>U Mom Knows Best: StyleUnited


There is cool new site to help you with all your beauty needs. This site is called StyleUnited and you can reach it  by going to www.StyleUnited.com . At StyleUnited you can get all kinds of tips and trends for fashion,makeup,skincare, and hair. There is even videos and product reviews that other fans submit. I watched a cool one on how to do a great a home pedicure http://www.styleunited.com/TipsAndTrends/Videos
When you register at the site you build a style 360 profile that gives you head to toe personalized recomendations for all you beauty needs. Also there is a place called inner circle where you invite your friends to share beauty tips.  If you join www.StyleUnited.com by June 8th there is a contest to win a  500.00 Macy's or Nordstrom gift card. For details go to http://www.shespeaks.com/Enter-the-StyleUnited-New-View-New-You-Giveaway  This contest is at another great site called SheSpeaks(www.SheSpeaks.com) I love this site for reviews,disscusions,great deals and more. So join StyleUnited today.

"Disclosure: I am receiving a complimentary gift from P&G/SheSpeaks, but my opinions are my own."

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Mom knows best