>U Mom Knows Best: My Beans and Rice Inspired By Haiti

My Beans and Rice Inspired By Haiti

I decided to make some beans and rice after my husband attended a meeting at our church for the Haiti mission trip he is going on. One of the members at the meeting is from Haiti and he brought some Haitian beans and rice for the lunch at the meeting. My husband and I enjoyed them and decided to make some. After searching online for recipes,I realized I did not have all the ingredients to make it Haitian style so I made my own version which was close. What I like about beans and rice is that it is very inexpensive to make. Since my husband is going on a mission trip to Haiti in June,we are living frugal and making sacrifices to save up the money. Since January I having trying to cook only from food in the house and not purchase more. I have been only purchasing milk, bread (although I have baked some bread) ,eggs ,lunchmeat, some fresh veggies, and fresh fruit every week. I did buy some coffee and cereal as it was very cheap with coupons and a sale. Thankfully through stocking up last year through sales I have plenty of food ,just not meat. So I have been creative with using beans in my cooking. Making beans and rice is very easy to make so I made a double batch.

                                          Beans and rice
      2 cups rice
       4 cups water
        4 cups pinto beans (I had those in the freezer, I had made them in the crockpot from scratch)
         a package of baby carrots cut into small pieces ( I only bought those as Jesse asked for them)
         one red pepper diced ( they were .33 cents at Sprouts)
          1 teaspoon chili powder
          1 tablespoon cajun seasoning ( received from a blog post)
     Combine all ingredients in a big pot and bring to a boil. Then simmer for 30 minutes. You can use other veggies or beans for a different taste. I like to eat my beans and rice with guacamole and salsa-see my post on how I got those for free  Wholly Guacamole
The beans and rice reheat well in the microwave the next day to use up left overs.

Through my frugal ways, we have saved up enough money so Michael can go to Haiti. Our church-Cottonwood church supports an orphanage Heartline and Maranatha Childrens Ministries. Cottonwood church also raised money for a  well in Haiti. In June Michael will be going with some members of the church to Haiti to do some more work for these above ministries. Our church can use your support in prayer as they are going to an unstable and dangerous country.Getting people to pray for them is their main priority.

If you wish to give a money donation to help  you can fill out the card and mail a check to Cottonwood Church, 4041 Barbara Loop SE , Suite B, Rio Rancho NM 87124. Or if you have PayPal you can go to www.cottonwoodchurch.com and click on giving and follow the directions. Just make a sure to put "Mike Pittman to Haiti" on the "purpose line when it comes up.

Here is also a link to my pastor's Haiti experience

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We like beans and rice I think I am going to try this. Thanks

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Mom knows best