>U Mom Knows Best: NECTRESSE™ Natural No Calorie Sweetener

NECTRESSE™ Natural No Calorie Sweetener

I was given a sample of this new sweetener made by Splenda. These are the facts about the sweetener.

  • NECTRESSE™ Sweetener has the rich taste of sugar, but without all the calories, making it ideal for anyone who wants to reduce the calories from sugar in their diet.
  • Monk fruit is hand-picked in remote mountain regions and has been cultivated for hundreds of years.
  • Each pack of NECTRESSE™ Sweetener provides all the sweetness of two teaspoons of sugar without all of the calories.
  • NECTRESSE™ Sweetener does not include any gluten containing ingredients.
I used the sweetener in my coffee and it had a sweet flavor. This product is 100% natural. For more info click on this link  

I was given samples from Smiley360 to reveiw

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sweetener helps a lot in controlling the blood level as it works as a substitute with the normal sugar and it is available in the market now a days.
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Mom knows best