>U Mom Knows Best: 5-hour ENERGY® “Yummification” Video Contest Winners Have Officially Been Announced

5-hour ENERGY® “Yummification” Video Contest Winners Have Officially Been Announced

Sponsored Post: These opinions are my own.

5-Hour Energy had a contest where people used 5-Hour Energy and other ingredients to come up with a yummy drink. The participants had to make a creative video of themselves making the drink using 5-Hour Energy drink shots. The videos show how 5-Hour Energy gives them energy. There was a lot of entries and and the winners of the 5-hour ENERGY® “Yummification” video contest have been officially announced.

   First Place ($50,000 prize): “Pomelimelade” by Tim Merlau, Los Angeles, CA

  This winning submission mixes a Pomegranate 5-hour ENERGY® shot with limeade, and then takes us on a musical journey through all that can be accomplished over several hours (spoiler alert:  it’s a lot). 

      Second Place ($30,000 prize): “Ramalamadingdong” by Mark Golembeski, Los Angeles, CA

   The second place video helps us turn that 2:30 feeling frown upside down by mixing a 5-hour ENERGY® shot with lemonade.  This video has it all: a clown, a puppy, a guy in a tutu, and much more. 

Third Place ($10,000 prize): “Arnold Power” by Zac Sheorn, Lugoff, SC

  The third place winner reminds us that you don’t have to be good at sports, but mixing a Pink Lemonade 5-hour ENERGY® shot with decaffeinated iced tea helps keep you refreshed while practicing.  And practicing. 

To see the videos of these great drinks and of the runner ups of the Yummification Contest, click on the below link. There are some very creative people out there.

So go look at the videos and get some great drink recipes using 5-Hour Energy. I think my favorite drink is the Arnold Power as I love the taste of ice tea and pink lemonade mixed together. 

Which of these 5-Hour Energy drink recipe is your favorite? 

Congratulations to all the winners!


Yona Williams said...

I've been curious about how the Pink Lemonade flavor tastes...I think I would like it.

Jamie said...

I won't ever use this due to some issues with my husband's heart. He drank it and almost had a heart attack. Some people love it, though. Great post!

Unknown said...

My husband uses this all the time. I want to try these recipes maybe then I will like them.

Buzz4Mommies said...

What a great contest!~ I have been meaning to try mixing it with other drinks!

Cali Julz said...

wanna try the lime pom one!! yum

Jessica said...

My husband uses this whenever we take the 6 hour drive to visit my family.

Linda A Kinsman said...

I have to try the Ramalamadingdong just so I can say that!

Joan's 5 Star Reviews said...

I would go for the Pomegranate combo. I have never tried these energy things as they worry me.

Uplifting Families said...

These sound like good recipes. I needed some five hour energy this afternoon.

Melissa said...

I don't like the taste of 5 Hour Energy to drink them straight up, but these drinks sound pretty good. I can see why they were the winners!

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Mom knows best