>U Mom Knows Best: The Importance Of Play With The Genius Of Play

The Importance Of Play With The Genius Of Play

Sponsored post on behalf of the Toy Industry Association

Improve Cognitive Abilities

Play Isn’t All Fun And Games — It’s Also An Important Teaching Tool! It is through play 
 that kids learn how to interact with others and develop skills critical for childhood development. Think of it as recess and study hall all rolled into one.

Enhance Social Skills

  Play was different when I was growing up. My parents supplied the toys and my friends and I played with them. I really don't remember my mom ever playing with me. I remember the fun I had playing for hours at my friend's house and at home with my sister. When I was I at home, my sister and I would play school. We had real school desks and most of the time my sister was the teacher as she was older. When my sister was at school, I would play with my dolls and pretend I was the mom. My friend's house was the best place to play as they had all the cool toys. They had every little people play set and we would set them up in her basement. We would have a village set up and the fun we had making up new events every time we played. Then there was the outdoor play that I had with my friends. Riding our bikes around the block and playing tag. Oh, the games we made up were so fun. I don't remember any of my toys making sounds either, as I made all the sounds.

Hone Communication Skills

    For kids today, play has become adult directed and structured. Don't get me started on how every toy makes sounds and has to teach the child. Why can't children just play? Do children today know how to play using their imagination? Is there such thing as play that does not involve electronics? Researchers think that adult-directed and structure play has a significant impact on children’s physical, cognitive, social and emotional growth. When my older kids were growing up, I tried my hardest to not allow electronic toys in the house, but my younger boys are attracted to electronics as they see their friends and older brother on them. I struggle with getting my kids to just play as they want to be on the computer and there are no friends to play with as they are busy with activities like sports. My education is in early childhood education so I know the importance of play. I know that child –directed play is important in so many ways. When a child is allowed to just play without structure or electronics they learn so many things that helps them develop. Play will help a child learn things like(click on each one to learn more):
                                           + Improve Cognitive Abilities
                                           + Hone Communication Skills

                                           + Increase Creativity

                                               + Process & Express Emotions

Increase Creativity

     All these above skills are very important in your child’s development. Children need to just play and we as parents need to just supply the toys, the space and the time to allow kids to just play. I discovered a great website that will help us parents learn how to just allow our kids to play. There is great info and also play ideas and tips to get your children back to playing. you can also read advice from experts and learn about choosing the right toys for different ages. I just love the cool toy pick section that tells about some cool toys that your kids would love to play with.
Process & Express Emotions
      Need some more inspiration on helping you kids with play? Then check out some fun videos that show kids having fun playing. My favorite ones are Lava, Water Fight and Peek-a Boo. Watch them all and tell me about your favorite one.

Develop Physical Skills

   Now that I got your attention about the importance of play, I want you to join families across the country in taking The Play Pledge... And help guarantee 1,000,000 hours of pure fun (and beneficial) play this year! Once the goal is reached, Genius of Play will make a charitable donation to The Toy Bank. Don't your kids deserve your support with play? Help Genius of Play reach 1,000,000 hours of pledged playtime, so they can donate $10,000 worth of toys to support play for children in need. I took the pledge and committed to supporting my boys to 5 hours of play a week. You can pledge anywhere from one to 40 hours a week. 

Take the pledge here.


Jennah said...

I love that you mention that play can help a child express their emotions - such an important thing! Thanks for sharing!

Jamie said...

What a great thing. We forget as we get older, how important play is...even for us!!

Unknown said...

These are some great tips. Play has changed so much over the years, it's time to get back to our roots. :-)

That Odd Mom said...

A fantastic post to remind us that play is important! I took the pledge :-)

Daughters said...

These are really great tips that I will most definitely keep in mind for my playtime with my granddaughter.

Unknown said...

such a nice great tips. i will keep this on my mind it is very helpful for me

Beth@FrugalFroggie said...

I can't wait to play with my kids tonight when I get off of work.

Ellen said...

What a fantastic pledge. I love it when companies give back.

Unknown said...

Play is important! Thanks for the reminder! Sometimes we get too caught up in the day to day. I did the same "school" play with my sister growing up. How fun :)

Eliz Frank said...

What's even more remarkable with the research on play is that adults who do play, benefit the same as kids ... We all need play to build our creative side...

Kelly O said...

I think "games" like these are super important. I feel that life has become so busy for many parents, and the TV becomes a great babysitter, often substituting for good educational play.

renata said...

These are fabulous techniques and ideas to help children with education in the early years of life!

Nancy said...

Play is very important. Play is children's work.

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Rose-Marie said...

I think parents have been fearful of letting kids play without regimentation, structure, etc., since it isn't the norm nowadays, like when I was growing up. There's a worry about they may be missing out on. You can believe it in the abstract that unstructured play is best, but on a daily basis the nagging thoughts of shouldn't they be at this place doing xyx or going to abc place. I think allowing children unstructured time often is important for optimal development.

dd said...

My fave is communication since it's so important. I know intelligent people (engineers mostly) that have poor communication skills, heck I married one! These are great for learning while playing.

Unknown said...

I love that my son is 12 years old and still loves to play. I hope he never outgrows it.

clc408 said...

Play is a child's work. It's how they learn about the world.

Maryann D. said...

All of the mentioned skills are very important. I always enjoyed watching my children at play.
twinkle at optonline dot net

Isaiahsmom said...

Play is the #1 way that our kids learn and develop skills to help them in life.

Anonymous said...

We had more of a free range childhood (I'm 60). We played outside or imaginary as we did not have a lot of toys or things or anything structured. Wish it was like that for kids now. Rosanne rosans4@comcast.net

Unknown said...

Play is always an important part of learning. Learning how to win, lose,play fairly, share etc. etc. The list is endless!

bill said...

these are great tips on teaching your kids how to play right

dd said...

I like how vibrant the colored pieces are. It's interesting to kids and gets them involved.

Mandi said...

Very interesting read, thanks!

Raya K said...

Very helpful tips as always:)

Cindy Merrill said...

Wow what a great idea! Giving needy kids toys is a wonderful thing to do.

Deborah Dumm said...

Kids need to get outside more & play instead of being on their computers.

msrodeobrat said...

I love that you mention play can help with communication skills. I think that is so important in the techie age we live in!
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
Ashley C

chickie717 said...

play is everything I wish more parents understood this... They are sticking them in front of a computer or the children or doing it themselves.

Shannon said...

Play is very important for children and people seem to forget this, thank you for sharing....

Unknown said...

Play is a part of life and growing into the person they become and especially when they use their imagination.

Unknown said...

Play is a part of life and growing into the person they become and especially when they use their imagination.

CMkin said...

Schools now days do not allow for enough learning through play!

Jackie Burns said...

As a retired teacher I've noticed over the years that school has become the primary place that allows for learning through play. Children are frequently thrown in front of a tv, or video game which is suppose to be their baby sitter when they are at home. Hence, children's social skills, creativity skills, etc. etc. have decreased over the years.

Sue M. said...

I'm strongly in favor of encouraging children to express their creativity through play, and I've noticed that kids often have the best time just playing with simple things, not some fancy toys and gadgets with all the bells and whistles.

LesleyfromWI said...

Great ideas & tips!

Jerry Marquardt said...

The importance of the play with a genius looks like it would be a very great goal for kids these days.

laurie nykaza said...

These are really great tips to use for the family we always do everything we can to help them.

https://www.facebook.com/lula.ruger said...

I love this article there are way to many electronic gadgets these days that really limits a childs creativity .I am seeing kids 8 or 9 with smart phones and lap tops there are benefits and some educational games but a kid needs to be a kid

dd said...

They come out with more and more gadgets for kids and love it when I find the educational ones that actually teach them something.

lilyk said...

This pledge sounds great, thanks for letting us know about it!

Jerry Marquardt said...

This is a very important thing, just make sure you play a little. Thanks for the post.

bnchile said...

sounds like a good tool

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Mom knows best