>U Mom Knows Best: Learn How To Eat Better, Live Cleaner, & Be Happier With The Green Enough Book By Leah Segedie

Learn How To Eat Better, Live Cleaner, & Be Happier With The Green Enough Book By Leah Segedie

I purchased a copy of Green Enough: Eat Better, Live Cleaner and Be Happier, All Without Driving Your Family Crazy as I wanted to support the author of this book in an awesome mission. All opinions are my own.

                        Is going Green driving you crazy?

 I have always had a passion for healthy eating and now my passions have led me to trying to live cleaner. I have known for a long time that chemicals are not good for our health but I never really knew how bad they could be until I attended a conference in 2016 called ShiftCon (hosted by Leah Segedie) and my eyes were opened. Sure I thought I was keeping chemicals out of the home as I cleaned with vinegar and baking soda but it was at this blogger conference that I decided I was going to try to be more "Green" and work on getting more toxic chemicals out of my life. I left that conference with natural products and a wealth of information. I was ready to take the next step!

My next step started with me ditching chemically made products like toothpaste and deodorant for natural non-toxic products. I started reading food labels more and made better choices at the store. I soon realized that going "Green" was overwhelming and confusing at times. I knew it was not going to happen overnight. I needed information and knew that searching the internet was not a good option. So when Leah Segedie announced on the ShiftCon Facebook page that she wrote a book, I was excited to read it. Leah has a passion for teaching people how to live a cleaner life as I saw first hand when I met her at ShiftCon. It was her connections of healthy living companies at the conference that inspired me to live a cleaner life. 

                     What is Green Enough About?

Green Enough is a real, no-holds-barred take on making smart, healthy choices for you and your family.  I uncover the truth behind the food and household products that are misleadingly labeled “all-natural” and healthy but are actually filled with harmful chemicals. From furniture to packaged food, let me guide you through detoxifying your home, diet, and lifestyle, showing you how to make the best choices possible for your family. While at the same time showing you how to also “chill out” without guilt. Here are some things you can look forward to in Green Enough:

  • Several exposes on thousands of brands and products containing toxic and hormone-disrupting ingredients
  • Guidelines on choosing safer products and products that are free from toxic persistent pesticides
  • Advice on how to find meat, dairy, and eggs that are free from antibiotics, GMOs, growth hormones, and dangerous pathogens
  • A break-down of what phases of childhood children are most vulnerable and need more protection and when you can just “chill out” and let it fly
  • 50 delicious and kid-approved recipes
  • And much much more…
Reprinted from Green Enough by Leah Segedie. Copyright ©2018 by Leah Segedie. By permission of Rodale Books, a division of Penguin Random House LLC. Available wherever books are sold

  Once I started reading Green Enough, I felt less confused about how to make the changes in my life and home to live a green and healthier lifestyle. Leah wrote a book that was easy to read. Her book tells the facts about chemicals and toxins that could be lurking in our food and homes. I like that she goes room by room in a typical house and gives the reader a list of which common products should be replaced with healthier alternatives. The book has lots of lists of products that are better to buy. With this information, I am able to make better choices at the store. The pictures in the book make it easy to understand what crap is in our foods and why I should not be buying them. I have a long way to go in getting chemicals out of my house and life but I love that this book has the information in it to help me on my journey. This is a book that I will be referencing often as I buy things like food and beauty products. My first step on my journey will be tossing out all my Rubbermaid containers which are on the bad list and using Tupperware which is on the better list. Since my boys will be packing lunches for their new school in the fall, I will be buying metal containers from the best list.

This book will keep you entertained, laughing, sometimes a bit peeved, and always learning about how to best protect your family. But remember, It’s not about being perfect, it’s about being green enough.

Reprinted from Green Enough by Leah Segedie. Copyright ©2018 by Leah Segedie. By permission of Rodale Books, a division of Penguin Random House LLC. Available wherever books are sold

 Mamavation blogger Leah Segedie offers an irreverent, entertaining take on making smart, healthy choices for you and your family and detoxifying your home, diet, and lifestyle.

Do you want to Learn How To  Eat Better, Live Cleaner, & Be Happier?

Learn more HERE and buy the book HERE


Unknown said...

I definitely need to read this book. Trying to be more conscious about what I put in and even on my body. So much still to learn!

annies home said...

thanks for providing us with this information I believe there are a few things that we will be changing soon

Terri Beavers said...

I'll have to look into preordering this. 2018 has been my year of sticking to my heath goals and while I'm on a roll, I'm soaking up all of the help I can get with book finds.

Adriana said...

I am a health food junkie so I will certainly love this book. I love creating healthy and fresh meals for my little guy and I.

Nancy at Whispered Inspirations said...

These are all really great tips to making so that you are living a cleaner and healthier life.

Wendy Polisi said...

I love the green lifestyle. I would love to make the permanent switch to fully green.

Kate said...

I actually gave up meat because I knew how much the meat production industry contributes to green house gas emissions. A book like this would help me to take my "go green" attitude even further.

Katrina said...

I need to read this, I am trying to live healthier and this sounds like it is packed full of info!

Gizelle Marie said...

I have been incorporating 'green' products in our home...and I do see so much of a difference...especially know it's having a good impact to the environment however small.

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Mom knows best