>U Mom Knows Best: Netflix's Newest Series For Kids- Bottersnikes & Gumbles Will Be Released On August 19th!

Netflix's Newest Series For Kids- Bottersnikes & Gumbles Will Be Released On August 19th!

  “This review was made possible by iConnect and Bottersnikes & Gumbles.  I was provided compensation to facilitate this post, but all opinions stated are 100% mine."

 The Bottersnikes & Gumbles are coming to a TV near you! This Friday, August 19th Netflix is releasing a new series for kids ages 6-9 years old! While it is geared for boys and girls ages 6-9, grownups will enjoy the show too. This delightful, yet funny show is based on a beloved series of children's books that were published in the UK and Australia between 1967 and 1989. Until now, this children's show was only available in Australia and the UK. Netflix has now made the "Bottersnikes & Gumbles" series available to all subscribers. The show has these unique characters who live in a fantasy kingdom of rusting junk and abandoned things from the human world.

So what are Bottersnikes & Gumbles? 

The Gumbles are the good guys....mostly..... while the Bottersnikes are the bad guys.  The Bottersnikes are pictured on the left and the Gumbles on the right. If my boys were to write a story, I think the characters would be very similar to these pictures. 

My boys and I just love the descriptions of these "creatures" along with their names. 

 # The Gumbles are Tink, Willi, Bounce, Happi, Merry, Float, Jolli and Toot
 # Gumbles live on The Junk Highway in a Gumble Tree with an old school bus on it
They are fun loving, resourceful thrill seekers who can squash and stretch into any direction
 # Gumbles like gumbling around which is an extreme and exciting cross between parkour, free climbing and base jumping 
#Their favorite snack is grubs

 # The Bottersnikes are The King, Chank, Weathersnike, Gubbo, Smiggles, Glob and Snorg 
# Bottersnikes live in Snike Hill and are ruled by The King Bottersnike 
# They’re mean spirited, selfish, lazy, stinky, mostly evil creatures
# They’re half the size of a human adult, with hard scaly skin, sharp teeth, claws and ears that glow red hot when they get angry, which is most of the time
# Bottersnikes eat junk, rusty nails, but their favorite food is mattress stuffing
# The Bottersnikes are afraid of water because they shrink when they get wet

  My boys and I were able to preview a couple of episodes of the Bottersnikes & Gumbles series and found them to be funny. I just loved seeing how the Gumbles transformed a junkyard into a fun place to live. They have the coolest treehouse and moat. The Gumbles love to create things with the items they find in the junkyard. The Bottersnikes on the other hand, are too lazy to create a nice place for themselves so their side of the junkyard looks nasty and smelly.

Yes, this does sound like a silly, crazy show but your kids will love it! You just have to watch it to understand. Click on the below links to learn more and to watch the show.

                  Click here to watch the show on Netflix: http://nflx.it/29XNlKL

        Check out the "Bottersnikes & Gumbles" website: www.bottersnikes.com

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Jamie said...

That looks like an adorable movie! I've never heard of it before, but will definitely have to check it out!

Amy Jones said...

Kids loves this kind of series! I'm sure it'll be a hit

Unknown said...

Aww, looks like a great serie. My son would love it.

Rachel Mouton said...

This looks like so much fun! I know my kiddos will love it <3

berlin said...

Another netflix feature and still i havent tried this one. Should really learn more about netflix.

Elizabeth O. said...

I love the fact that Netlfix is adding more and more kiddie shows. There are a lot of things that kids will learn by watching this show!

Carol Cassara said...

It sounds like a cool show that a lot of kids will love! I think it's great that netflix is making it a point to entertain the kids too.

Unknown said...

I can't wait to see this. It looks like it's going to be really good. I know my girls will like it too.

Ckrusch said...

This looks like so much fun! I know my nieces and nephews will love it! I can't wait to share it!

Becca Wilson said...

This looks like such a fun show. My kids would definitely enjoy it!

Ellen said...

I haven't seen this yet, but it looks super cute!

Unknown said...

This looks really interesting!! I am going to have to tell my kids about it and have a binge night.

Taty Pradilla said...

My kids love finding new shows to watch on Netflix. I haven't heard of this one. I am going to tell them about it.

Echo aka The Mad Mommy said...

I think my daughter would love this show. She loves the good vs bad shows.

Azlin Bloor said...

Sounds like a great movie for the whole family, thanks for the heads up! I love how these movies tend to have underlying jokes that meant for adults.

mail4rosey said...

We are always looking for good shows on Netflix. I'd love to watch this one w/my little guy.

Mags said...

This looks so cute! I don't have kids, but I may check it out anyway.

Katy {AShadeOfTeal} said...

I really wish I had Netflix. I feel like I'm missing out on so many great shows like this one.

Lisa RIos said...

We have Netflix at home & it is great to hear they are adding more kids series under their window. The Bottersnikes & Gumbles looks amazing with lots of fun & entertainment and my kids are going to love it so much.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should start going for netflix at home. I'm starting to get annoyed with our cable provider.

Anonymous said...

Looks like another adorable movie! I will consider watching this with my son.

Unknown said...

My son LOVES the show! We've already watched all 26 episodes!

Unknown said...

I actually just saw this Grumbles show on Netflix and turned it on. Guess we aren't too behind then!

alfonzowrods said...

oooh this is awesome. i cant wait to watch it. i love those descriptions you and kids came up with, really paints a great picture in the mind. thanks

rose said...

The movies looks good and suit to all ages of kids. I'm sure my boys like this movies. We are so exciting to watch it.

* Life Of Blogger

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Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Great! I have already exhausted the shows by Andy Yeatman available on Netflix and I am so happy to see this post here. I was very sad when he left Netflix because his kids’ content was superb and taught a lot of good things to the kids.

Free Netflix Accounts said...
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Myflix said...

This looks like such a fun show. My kids would definitely enjoy it!

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Thank you so much for sharing this post, I appreciate your work.

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Mom knows best