>U Mom Knows Best: Yours in Wellness a Parody on The Wellness Industry

Yours in Wellness a Parody on The Wellness Industry

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”

Sponsored post: I was provided a copy of theYours In Wellness, Krystal Heeling: Letters from the Wellness Industry book. 

 The wellness industry is huge right now as so many people are moving away from traditional medicine. Then there are people who are sick and tired of being sick and tired so they are looking towards the wellness industry to feel better. Other folks who follow the wellness industry are folks who want that magic pill that will keep them young-looking and active as they age, in other words, they don't want to face getting older. The list of people who seek wellness products can go on to include millennials, anti-vaxxers, fitness buffs, and so on. In other words, the wellness industry is a big money-making industry as people are seeking for healthy products that will make them feel and look better. I personally love the wellness industry as I have benefited from so many natural products and that is why am passionate about sharing health and wellness tips on my website.

 The wellness industry can have a dark side as there are people out there looking to make a quick buck off of people as they peddle products that may or may not work. These products may be called snake oil and these companies prey on people to get rich with their cure-all products. Again, I want to remind you that not all wellness companies make false claims as many are wonderful companies that want to help people. When I share information about natural and healthy products, I always do my research before I accept a product. I also personally use the product as I do not want to promote a product that does not live up to its claims.

A parody on the wellness industry 

 Yours In Wellness, Krystal Heeling: Letters from the Wellness Industry is a book written by Erin Stair, MD, MPH that takes a parody on the wellness industry. This book pokes fun of the wellness industry with a tone that is short, incisive, and humorous. I enjoyed reading the book. When I first started to read the book, I took offense as the first chapter that talked about the wellness industry only being for the rich. Then I had to remind myself that this book was poking fun of the industry that seeks to help people with health and wellness products. Once I remembered the book was making fun of the wellness industry, I could not stop reading the book and laughing while I did.

My review of the Yours In Wellness book

 I am not an avid reader and it takes a good summary to get me to read a book. The fact that this book was taking a humorous take on the wellness industry intrigued me to pick it up as I am passionate about health and wellness. Once I started reading the book, I could not put it down. This book contains the leaked letters from Krystal Heeling who is the CEO of Verdant Corpora, a boutique wellness brand. The letters that the character writes to her brand ambassador take a humorous take at the behind the scenes of a company who is trying to sell their wellness products to people who have the money to buy them so the company can make lots of money. The first letter states “If I catch any of you appealing to the broke and not the woke, you will no longer represent our brand,” and goes on to making fun of people who buy their fitness clothes at Walmart. The book pokes fun at how the wellness industry must be market to people wear designer fitness leggings that only look good in photos.

 Another part of the book that made me laugh was the certain Top 40 Verdant Corpora Buzz Words & Phrases Shown to Increase Product Sales that the brand ambassadors must use to market the companies products. As a health and fitness writer, I have been found guilty of using the "buzz words" like gluten-free, non-GMO, a younger you, energy booster, and many others when introducing a product to my followers. The funny book does not spare anyone as the author, Erin Stair, MD, MPH, pokes fun of the anti-vaxxers who claim that deadly diseases like polio went away because of better plumbing. The song about Apple Cider Vinegar Blend had me laughing so much that my family asked me if I was OK. If you are into natural products, this is a book that you must read. If you make fun of people who are hippie freaks that have an essential oil for everything, then you too will enjoy this book.

Use my code MOMKNOWSBEST15 to save 25% off your purchase of Yours In Wellness

About the author

 Dr. Eeks, Erin Stair, MD, MPH runs a holistic wellness community, website, blog & online store called Blooming Wellness. She and her numerous holistic health enthusiasts like to keep “wellness” simple, rooted in common sense, attainable, affordable and natural. They always provide evidence for topics covered and make reference when there isn’t much evidence. Erin’s blog has natural health and lifestyle advice, product reviews, personal stories, interviews and many more gems of wisdom. She really tries to keep everything simple and resorts to nature and common sense as her number one teacher. Erin is also the author of Manic Kingdom and the creator of ZENBands. Yours in Wellness, Dr. Stair’s second book, is a short, incisive, humorous take on the wellness industry that you will be sure to enjoy while sipping an $11 acai-wheatgrass kombucha.

Use my code MOMKNOWSBEST15 to save 25% off your purchase of ZENBands

 I am loving my purple ZenBand that I received. I can relax and listen to music. The ZenBand will be great for when I travel as I can use it as a sleep mask and listen to music at the same time.

A summary of Yours in Wellness

 Holding tight to the reigns of the power Krystal wields in the world of supplements, detoxes and New Age therapies, she crisply and methodically instructs her Wellness Ambassadors on the dos and (many) don’ts of the luxurious wellness industry. In a series of letters, Krystal responds to her team’s legitimate concerns, such as questionable supplement ingredients and lack of scientific evidence for their product claims, while always pointing out why Verdant Corpora is far more ethical than Big Pharma, an industry of profit hounds and data manipulators. Heeling’s underlings fall like flies as they unwittingly commit one solecism after another, falling short of the Paltrowian ideals to which Heeling so ardently aspires; principles that she herself cannot consistently achieve. As we say in the land of coffee enemas, “Bottoms Up!”

Head HERE to check out the book and make sure to use my code MOMKNOWSBEST15 to save 25% off your purchase of the book or other amazing products like the ZENBands.

What wellness trend could you poke fun at?


AiringMyLaundry said...

This sounds like a good book! I will have to add it to my list. The wellness industry can be a crazy one, that's for sure.

Nyxie said...

Sounds like a fun read! I'll have to look into it!

Jessica said...

The wellness industry is abusing trying to be a substitute of grand manufacturing Pharmaceuticals which is not bad,you can get organic look too your Wellness but if it is bad if you don't consult a professional before doing it

Jamie said...

That sounds like a great book. I'm going to head over to the site, to find out more. Thank you for the info! :)

Marie at Complete Literature said...

That sounds like a really funny book. It is nice to be able to laugh at something that we take way too seriously sometimes.

Why Girls Are Weird said...

This sounds like a really great book! I'm going to head on over and check it out, thanks for sharing!

Holls said...

This book sounds hilarious. I guess in any huge industry there will always be the "bad guys" who are just in it for themselves. It's nice that there is someone to take them down a peg.

The Super Mom Life said...

I hadn't heard of this book before today. I'll definitely have to check it out.

Jaredamy said...

This book does sound really funny! I dabbled in essential oils but surely do not have an oil for everything, My interest is officially peaked about this book.

Fatima D Torres said...

There's so much going on in the wellness industry right now. You just never know what to believe. I bet this is a great read. Will keep an eye out for it.

Monica said...

I love a good parody! How funny it's on the wellness industry. It can be so exhausting trying to eat all the right things and exercise as much as possible and take all the right supplements. I need to read this book.

Stefani @ MommyEnterprises.com said...

Sounds like an interesting read for sure!

Britt K said...

This looks like a great read. I love when authors are able to use humour to shed a light on a specific topic, industry, etc. I'm going to have to grab this and check it out!

Prime Beauty said...

Sounds like a great read. I love when an author has a sense of humor!

Shruti Bhattacharya said...

The wellness industry definitely pulls one in every direction. I'd love to read this book

Kita Bryant said...

That is an awesome value on your coupon code. I will totally support you with it.

Toni said...

That sounds like a great read! I will definitely check it out.

Gust si Aroma said...

I really need an interesting book right now! Thanks for sharing it with us!

Lisa Joy Thompson said...

Sounds like an interesting book. I'll have to look into it. There is so much misinformation going on in the wellness space right now...especially with the coronavirus.

The summerwinediary said...

Judging by your review I think this is a book that I would enjoy. I will certainly look into it. Thank you for sharing!

aisasami said...

This sounds like a good book. I never knew about the dark side of the wellness industry (Well, I kind of did as I knew the bust of craze diets but not other things). I check this book out!

Lyosha Varezhkina said...

sounds like a very nice read. wellness is very important for any person. or so I think

Pearl Haskins said...

Music always makes things better to me! Bad day, stress, worry, anxiety and music can solve some problems!

Erin Stair said...

Thank you for this and glad that my book made you laugh & also, the purple ZENBand looks great on you!! - Dr. E

Mommy Peach said...

I think this is going to be a very nice read! I'll check my local bookstore so I can get a copy.

Amber said...

With everything going on in the world, this was funny! Needed this today.

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Sounds like a fun read! I'll have to look into it!
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I will add it to my list

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