>U Mom Knows Best: Why I Am Excited About Trace Mineral Supplements

Why I Am Excited About Trace Mineral Supplements

 It all started with the Trace Mineral Electrolyte Stamina Power Pack that I discovered at a health expo in 2022. Then in 2023, I discovered the benefits of daily magnesium from a delicious magnesium gummy and I was hooked on minerals for healing.

 If you have been reading my articles for quite some time, then you know that I take many health supplements. I just love the many benefits of supplements for the body and I am always researching different supplements. I also try many supplements to see if they really work. 

 It was a tendon running injury in 2014, that would not heal which lead me to try turmeric, collagen, and protein powder. When these supplements healed my Achilles tendon, after many failed doctor treatments, I began my journey of supplementation for health benefits. Natural supplements are nature's medicine for me.

Attending Health Expos to Learn More About Supplements

 Every year I attend several health expos to learn about the newest products in the natural market. From sampling healthy food to discovering new health products, I also get to take home samples of many supplements. These samples of natural supplements have helped me learn the benefits of supplements for the body. 

 Before I take any supplement, I always do plenty of research to discover not only the benefits but also the dangers of the product. While supplements like vitamins and minerals are natural, they can also harm you if not taken in the correct dosage.

Trace Minerals has helped me learn about minerals 

 It was a powerful vitamin C supplement that I received from Trace Minerals in the fall of 2022 at Expo East that got me excited about trying more mineral supplements from this company. This was not your typical vitamin C product as Trace Minerals Power Pak contained minerals and electrolytes. So along with 1200 mg of vitamin C for immunity benefits, I was also getting some minerals like magnesium, potassium, and sodium. 

 The Power Pak helped me stay well throughout the cold and flu season as I drank one of the delicious Trace Power Pak drink mixes a couple times a week. When someone was sick in my family then I drank the Power Pak every day until they were well. 

Get 10% off any order at Trace Mineral 

Sampling other Trace Mineral products helped me sleep better

 Then in March of 2023, I received some other mineral sample products from Trace Minerals while attending Expo West. One of the products was watermelon magnesium gummies and the other was Trace Mineral Drops.

I decided to add the Trace Mineral supplements into my daily supplement routine. I loved that I could use the Power Pak after I exercise for hydration benefits and also get immunity benefits. So I decide to use enjoy this delicious drink mix every morning after I sweated in the gym. I added the Trace Mineral Drops to my after-the-gym protein recovery shake and chewed one of the magnesium gummies when I took my other vitamins.

 After taking these supplements for a week, I noticed that I was sleeping better and was no longer waking up several times from my asthmatic cough. At first, I thought that I was sleeping better due to receiving allergy shots for allergy-induced asthma. Then, it dawned on me that all of these new supplements had magnesium in them and I remembered that magnesium can help with sleep. 

Magnesium and sleep benefits

 One of the many benefits of magnesium is it may help one sleep better. I had learned about this many years ago but when I took magnesium before bed it did not work for me. Magnesium had the opposite effect on me and stimulated me, so I could not sleep. 

 It was after I used the Trace Mineral products that contained magnesium in the morning, that I discovered that I could still get the sleep benefits of magnesium even though I took them in the AM. Could a lack of magnesium in my body be the cause of my not sleeping and having an asthmatic cough at night?

12 Benefits of Magnesium

1. Improved Sleep ~ I was sleeping better

2. Elevated Mood

3. Enhanced Bone Health

4. Muscle recovery

5. Boosted Energy Levels

6. Improved Digestion

7. Regulated Blood Pressure

8. Increased Mental Focus

9. Lower Risk of Diabetes

10. Reduced Inflammation ~ This helped my asthma symptoms

Get 10% off any order at Trace Mineral 

 So I did further research on the benefits of magnesium supplements and I was amazed at the list of benefits. The 1st benefit was improved sleep and benefit #10 was reduced inflammation. Asthma is caused by inflammation of the lungs and adding magnesium to my diet helped with my asthma. 

 I then looked at the list of other magnesium benefits and saw that magnesium could help with blood pressure. I then decided that my husband needed to start taking a magnesium supplement as he was having a hard time lowering his BP numbers. 

I won a giveaway from Trace Minerals

 I won a giveaway that I entered at Expo West. The prize was a gift card from Trace Minerals. So I used the gift card to buy more magnesium gummies for my husband. I also bought more of the Power Paks and Trace Mineral drops since they were helping me. Since I still had money left to spend, I decided to try some other Trace Mineral products. 

 I just received my box of goodies from Trace Minerals and I am excited to try them. I am also excited to see if the magnesium gummies can help my husband's high blood pressure. So look for my reviews of Trace Minerals next month.

Get 10% off any order at Trace Mineral 

Which Trace Mineral product would you like to try?


LoriBosworth said...

I don't take many supplements but I do like taking magnesium because it helps me sleep better!

Stephanie said...

Trace Minerals sounds like a company with good products based on this review. I will have to browse their products (thanks for the discount coupon!).

AiringMyLaundry said...

I need these for my husband. He is a terrible sleeper and needs all the help he can get.

Monica said...

I would like to try the Magnesium supplement. I could use help with my sleep and anxiety.

Lavanda Michelle said...

It's incredible to hear how these products have positively impacted your health and well-being. Your thorough research and dedication to finding natural supplements for your body's needs is commendable. It's especially interesting to learn about the benefits of magnesium for improved sleep, reduced inflammation, and even helping with asthma symptoms.

Richelle Milar said...

This sounds really great. I’m surely going share this with my husband he really need this

Renee said...

I've never been one for supplements but these look interesting.

Beautiful Touches said...

These trace mineral supplements look like a wonderful addition to your daily vitamin routine!

Melanie Edjourian said...

These sounds interesting. I may want to try them too.

Christy G said...

I’m looking to add some a vitamin to my daily routine. I’ll have to check out the trace minerals before I order my vitamins. Thank you for sharing.

Tami Creates said...

I've actually heard of these but I didn't know anything about them. I definitely need to check them out! :)

Lisa said...

I wasn't aware of this company until now, but they sound sensible and neat! Thanks for the review and info!

Gust si Aroma said...

This is the right season to take supliments. I feel really tired these days and I am sure they will help me!

Anonymous said...

I too am a huge fan of natural remedies like these and love your review! I am checking this brand out for myself so thank you for sharing!

Nahashon Kyalo said...

Can these cause an issue for people that already take blood pressure medication?

Mom Knows Best said...

I would talk to your doctor first

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Mom knows best