>U Mom Knows Best: How To Make Homemade Greek Yogurt

How To Make Homemade Greek Yogurt

                      Greek yogurt is so simple to make! So save money and make it yourself.

 You can easily make Greek yogurt at home. All you need is a few items like cheesecloth or a nut milk bag and a strainer, it's that simple. You can even buy a strainer that is designed for Greek yogurt. I have one and it sits nicely in a bowl to make the straining so easy. I like using a nut milk bag as it is so much easier to clean than cheesecloth. You will also need some plain yogurt. Check out my recipe for homemade yogurt with an electric blanket.

                                      This is what I use to make homemade Greek yogurt.

                                         A nut milk bag is a fine mesh bag that looks like this.

Homemade Greek Yogurt
  1  quart of plain yogurt, full fat or low-fat
   nut milk bag or cheesecloth
  fine-mesh strainer
  large bowl

Place the nut milk bag or cheesecloth over the strainer and place in the bowl, making sure the strainer doesn't touch the bottom of the bowl so there is plenty of room for the liquid that will drain from the yogurt. Pour the yogurt into the nut milk bag or on top of the cheesecloth. Place the bowl in the fridge for several hours so the liquid(whey) can drain from the yogurt. This process can take about four hours or longer depending on how thick you want the yogurt. Check the yogurt after 4 hours to see if the yogurt is at desired texture. This recipe will make about 2 cups of Greek yogurt.

1 comment:

Farrah said...

This is so awesome! <3! I've always wanted to learn how to make my own Greek yogurt!

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