>U Mom Knows Best: Snow


Here in Albuquerque we do get snow,but not very much and not very often. My kids always want snow so bad but not me as I grew up in Chicago. Jesse was thrilled when it now yesterday and had to go outside to play in it. I on the other hand stayed inside and took pictures from the window. My Jesse even laid down on the patio to make a snow angel. I am thankful that this little bit of snow will melt tomorrow as we will be in the 40's.


Buzz4Mommies said...

I live in the midwest and normally we have tons of snow-but not this year and my kids miss it!

Living in La La Land said...

Aww, how fun!

I live in Utah and we get a lot of snow. Sometimes it awesome and sometimes not-so-much when you have to shovel it!

Have fun in all that snow(:

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Mom knows best