>U Mom Knows Best: The Jesus Sees Us Doll & Picture Book Is A Great Teaching Tool For Toddlers

The Jesus Sees Us Doll & Picture Book Is A Great Teaching Tool For Toddlers

   I lead the nursery and toddler areas at my church. I just love interacting with the babies and toddlers. I always tell them that Jesus loves them and at snack time I teach them to say thank you Jesus for the food. The teachers read a story to them about Jesus and there is always a coloring sheet too. As a leader of the church, I want these little ones to know Jesus. How do you teach them about someone they can't see? Their little minds can't quite comprehend Jesus as older children can.

The Jesus Sees Us Doll & Picture Book is a great teaching tool that shows the little ones that Jesus is real. This soft Jesus doll helps children learn about Jesus through a tangible item. They can see and hold the doll to visualize Jesus as a real person who loves them. The Jesus Sees Us doll allows children to “play out” the valuable and timeless lessons of the Bible.

     I love that the Jesus doll comes with a book that has not only bible stories, but teaching lessons too. I can use the Jesus doll to teach my toddlers the lessons in the book. When story time is over, the toddlers can them hold the doll and put a face to this wonderful man called Jesus. This doll and book will allow the nursery teachers to help the little ones have a relationship with Jesus. One little boy who is not pictured had fun playing with the Jesus doll. He had the Jesus doll ride in trucks and go down the slide.

   The Jesus Sees Us Doll & Picture Book is also great for home use too. It will help remind your child that Jesus loves them. Children cling to things that make them feel secure and are drawn to the wonder of something they can believe in. Your child can engage and pray with the Jesus doll as it is a touchable source of comfort they can relate to. The included book has short Christian lessons with wonderful pictures to engage children in learning more about Jesus. The Jesus Sees Us doll has a soft body and a warm, welcoming face. His arms and hands are open, inviting your child to hold him, engage with him, and pray with him.

 The Jesus Sees Us Doll & Picture Book makes a great Easter gift. To learn more about this wonderful teaching tool, click on the below links.

"These opinions are my own and I was sent the above mentioned product to write this review."


Terri Patillo said...

Now, this is really neat! I love it.

Jamie said...

I thought this was adorable!! I gave mine to the Kindergarten at my son's Christian school and the teacher couldn't believe that they made these. She loved it and now the blessing is being passed on! :)

Buzz4Mommies said...

This is really cute and such a way to show the kids that Jesus loves them!!

Literary Winner said...

What a nice way to help our little ones visualize Jesus!

Marissa said...

What a great idea! Often, toddlers and preschoolers can't grasp the concept of Jesus since they can't see him, and this would help to reinforce the stories they so often here. I'll be passing this along to my son's Sunday school teacher!

Susie's Reviews said...

What a lovely article. I love the pic of you teaching.

Shonda said...

Very cute. I had no idea something like this exist. A great tool to get the attention of toddlers during Sunday School

Uplifting Families said...

This is a great idea and tool for teaching your toddler or young child about Jesus. I think it would be a great assets for our church nursery too.

Linda A Kinsman said...

What an adorable way to teach the little ones about Jesus.

Silvie said...

This is adorable! It would be perfect for my sons.

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Mom knows best