Last year when I started taking probiotic supplements it was for my gut health. Probiotics are the good guys that fight the bad guys and that brings balance to your gut which for me was a happy tummy that no longer had gas or slowness in the bathroom. I later learned that probiotics are great for the immune system so I started my younger boys on a probiotic supplement. My younger boys no longer complained of stomach aches and they did not get sick last winter. I did some further research of probiotics and read that they could help with gingivitis. My husband had almost all his teeth removed 2 years ago but was still having bacterial issues in his mouth. So I convince my husband to take a daily probiotic supplement and months later he had a good dental check up and his bacterial issues were improving. My latest research on probiotics is related to skin issues like acne and eczema. I read that probiotics can help clear up skin problems as our gut health can affect our skin. Makes perfect sense to me, it is amazing that a simple supplement filled with good bacteria can do so much.
Now I am working on my teenager to take a daily probiotic to see if it can help clear up his acne. My teenager is frustrated that his acne cream no longer helps with those zits on his face. I gave my teen a bottle of Dr. Formulas Nexabiotic, as this one contains 23 probiotic strains, to see if it could help with his skin. My thinking is more of the "good guys" would help get his skin looking better as it helps restore his digestive balance. I like that these delayed-released capsules are designed to survive the harsh stomach acid and make it into the gut I realize it could take 2 to 6 weeks of a daily probiotic supplement to see improvement in his skin. I am very hopeful that this probiotic supplement is going to help my teens acne as my friend just told me about how probiotics helped her son with his eczema. Her son has been taking a probiotic supplement for two weeks and his eczema is beginning to clear up.
I want to show you before and after photos of my teen's face but he won't let me take any pictures of his face. I am just happy that my teen is willing to give probiotics a try. I will let you know later after he takes them for a while if they helped with his acne. I love how probiotics are good for all ages. Provita Labs even makes supplements for kids and babies. Visit the below link to find out more about probiotic supplements and how they work
Do you take a daily probiotic supplement? If so how has it help you?
Go here to purchase Nexabiotic
I didn't know that probitics are so good for teens! Thank you!
Good to know it's helpful for skin issues and helps with dental, too. I'll have to get my kids on these when they're a bit older!
Good to know it's helpful for skin issues and helps with dental, too. I'll have to get my kids on these when they're a bit older!
I don't take a probiotic but I probably should. I sometimes give Toddler Spawn a probiotic when I know she hasn't had enough through food. I do have apple cider vinegar pills that I take daily, which I think have helped regulate my blood sugar a little.
Taking probiotics every day is an easy way to make a big impact in one's health. I love this brand and their products.
Probiotics are truly amazing! I recently learned about them and I'm so happy I found out about them
Probiotics is important especially since it helps your body have a regular metabolism. There are a lot of other health benefits even for kids! I like that there are supplements for infants too.
Good to know that these supplements are working well for you and your family. I really think probiotics are very good for our health especialyl for the kids!
have never tried taking probiotics but it is a good thing that they're working out for your kids.
I didn't know about the probiotics, Glad you share this great info
I am not sure if probiotics is recommended to my son. I hope I can see one suitable for him.
Probiotics are a great way of keeping the immune system healthy, which reminds me I need to stock up on some myself!
Oh man, if I didn't have probiotics in my life, I would be a dead woman. Seriously.
I need to start taking my probiotics again. I am horrible about remembering to take them daily. They are also helpful for kids. I need to find some for my daughter again especially after her surgery (she had a section of her colon removed). I will look into these for her.
We use probiotics from time to time at our house. I never thought to take them daily though. They are so beneficial.
I really need to start taking a probiotic! The health benefits sound amazing, I know my kids could benefit from them too.
I didn't know that kids could take probiotics. I'll have to ask my pediatrician about this at their next visit.
It will be great if the probiotics can help with his acne. They're definitely helpful for digestion.
My kids are getting their vitamin capsules too, with my daughter I increased her Iron intake since she started having her period.
I do not take a probiotic yet. However, I will be starting on one soon!
I have debated taking a probiotic. I wasn't really sure before if I really needed it. Now that I know, I will start taking them.
My DIL swears by probiotics. I give my kids vitamins. I def. think it's worthwhile to look into probiotics.
I take a probiotic every day!
I take a probiotic and I really like it. Definitely important for kids and adults
My daughter and I both take probiotics. I always recommend them to everyone
I take a probiotic every day. It really does help!
I also take a probiotic every day...keeps me well and energized
My son is getting his vitamin too. His doctor recommended Vitamins B and C!
I never know that probiotics are good too? I might ask my doctor about this. I am interested on taking this.
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