>U Mom Knows Best: Start Your Morning With Crazy Faith Coffee And You Might Just Lead Someone To Christ

Start Your Morning With Crazy Faith Coffee And You Might Just Lead Someone To Christ

I love starting my day with a great cup of coffee and God.

  My day always starts with my daily devotion followed by a cup of coffee. Now when I drink coffee, it has to be the good stuff as I like to savor my coffee and taste is important. I was sent a cool package of coffee from Family Christian and I could not wait to taste it. The aroma of Crazy Faith Awakening Blend Ground Coffee was so amazing. When I opened up the bag my senses were enticed by such a great aroma. I just had to take a couple of big breaths as the smell of coffee was that good. I then went straight to my coffee maker to brew a cup of this wonderful smelling coffee. When I placed my scoop inside the bag, I discovered a foil wrapped package. So I paused my coffee making to open up the foil package. Inside the package, I discovered a small card which sparked my curiosity. I opened up the card and found an inspirational story. As I read the story on the card, that smelled of great coffee, I learned more about what having faith meant. This story was about a couple who had five children and how God used their faith to adopt three more. This couple also conceived a baby the same year bringing their kid count to nine. It was through this faith journey that this couple decided to start Crazy Faith Coffee Company.

  Thanks to John and Josee Waller, I got to enjoy a great cup of coffee. I, of course, made my coffee after I read their story. The taste of the coffee was just as I had imagined while enjoying the aroma. It was mild and flavorful. As I was enjoying my coffee, I thought about my faith and how I needed to step it up several notches. I thought about people in my life who I wanted to lead to Christ and how sending them this great bag of coffee was something I needed to do. I knew that most people enjoyed coffee and that a bag of great smelling coffee that comes with stories of faith might just be the seed I needed to plant in these people. The first person that I needed to send Crazy Faith Awakening Blend Ground Coffee to was my mom. I had just talked to her this afternoon about my daily devotional guide that I read every morning. I had told her that my devotional referenced to her favorite country singer. My mom thought that was cool and she also told me that she used to get that devotional in the mail ( I signed her up many years ago). I have no clue if my mom ever read the devotional that I sent her, but knowing that she remembered it was enough for me to send her another subscription. I love when God tells me to have faith and to keep talking to my mom about Him. I can't wait for my mom to get her package of Crazy Faith Awakening Blend Ground Coffee so I can have another conversation with her about God and one day she will accept Him into her heart.

So who can you think of to send a bag of great smelling/tasting coffee to? These stories of great crazy faith inside a bag of coffee may just be the seed that leads them to Christ. This Freshly roasted coffee also is organic and Fair-trade and comes in regular and decaf.

      Go here to order Crazy Faith Awakening Blend Ground Coffee  http://www.familychristian.com/awakening-blend-ground-coffee-12oz.html?utm_source=Facebook+Group&utm_medium=Blog&utm_campaign=December_Blog_Opp_CFC

As I was writing this post, I received a coupon from Family Christian in my email for 50% off one item and that was my sign from God to order the coffee for my mom so she could learn more about following Jesus. I love how our faith works! Make sure to sign up for their emails so you too can get discount coupons.

"These opinions are my own and I received a sample of Crazy Faith Awakening Blend Ground Coffee from Family Christian to facilitate this post."


Unknown said...

I have to try this coffee!! I think I will use your amazing coupon. Looks really good.

melissa cushing said...

Thanks for sharing and Thank you for the savings! I am gonna check this out :)

Amy Jones said...

This is such a great presentation for a coffee! Thanks for the coupon <3

Sarah Bailey said...

Great ad for faith. Good to hear that this coffee did something about your faith and you wanted to let everyone experience the same thing that you did. Keep it up.

AiringMyLaundry said...

This sounds good! I love the smell of coffee but I've never cared for the taste.

Unknown said...

I bet this coffee is amazing. I like the card that you find. Great idea!

Kimberly C. said...

Love how faith gets tied into coffee. I'm sure the coffee tastes amazing. I hope your mom accepts God into her heart. Nice post. Always love posts that talk about faith. Need more of these!

A Cold Cup of Chloe said...

There's nothing like a good ole cup of coffee to start up some important discussions. The bag is so groovy!

Joanna said...

That's an interesting concept. I am a big coffee lover and always go for the high quality one freshly roasted.

Terri Beavers said...

I love my devotion and coffee time, at the beginning of the day and end of the day. I'm fixing to go check out the Crazy Faith Awakening Blend Ground Coffee.

Karlyn Cruz said...

That pack from Crazy Faith sounds so aromatic! Thank you for this recommendation, Iw as starting to get sleepy with my usual caffeine.

Elizabeth O. said...

This is interesting. I didn't know that such a coffee existed! I would love to give it a try.

Unknown said...

I love to start my morning with a cup of coffee too! I'm always in the market to look for a great tasty coffee. Going to check Crazy Faith up

Tiffany said...

Yet another coffee brand I need to look out for. I also love the mug. I have a weird love for collecting cute coffee mugs.

Anosa said...

Faith comes from hearing, hearing the word of God and drinking coffee whilst learning about christ is another way of hearing about the word of God.

Coralie said...

Sharing about Christ is something we should strive to do everyday. While I don't drink coffee, I love the message that they are sending with this brand.

Dhemz said...

How cool! Sounds like a good brand. I would love to try it! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

i would love to try this too! it is cool when there is a story inside it that you can enjoy reading while sipping a hot coffee

Jasmine Eclipse said...

This is amazing! I love the message behind it as well, I'm always looking for new ways to show people Christ. This is great!

Happy Holidays!
Jasmine / www.jasminekeclipse.com

Becca Wilson said...

This brand of coffee looks worth a try. I love the marketing tactic.

Susie's Reviews said...

What a wonderful brand. I sure would like to try a cup!

Debbie-jean lemonte said...

I'm not a coffee drinker, more a like a tea drinker. But I'm sure it's pretty good.

Aziel Morte said...

Sounds like a good coffee, I bet this is so perfect to start my day. I love any kind of coffee

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Mom knows best