>U Mom Knows Best: The Best Camp Essentials For Kids

The Best Camp Essentials For Kids

  I received samples from several companies to facilitate this post.

My youngest boys went to overnight camp for the first time this year. They had the opportunity last year to go to church camp but they were not ready as we had recently joined this church and they did not know any of the other kids yet. I think also they were not ready to be so far away from home. My boys went to several day camps in the past but the thought of not knowing anyone and sleeping in a strange place without mom was more than they could handle. So this year I was able to convince the boys they would have a blast at camp and I signed them up. I had no trouble convincing the older of the two boys but the youngest was a different story. My youngest did not like the fact that his older brother was going to the church camp at a separate time. Separation can be hard for some kids but once he found out that his best friend was going all was well. 

What to pack for camp

The church gave my boys a packing list of items that they would need for camp and that list had all the necessary gear that my boys would need but I included some unique camping items that were not on the list. My rule of thumb when packing for kids overnight camp is to not overpack and make sure that they can carry everything that they packed. At most overnight camps the cabins are not near the parking lots so kids are responsible to carry their own items to the cabins. You will not be there to help them lug all their stuff and there are no luggage carts. So make sure that your kid can carry everything that they bring. I like to have my kids pack their camping items in a backpack and a duffle bag. The backpack is great for the items that they will need during the day and the duffle bag is great for their clothes. Since your child will be using the backpack during the day make sure to select one that is unique so, your child can easily identify theirs. Also, make sure the backpack is roomy enough to hold a rain jacket so they are prepared for the weather. 

Unique backpacks for kids
 The backpack that you select also has to be cool looking as kids and that cartoon/superhero backpack may no longer work. A place that I like to shop for unique backpacks for kids is Fenrici. This place has backpacks and lunch bags with kid-friendly designs that appeal to even older kids. So kids no longer have to carry a plain solid color bag that looks the same as all the other bags. Fenrici has bags that appeal to both boys and girls and does not have an overwhelming selection so it will not take them all day to select the perfect backpack. My older son can be quite picky and shopping with him can be an all-day affair so I like when places only have less than 20 items to choose from. The bags that my boys selected from Fenrici had cool designs on them that they liked and the bags were big enough so they could carry a sweatshirt and rain jacket in it. My boys liked that they had a water bottle pouch and comfortable straps. I like that the backpacks had plenty of pockets in them so my boys could easily find what they need. These cool backpacks are available on Amazon and with my coupon code Fenrici15 you can save 15%. Click HERE to check out all the kid-approved backpacks. The code expires 7/15/2019

Thirteen top items to pack for camp

 1. sleeping bag
 2. backpack
 3. clothes like shorts, t-shirts, sweats
 4. PJs
 5. DEET-free bug spray
 6. sunscreen
 7. flashlight and batteries
 8. water bottle
 9. hat
10. bathroom items like toothbrush, toothpaste and soap
11. swimsuit
12. towel
13. tummy drops

Kid friendly upset tummy relief
When kids are away from home they tend to not eat right and they can get an upset stomach. Tummydrops are great for kids to pack in their camping bag. These all-natural lozenges combat nausea and motion sickness and are made with natural plant-based ingredients. The drops are drug-free and delicious so when kids feel sick they can naturally stop an upset stomach. The Tummydrops are made with ingredients like ginger and have a cute look to them so kids don't have to be embarrassed about needing a Tummydrop. My boys loved the taste of these non-drowsy, certified gluten-free, USDA organic, Kosher certified and Non-GMO Verified lozenges. Their favorite flavor was the sweet blackberry ginger. The cool looking tins are easy to carry in their backpack for on-the-go relief of tummy problems. These yummy drops are sold at www.tummydrops.com, Amazon, Walmart.com, and Whole Foods stores. Tummydrops are also great for pregnancy nausea.

The safe bug spray
 Camping and bugs seem to go together and no one likes bug bites. So make sure to pack a safe kid-friendly DEET-free insect repellent in their camping backpack. My boys love wearing BugBand Bands when they are camping in the woods as these bands can be worn on the wrist or ankle for up to 120 hours of protection from bugs like mosquitoes, flies, gnats, no-see-ums (aka biting gnats, midges or sandflies) and fleas. The BugBand is great for kids as they don't have to remember to spray themselves with insect repellant. When my boys go camping with their dad, I always send them off with a bottle of BugBand spray lotion. This lotion is also DEET-free and keeps the bugs from biting without any nasty chemical smell. BugBand also sells DEET-free insect repellant towelettes. The towelettes and sprays offer 2 to 4 hours of protection. These products are available at Amazon, Walmart.com, Target.com, and in Walmart, Bass Pro and Cabela’s stores, and everywhere else outdoor supplies are sold.

  So whether your kid is heading off to overnight camp or day camp, these unique items are must-haves for kids to take to camp. The backpacks will be great for back to school and the safe bug spray is great for the backyard. I am going to keep a container of the Tummydrops in my purse so I can be prepared for those times when my kid says "mom, my tummy hurts." These flavorful drops are also a must-have for summer road trips. If your travels this summer include taking the train, make sure to check out these posts about my trip that my family took on the train this year. The post has great information on what to pack for the train and how to keep kids entertained.

Seven tips for taking the Amtrak train

Riding On The Amtrak Train With My Family


What items would you add to the camping list?


Natalie Loves Beauty said...

I need to look into getting these Tummydrops as I really appreciate that they are plant-based and natural. I've camped twice and really enjoyed it!

Sarah Bailey said...

It has been years since I went camping, but it does bring back fond memories. These seem like some great necessities for people who are heading off this year.

Why Girls Are Weird said...

I'm so sad I never went to camp. However hopefully my nephew will get that experience. These are all awesome tips!

Agnes Dela Cruz said...

Camping was one my son's thing during grade school days, he used to attend over night and even two to three days with all his camping gear. From there I memorized by heart all the things he need and eventually joining him. I love all the essentials you listed here, very useful!

Chad said...

You got it all covered! That is so awesome. Although i don't have kids a lot of my friends do, will circulate this. Thank you.

Annie said...

Love the colorful patterns on the backpacks! And I'll look into those bug sprays and bug bands. I always get bitten!

Ceci Rey said...

I love the backpacks! My girls would really like them too. They carry a backpack when we travel. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Never heard of these tummy drop things but I'll check them out since my step-daughter gets motion sickness quite easily on long car rides.

Unknown said...

As a nanny, it's always good to remember what to pack them for camp, now that it's summer! These are all must haves!

Jessi Joachim said...

WE love camping, but camping with kids can be a pain if you don't bring the right stuff! I love a good bug spray and a nice backpack is always a must for sure!

Brittany Vantrease said...

Summer church camp was my favorite thing to do in the summer. I loved it so much that I became a Jr. High counselor when I turned 16 so I could go to Jr. High and Sr. High camp and many of my camp friends did the same thing so we got to see each other for two weeks. The packing list is pretty much the same and you did a great job preparing your boys. Great list!

Scott Gombar said...

One day I will convince my wife to go camping with us. I will be sure to save this list.

Swathi said...

That backpacks looks really nice and bug sprays are useful too while hiking and camping.

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Mom knows best