30 a can so are $14.40 a case.

Item #10 Hormel Chili  I don't normally buy this item so I don't know the savings but I am assuming $.50 a can so savings of $6.00 a case. I am buying these for my boy's Cub Scout food drive.

  So now I will add up all my savings to see how much I will be saving by buying in bulk. I will be saving $102.59! I am amazed at the savings. You can save some significant money by buying in bulk at the Smith's Case Lot Sale. So get to Smith's and stock up your pantry. This sale is also a great time to buy food for all the holiday food drives or your local food pantry. This sale starts today (August 31, 2016)  and runs for two weeks (9/13/16) so that gives you plenty of time to head to Smith's for groceries. You do have to purchase a full case to get the great savings. If you don't need a full case consider splitting a case with a friend or donating some of it to a food pantry. Keep in mind the above prices and ads are for the Smith's stores in New Mexico but check out the Smith's website to see if your local Smith's is having a case lot sale.


                   What items will you be stocking up on at the Smith's Case Lot Sale?

"These opinions are my own and I will be compensated with a Smith's gift card."


Buzz4Mommies said...

These are all such great deals, wish we had this store by us! Happy shopping!

Ellen said...

Those are some great prices. Just in time for back to school!

B is 4 said...

Great prices! There's a lot of food on here my family likes to eat.

Amy Jones said...

Really good prices right here, I'll have to check it out

Unknown said...

These are huge deals!! Thank you for sharing this info!

Sandy A La Mode said...

These are super great deals! I need to check out coupons more often.

Sandy a la Mode

Agnes Dela Cruz said...

One of the things I like and I find satisfying and relaxing is when I stock up goodies at home. I somehow have this feeling of sadness when stocks run out. I would love to try this smiths case to do my stocks.

Ana De-Jesus said...

Wow! It is amazing that you will be saving so much money over 100 is amazing!

Liz Mays said...

I love that Chunky soup. I do need to stock up on bunches of that!

Unknown said...

these deals are pretty reasonable

Alex Rosh said...

Great deals! Thanks for the post!

Kandi said...

These are some wonderful deals! Happy shopping!

Rachel Mouton said...

This is such a great sale! I wish we had a Smith's Case Lot close by :)

Hillam Whanau said...
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Hillam Whanau said...

Your flier has HORMEL chili (which is gluten free) and mine has NALLEY (which is not). **insert frowny face here**

Hillam Whanau said...

Your flier has HORMEL chili (which is gluten free) and mine has NALLEY (which is not). **insert frowny face here**

Unknown said...

I'm all for savings. My kiddos like to eat the Macachun Ramen Noodles.

Ann B said...

I will have to watch for the next Smith's Case Lot Sale. It is a great way to save money and stock up.

Echo aka The Mad Mommy said...

Fantastic deals! I love buying things that I use a lot by the case or in bulk! Especially non-perishable items.

Elizabeth O. said...

Being able to save money on groceries is amazing and it's perfect if you have a large family as well. I think buying in bulk is a great idea.

Unknown said...

these prices are amazing! I am always shopping in bulk and sale prices to save more money.

Karlaroundtheworld | Karla said...

Great selections! Certainly fitting for a fine pasta dinner. I'm glad Smith's has efficient deals like this for us consumers.

PR Daily PH said...

This really saves us money! Thanks for sharing!

Mhaan | www.mommyrockininstyle.com

laborders2000 said...

What a great store. I have never heard of it before but if I am ever near one, I will check it out!

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Mom knows best