>U Mom Knows Best: Hello Fresh Cooking Made Easy! Review

Hello Fresh Cooking Made Easy! Review

     I decided to try this fresh meal delivery service. I had a great coupon so I decided to see what it was like. Hello Fresh delivers all the ingredients and recipes to make dinner for 2-4 people for 3 meals. They box up fresh produce, meats or vegetarian options, and the other ingredients along with step by step recipe cards so you can cook a meal instead of doing take out. They have different menus every week so you can choose the meals you like.

My food came packed in this box with two ice packs.

    I ordered the veggie box and the recipes I received were Glazed Tofu, Vegetarian Summer Rolls, and Mediterranean Zucchini Flatbread. The recipe cards were colorful and easy to follow.  Below are the items I received for each recipe. They package only the amount needed for the recipe so items are in little containers and baggies.

The Vegetarian Summer Rolls came all this.

Portobello mushrooms
1 mango
1 very ripe avacado
1 bundle vermicelli noodles
rice paper sheets(these were cracked so I could not use)
red bell pepper
peanut butter 
soy sauce

This is what came for the Glazed Tofu.
Tofu(this item was out of safe temperature range so I could not use it.)
lime honey
soy sauce

This is what came with the Mediterranean Zucchini Flatbread
pizza dough
hummus (could not use as out of safe temperature range)
feta crumbles (could not use as out of safe temperature range)
sun-dried tomatoes

I mention above that my perishable(ones that needed to be in the fridge) items were out of safe temperature range. They should have been 40 degrees F but were 60 degrees F. My box was sent by Fed- Ex 2 day delivery and arrived at 5 PM. The weather was 80 degrees that day. Also the ice packs in the box were below the perishable items, maybe if there was some on top the items may have been ok. The company knew that it was shipping this box to a hot state so they should have used overnight shipping and more ice packs or dry ice. I did call the company and they refunded my money.

     My opinion of Hello Fresh is if you want to spend the money and make the meals right away then go for it as many of the produce needed to use right away from not being in the fridge. I do not think I will be using this service again because of the food not being in the safe temperature zone. If they were to ship the box overnight and use more ice packs I might try them again.

To check out what Hello Fresh has to offer click on the below link.

I made the Mediterranean Zucchini Flatbread but used mozzarella cheese as I could not use the feta or hummus. The flatbread turned out very good. I used the other ingredients in other recipes since I could not use the tofu and rice papers.


Jessica said...

It is good to hear that they refunded your money because of the items that were not kept at the proper temperature. I have seen this company advertised and wondered how good it was. Sounds like there is some kinks they need to work out, at least for southern states. I was thinking this would be a fun gift to send someone a special meal.

Unknown said...

glad they refunded you!

Kira said...

I like this idea. Too bad it wasn't executed well.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing. I have been curious about this service myself.

Juliana said...

Looks delicious meal :D The package looks tidy too with ice packs inside.

APPI said...

Such a great concept that didn't turn out well. It's kind of scary they sent that out with the improperly kept items.

asd said...

Thank you because you have been willing to share information with us. we will always appreciate all you have done here because I know you are very concerned with our. stir occasionally

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Mom knows best