>U Mom Knows Best: How To Create A Spa Day At Home

Friday, November 13, 2015

How To Create A Spa Day At Home

  Moms deserve to be pampered. I would love to able to go to a spa and just relax. Sipping a glass of tea while getting a facial would be divine. The reality is I am a mom and a spa day is expensive and trying to find the time to go would be hard. I could go when the kids are in bed but, wait I am tired and what spa is open that late. Oh, I guess I could wait until the kids get bigger or I can make my own spa day at home. I love this option as it costs no money and I can do it on my time, like when the kids are at school or in bed. I am going to show you how easy it is to pamper yourself and create a spa day at home.

  Here is a list of items that come in handy for a spa day at home. You can add or take away from the list depending on what kind of pampering you want. I decided I want to pamper my face and hair today.

                                                   Spa Items
                                            candles in your favorite scent
                                            music that is relaxing
                                            a bathrobe
                                            headband to put your hair back
                                            herbal tea
                                            bath salts
                                            lavender body wash or soap, or any other scent
                                            shampoo and hair conditioner
                                            facial mask
                                            neck cream
                                            face cream

 To get started on your spa day, pick a time when you have the house to yourself. That could be while the kids are at school or in bed. Gather all the supplies and head up to your bathroom. Turn on your music and place the candles around the bathroom, then light them. You could dim the lights too. Start by taking a quick shower to wash your body and hair. I do this as I don't want to soak in my bathtub with dirt. I then get out and put on my robe and slippers. The next step is to fill up your bathtub with warm water and add bath salts. I then take my hair conditioner and massage it into my hair for a deep hair conditioning. I then pull my hair back with my headband. While my bath is still filling up I then take my face mask, I like using Strivectin Oxygen Infusion Soothing Mask as it feels so relaxing on my face. I just love how this face mask turns into a foam and tingles my skin as it works.While the face mask is working, mine takes 5 minutes, I like to soak in the warm bathtub and drink my tea. I also eat my chocolate and just relax. When the face mask is done working, I then rinse my hair and face while in the bathtub. You can then get out of the tub or relax longer. When I am done relaxing, I put on my robe and slippers. I then comb my hair and dry it. I sip some more tea and eat some more chocolate, the best part of my spa day. Then I apply a nice thick cream to my face and neck. I like using Strivectin TL Advanced Tightening Neck Cream all over my face as this thick cream does wonders for my skin. Drink some more tea and eat some more chocolate.

          How would you create your spa day? Is there anything you would do differently?

  Here is some more info on my Strivectin Oxygen Infusion Soothing Mask. This wonderful feeling mask is infused with oxygen to purify the skin. After you place the mask on your face it foams up to deep clean the dirt out your face. It feels so refreshing on your skin as the foam starts to work. The foam then drys and you rinse it off. I just love that it has beta-hydroxy acids to exfoliate away dead skin cells. The NIA-114 technology reinvigorates your skin to leave it revitalized and smooth. It is like a facial spa in a bottle.

                                              Check it out at Strivectin.com

Connect with Strivectin

"These opinions are my own and I was sent a sample of Strivectin Oxygen Infusion Soothing Mask to facilitate this post."


Kari Ann said...

That sounds very relaxing! I need a spa day asap.

Unknown said...

great idea!!!! i just need a bigger bathtub

Buzz4Mommies said...

Sounds terrific! I think all ladies should do this once in a while!!

Jessica Cassidy said...

This is a very sweet idea to pamper ourselves in our own home. I will try this your idea. Thank you for sharing.

Jamie said...

What a great idea!! It's always a good thing to have a bit of relaxation time! :)

Heidi G. said...

Sounds like a fabulous idea!

Elizabeth O. said...

I could use a spa day and it would be nice to just do it at home. Thanks for the ideas! I love 'em!

tiarastantrums said...

nice treats for yourself. I can never take a bath by myself - I always have tow little girls who want to come in as well!

Jay | Life of Creed said...

Great way to get some "me time" and just relax. This will be on my to do list today, to just enjoy a spa day at home. Thanks for the idea of using my face mask while relaxing in the bath. Usually I do it on and start doing things around the house.

mail4rosey said...

You don't have to convince me. I think it's a great idea!

Liz Mays said...

A great mask like that would be the cap on a great spa day! I'll bet your skin feels fabulous after that!

Shaylee Anne said...

Ohhh I'm definitely going to need to do this this weekend! :)

Rachel Mouton said...

OH my goodness! This is perfect :) I love a good spa day.

Daughters said...

Oh yes, now that's what I am talking about - relaxing!

Ana De-Jesus said...

I would love to create my own spa day thanks for all the ideas. I normally have a book, music and bath bombs.

Unknown said...

Such a nice way to save budget! I love DYI's Beauty stuff, I'm gonna try it I'm sure I would love it.

Unknown said...

OMG yes, I'm always looking for ways to pamper myself and this looks amazing! Thanks for sharing

Unknown said...

wow. i really need this i am stress too much and i need to relax at my home

Shann Eva said...

Looks like a great idea. With three kids, I never have time to go either.

Elizabeth L said...

I love quiet time but I rarely get it. I love getting face masks. Such a decadent treat!

Unknown said...

I am all about bath salts giving me relaxation for spa days. A nice nap afterwords is always needed.

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Mom knows best