>U Mom Knows Best: Join Freschetta's Rally for Real Pizza

Join Freschetta's Rally for Real Pizza

I just joined the Rally for real pizza with Freschetta on Facebook and you can too www.facebook.com/freschettapizza . You can win 5 free pizzas as 100 winners are chosen each week. On March 30th 10 people will win pizza for a year. To enter just submit a photo to their Rally Mosaic on Facebook at www.facebook.com/freschettapizza  so go enter to get some yummy pizza. I rally for real pizza with Freschetta as their pizza is wonderful for family night.
Frozen pizza shouldn't simply taste better. It should be better. Freschetta®frozen pizzas are made with top-quality ingredients and taste-tested recipes, just to make sure your pizza will always deliver Fresch® flavor

"I occasionally receive compensation in the form of products for posts. However, the opinions I share are solely my own."

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Mom knows best