>U Mom Knows Best: Spring Forward With Daylight Saving Time

Spring Forward With Daylight Saving Time

Sponsored post with Sleep Number

   This Sunday is Daylight Saving Time! We are to change our clocks ahead one hour at 2:00 AM. Does anyone change their clocks at exactly 2:00 AM? I think most people change them before they go to bed or the next day when they realized they overslept and are late for church. In my house, the job of changing the clocks belongs to my husband and he always forgets a couple of clocks and watches. My teen wakes up and complains that his clock was not changed and my husband always uses the excuse that he did not want to disturb him while he was sleeping. Does anyone get excited to change their clocks and lose an hour of sleep? My now 20-year-old son was the only person I knew that got excited about changing all the clocks and had them all changed by 10 PM on Saturday. I would look at my clock and know it was just changed so I would go to bed at the same time and lose an hour of sleep. The next day when my alarm clock went off, I would have trouble getting out of bed, as I was tired.

According to new national sleep survey from Sleep Number, over half (54 percent) of the respondents don’t feel they are getting enough sleep to be at their best. When DST makes us lose an hour of sleep, that sleep loss is even more evident. This year, with helpful tips from the savvy sleepers at Sleep Number, you won't have to be a zombie on March 8th.

15 more minutes

To make the time adjustment easier, don’t boil the ocean; start going to bed 15 minutes earlier than the night before… do this for 3-4 days.

                                   Live in the future                                  

  On Saturday, live your life as if it's already an hour ahead. For example, drink your last cup of coffee at 11 AM (because that is really noon). Since caffeine has an approximate half-life of 6 hours, you don't want to consume caffeine afternoon as it may impede your sleep.

Put down the screens
   Survey results indicate that people who use devices in bed are more likely to feel they don't get enough sleep (51 percent). Always make a screen-free zone about an hour before bedtime, which gives the eyes and mind time to relax before getting shut-eye. This allows the sleep hormone melatonin to trigger sleepiness. People in the Western region of the U.S> are the biggest tech-in-bed offenders, with 66 percent of respondents bringing devices to bed.

 Monitor sleep to improve it    
        Fifty-eight percent of people wish they knew more about how to improve the quality of their sleep, yet only 16 percent actually monitor their sleep ( versus 41 percent who track exercise and 43 percent who track diet). Woman are more likely to focus on improving their sleep compared to men.

Sleep Number’s SleepIQ technology offers a simple solution to those who want to know better sleep

So tell me, Does DST affect your sleep? 

Do you have any tips for making the time change easier on your sleep?

         Image result for daylight savings 2015


mryjhnsn said...

I hate the time change! Oh, how I wish we can do away with it! Great tips!

Brooke @ Blushing Noir said...

This time change is going to mess me up so hard lol The days FLY by and I go to bed at 1am now lol oh man

Terri Patillo said...

I hate #DST -- it really disturbs me waking / sleeping routine. I'm a night person, I like it dark. I really wish the government would stop this nonsense.

Jamie said...

That's one thing I love about living in AZ - we don't have to deal with the time change. After living here for so many years, I don't understand why they even have DST anymore. :) Great tips, though!

Christy G said...

These are excellent tips. I am a night owl and this is going to be difficult for me. I have to remember to take my medication super early on Saturday night so that I can go to bed on time.

Unknown said...

Ugh, I know I should put down the screens but it's SO HARD! My sleep habits are pitiful. Thank you so much for the tips!

Kat Sterrett said...

Don't remind me - down with daylight saving's time!

These stats are sad.

Saidah said...

Lots of great tips here. We invested in a quality mattress and our sleep has really improved.

Patricia said...

Spring ahead. booo. Although I do like the extra daylight.

Lisa said...

Not looking forward to losing an hour but ready for spring! Thanks for the tips.

Susan said...

I live in Indiana, and we did not "do" the time change until several years ago. I have to say, I'm not a big fan. I do like more light in the evenings, but feel bad for the kids getting on the bus in total darkness once again ... On a related note -- I have a Sleep Number pillow. LOVE it!!

Unknown said...

Good tips! I hate the Spring time change. We always end up changing the clocks days later, lol. Luckily our phones update automatically :)

A GAL NEEDS... said...

I didn't do too badly for the lost hour. Just a little tired this morning when I woke up for work, but got through the day ok! Thanks for the info!

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Mom knows best