>U Mom Knows Best: Another Great Product For Runners

Another Great Product For Runners

For the last year when I ran, I was pushing a stroller. Now that my youngest is in school, I no longer have the stroller to carry things like my phone and keys. So I bought this cool runners belt to carry my keys and phone. It even has a inner pouch to carry money. The ifitness Inc. Mini Sports belt allows me to carry my phone and keys and have my hands free. When I was searching for a runners belt I wanted something small and with a stretchy belt so it would not fall down when I ran. I also love the color and it comes in many different colors. It can also be used for races as a belt to pin your number too. The belt has a zipper pouch that is stretchy and holds most smartphones, which is a safety plus when you are running.

I love that the belt is a stretchy material so it does not fall down or ride up when I am running.  I hardly notice it when I am running. This will come in handy for my next race to hold my car keys. I bought this at Amazon and just love it. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007AQGV8C/ref=oh_details_o01_s00_i01?ie=UTF8&psc=1

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Mom knows best