>U Mom Knows Best: Does Toothpaste Cause Canker Sores?

Friday, November 20, 2015

Does Toothpaste Cause Canker Sores?

Could toothpaste be the cause of mouth sores?

       My youngest son tends to get mouth sores, also known as canker sores, almost every week. He has a bottle of "magic mouthwash" that the doctor prescribed and I have taught him how to apply this medicine to his mouth sores. This " magic mouthwash" helps to numb the pain but does not heal the sores. While my son tolerates the taste of this medicine, he dislikes the way it feels in his mouth. I am trying to raise my family more naturally and that includes trying to heal the body with food or natural medicines. I want to be able to find the source of what is causing the mouth sores in my son. I recently attended a natural healthy conference and learned about raising my family with healthy natural products. I met with a lot of companies and gained a lot of new information about new products. I also left the conference with lots of samples of products. One of those products was EarthPaste. The natural toothpaste came in a cinnamon flavor and I could not wait to try it.

  When I applied the natural toothpaste to my toothbrush, I quickly noticed that it was brown in color. So I picked up the tube and read it to find out what was in this toothpaste. I was surprised at what was in the toothpaste, but I was even more surprised at what was not in the toothpaste. This natural toothpaste contains only five ingredients- Water, Redmond Clay, Real Salt, essential oils, and xylitol. The Redmond clay was a turn off at first until I went to the website and read more about it. It what was not in the toothpaste that I loved the most. EarthPaste does not contain foaming agents, coloring, glycerin, and sodium laurel sulfate. Through my research, I learned that sodium laurel sulfate could cause mouth(canker sores) in some people. I  just had to try this toothpaste to see how it tasted as I wanted to help my son eliminate his canker sores. Was his regular kid toothpaste the cause of his mouth sores? Learn more about EarthPaste through this funny video. Also, check out the FAQ's.

   I brushed with the EarthPaste toothpaste, expecting it to taste nasty. I was surprised at how awesome it tasted. It did not taste like clay but it had a nice cinnamon taste to it. My teeth felt nice too after I brushed. I just had to know what benefits the Redmond clay had. I found out that it is a natural polisher and cleanser that is also mineral-rich and alkaline. I like the mineral-rich part of it as I have weak teeth that could use some remineralization. I was so excited about this natural toothpaste that I wrote to the company. They sent me all of the flavors of EarthPaste, so my son and I could try them all to see which one we liked best. I was most excited that EarthPaste came in a lemon flavor for my son to try as I was afraid he would not like this toothpaste. My son loved the cinnamon flavor. Even my other son who is picky tried EarthPaste. I think watching the above video helped them get past the fact that the toothpaste is made with clay.

So did the switch to EarthPaste eliminate my son's mouth sores? I am happy to say that, after two weeks of use of EarthPaste, my son no longer has mouth sores. I wish I had known about how sodium lauryl sulfate causes canker sores a lot sooner. As for my use of EarthPaste and my weak teeth, I will not know until February as that is when I have a cleaning. For now, I will enjoy the way my teeth feel after each use of EarthPaste, fresh and clean.

Find out more about this natural toothpaste at

The company that makes EarthPaste also makes other wonderful products and they sent me some of them. I can't wait to try them out. I am thinking that the Real Salt will be awesome on my roasted veggies. 


Masshole Mommy said...

I get them a lot, too, but only when I eat something acidic like citrus or tomato sauce.

Elizabeth O. said...

All natural toothpastes are always welcome. These are awesome products for dental care! I love it.

Jamie said...

That is interesting. This looks like a great product!!

Unknown said...

i am so glad the natural toothpaste took away the canker sores

Heidi G. said...

I've only tried one other natural tooth paste and I couldn't get over the yucky taste unfortunately.

Unknown said...

Looks like a great product. i would love to try this product interesting

Six Time Mommy TEST said...

Ugh cankers. I cannot stand them. These look like some great products I've never heard of Earth Paste before, I'd love to try! - Jeanine

tiarastantrums said...

oh this is good to know. My kids get thee all the time and I never thought it might be their tooth paste. I always thought they were eating too much acid in their foods.

Coach Donna Ward said...

Like the mineral rich and alkaline part - and the video was fun - I'll be looking at the website too.
My son had canker sores as a baby - before teeth - My doctor had me put liquid vitamin B (for babies at that time) and it cleared them up fast -
Great post

Ana De-Jesus said...

Are canker sores ulcers? If so I get them sometimes they can be quite annoying but I have never had them regularly

Lexie Lane said...

That's cool, that's new to me, different flavors are good to me, I'd like to try the peppermint and lemon.

Deal Match Maker said...

We also use natural toothpaste. Simply better for our mouth and teeth.

Daughters said...

Very interesting. I have been sticking to baking soda mostly and that works for me. Thanks.

Aduke Schulist said...

I use natural toothpaste for about 5 years and ended up with terrible dental problems. My mouth needs the fluoride unfortunately.

Ourfamilyworld said...

I'm not familiar with the brand, but they sound like great products. My daughter also suffered from canker soars when she was young. I could have been the toothpaste she used. I'd like to try these products.

Unknown said...

I'm not familiar with this product but it sounds like something right up our alley. May give it a try!

Shann said...

I had no idea toothpaste could cause canker sores. That's great this works for your son. I've been wanting to find a more natural toothpaste.

Jenn @ Smalltown Bookworm said...

Never heard of this before. Thanks for sharing! Not sure I'd like the xylitol though.

Liz Mays said...

Canker sores are the absolute worst. I'm really glad they seem to have gone away for you all!

CourtneyLynne said...

Omg when I was a kid I use to get awful canker soars! It's was so bad sometimes I wouldn't want to go to school because they hurt. Now that I'm an adult I neve get them... So strange...

Jasmine Watts said...

I have not heard about this before but it sounds like a great product to have... Thanks for sharing great info!!!

Jay | Life of Creed said...

Looks like a good product! Lemon flavor, I would have to try it. I LOVE, lemon. Thanks for sharing!

Jessica Cassidy said...

Sounds like a cool and healthy product for the family to try. I have not try any of those products.

Unknown said...

I love that you said you were surprised what wasn't in it! That is what I like to hear, less additives.

Flack Flores said...

Nice and useful information indeed! I read it completely and it worth share. Well, if anyone looking for TMJ Treatment Near Me then visit Edge Dental.

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