>U Mom Knows Best: How To Feed A Teenager

How To Feed A Teenager

  I tend to write about my youngest two boys all the time and nobody realizes that I have a teenage son. He is a teenager and like most teens he could care less if I talked about him. Most of the time my teen son is not home anyway. He is a busy teen so when I do get time with him, I cherish every moment. Ok there are some moments, when he is crabby, that I don't cherish him. I blame the crabbiness on hormones and hunger. It seems like my teen is always hungry and can never get enough food. My teen is a tall skinny kid and no matter how much he eats, he stays skinny. How I wish I had that problem. My teen is also very busy and active so he needs healthy food that he can eat on the go. My teen needs healthy food to keep his growing body well nourished. One of the foods my teen likes to eat is a protein shake as he can consume that rather fast to be able to get up and go. My son also likes the added protein, from a protein shake, so he can build up his muscles.

My teen is a runner and participates in cross country and track at his high school. My son also participates on the rifle team in the ROTC Navy program at his school. All of these activities require use of his muscles and that means my son needs protein to help his muscles recover. My son loves that he can place a scoop of CardioWhey Vanilla Bean protein powder in a shaker bottle and place it in his backpack. He then goes off to school. Later in the after he runs or shoots rifles, my son adds water to the protein powder and shakes it up. He then has a delicious creamy vanilla shake to get some protein into his body to help his muscles recover. The protein in the CardioWhey shake keeps my son full until he gets home. I like that there is 6 grams of fiber in the protein powder to aid in digestion. Gluten free people can also enjoy this yummy shake as it has no gluten in it.

This vanilla bean protein powder is also great for making smoothies. The vanilla flavor blends well with almost any fruit and veggie combination. I think blueberries and spinach makes a great combination. I also use this protein powder to make yummy shakes for my younger boys. They like peanut butter and caramel. How would you use CardioWhey Vanilla Bean protein powder?

"These opinions are my own and I received the above mention product to facilitate this review."


Masshole Mommy said...

I have actually been meaning to pick some of that up for me. It sounds like a great way to get in some nutrients.

Ana De-Jesus said...

Sounds like a great shake for those who are into fitness!

Travel Quest said...

I love vanilla flavor and at the same time I love hiking and exercise so this is a right fit for me. However I am no longer a teenager I don't know if that's matter?

Rajean said...

I might have to try this for my two youngest - a tween girl and a gradeschool boy. I want to get more nutrients in them while they are still such picky eaters and choose mostly non-nutrient foods. I like that they can take it dry to school and add water there. Where do you buy this - online only - or another source?

Unknown said...

vanilla bean protein powder sounds really delicious!

Bernadette N said...

This sounds great! One day soon I need to get a new blender and start making protein shakes!

AiringMyLaundry said...

My husband drinks stuff like this. My son is a teenager and he'll only drink water. But he sure eats a lot of food!

Heidi G. said...

I've never tried any of the shake supplements but it sounds like a great way to sneak in some extra nutrients!

Unknown said...

This looks like a great supplement for growing teenagers, and it's fab that they have extra nutrients too :)

Betsy @ Happily Ever After, Etc. said...

Growing boys are so notorious for being hungry! Looks like this protein powder is a great solution!

Elizabeth O. said...

You said it alright, teens are always hungry and the girls are hard to feed, lol. They tend to be moody even with their taste in food. A protein shake would be nice for active teens!

Aci Girl said...

I thought you'll be sharing fancy recipes for teenagers, but with teenagers being always on the go the vanilla bean protein powder is the key.

Becca Ludlum said...

This is interesting! I've never tried a supplement like this but it seems like a great addition for healthy eating and exercise.

Beth@FrugalFroggie said...

I love protein shakes. I have at least one a day.

Daughters said...

Well your teenager seems to love this and that is all that is required. Not much of a protein powder drinker myself though.

Mommy Pearl said...

My kids are still small but I'll take note of this brand. ~PEarliza Paguio

Unknown said...

My hubby would love the milk protein. and i will this to my son

Jay | Life of Creed said...

I drink protein shakes almost every morning. I will have to try vanilla, peanut butter, and caramel together it sounds like a yummy sweet treat. Thanks for sharing!

Rachel Mouton said...

What a great idea with the protein powder! Sometimes teenagers can be tough to keep fed :)

B is 4 said...

I've been drinking whey protein for when I exercise because I know I need to get in those extra nutrients. I'm always looking for different ones to try so this would be a good one. I already know when my kids are teens, we'll have to keep the fridge and pantry stocked!

Dogvills said...

MY growing boy is always hungry. I'd like to get this for him.

Buzz4Mommies said...

Sounds great! I will have 2 teens at the same time and am already worried about them eating us out of house and home. It is terrific that it is gluten free!

Jamie said...

I'll have to see if my 14 year old would like these. Anything is great while they're still growing!

Lexie Lane said...

I don't had yet teens but it would be great in the future, I think this product is great to have even we don't had yet teens.

healthiersteps said...

Sounds like an awesome shake, maybe also good for weightloss!

Unknown said...

Great tips for teens who need more in them. I have a few years before we get to the teens.

blessedchick said...

This looks like a great product. I will soon have 3 teenage boys and am already worried about keeping enough food in the house lol

Unknown said...

He seems to enjoy what he is drinking :) I'll take note of the brand, looks interesting. Gotta check it out

MomGlenz said...

I'll check it out and thanks for sharing.

calvinewers said...

I have been trying to exercise and eat right, but I must confess I fail at it pretty miserable. This might help out with that! Thank you for sharing this. It looks like this is a great product! look at more info

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Mom knows best