For most people with school-age kids, the school year has started. The swapping of germs has probably begun and if you are like me, you are taking measures to keep your kids well and in school. It is not a good thing when kids are sick as that means you have to miss work so you can stay home with your kids. If you are a stay-at-home parent that means you have to stay home and rearrange all your plans. The simple fact is no one likes being sick and no one likes taking care of a sick kid. As a parent, we will do anything to keep our kids healthy.
I have been doing this parenting thing for 29 years and I have learned over the years how to keep my kids healthy so their bodies can resist the germs that they face every day at school. My oldest kids are 29,25, and 19 (they are out of the house) and my youngest are 11 and 12. My youngest two boys seem to have fewer illnesses than their older siblings and I think that has a lot to do with healthy practices that I have learned over the years. I like to joke with my older three kids that they were the practice kids as I do things way different from my younger two boys. Things that I have done differently, I think are keeping my boys healthy and they have less sickness than the older kids.
Pack more than food in their lunch box
Schools seem to be a breeding place for germs and I think the number one way that kids contact those germs is on their hands. Kids touch so many things at school that could be loaded with germs and it is nearly impossible for my boys to avoid touching germs. So the one thing that I stress to my boys is to keep their hands away from their faces as the face has several holes like the mouth, nose, and eyes that germs can enter. Then I remind my boys to wash their hands before eating. That way germs do not get on their food. In a perfect world, my boys would wash their hands before lunch but the teachers do not give them time to wash their hands. So I pack a little something extra in my boy's lunch sack.
I pack travel-size safe hand sanitizer in my boy's lunch containers. That way my boys can easily wipe or spray away the germs. This safe hand sanitizer has plant-based ingredients that smell good so kids will want to use them.
I am huge into handwashing as a way to keep germs out of kid's bodies. I know that frequent hand washing has kept my boys from catching all those colds that are being passed around at school. I have taught my boys at an early age the importance of handwashing and these are the best handwashing tips to teach kids at any age. My boys know that they need to wash their hands before eating, after using the bathroom, and when they come into the house after school or from play. Frequent handwashing gets those germs and dirt off kids' hands so they have less chance of entering the body to cause an illness.

My boys love black elderberry syrup
When my boys head back to school, I stock up on black elderberry syrup and gummies. My boys love the taste of this immune support supplement. So I give my boys black elderberry on a regular basis to keep their immune system healthy. If my boys complain of a sore throat or start coughing, I give them some extra elderberry syrup so they can get over the cold quicker. I love making my own black elderberry syrup and elderberry gummies. These homemade recipes not only save me money but it ensure that I always have a generous supply of elderberry products in the house to keep my boys healthy during cold and flu season. I loved that last month I was able to share some samples of black elderberry gummies with my friends.
Black elderberries are one of nature’s richest sources of pigments called anthocyanins which have a remarkable ability to stimulate the body’s immune system.

Get my homemade DIY recipes for Black Elderberry Syrup and Black Elderberry Gummies
Homemade Elderberry Syrup In The Pressure Cooker
Elderberry Cold & Flu Fighting Gummies

Check out this natural alternative to cold medicine
My boys do get fewer colds than their older siblings but they still do get the occasional cold despite all my efforts. Sometimes germs are airborne and these airborne germs can travel 15 to 25 feet in the air. As my husband who is a health inspector quoted " I can sneeze from the kitchen and those germs will travel quickly over to you." So when my boys do catch a cold, this mom makes them a natural alternative to cold medicine. This delicious lemon ginger tea soothes my boy's throat and helps clear all the gunk from their sinuses. The healthy ingredients in this cold and flu tea have germ-fighting immunity properties like vitamin C from the lemons. Even honey and ginger help support the immune system. So I like to drink this tea frequently in the winter to keep my body healthy. My boys love it when I make a pitcher of lemon ginger tea and store it in the fridge so they can enjoy it cold. The tea works best when it is warm for colds but can be enjoyed cold for immune support.
Other things that I do to keep my boys healthy during cold and flu season and throughout the school year are feeding them healthy food and making sure they get plenty of exercise. My boys know that eating fruits and veggies will give them vitamin C which is good for fighting germs. They also know that healthy bodies need exercise. I like to think of exercise as the body heating up to zap the germs. My boys also drink plenty of water to stay well. My husband says I drink water like a fish but I rarely get sick so that water must be good for my body.
What healthy things do you practice to keep your kids healthy?

I'll have to try some of these. I hate when my kids get sick so I always try to figure out ways to help with that. I need to get those sanitizers.
It has been so long since I've made my own medicinals. Elderberry syrup is so fantastic as a natural remedy.
Confined places like schools are definitely a breeding ground for all types of germs. Sending sanitizer with the kids is an excellent idea!
so I dont have kids...but I would try all these products for myself haha especially working in an open seating office environment.
Elderberry is an amazing thing that we discovered about a year ago. I love finding natural products!
I love how you pack things besides food in your children's lunch boxes. Especially love the sanitizer.
Oh wow, I had no idea how awesome elderberry is! I'm going to have to look into this. Thanks so much for sharing this with us!
I've recently discovered the awesomeness of elderberries and their health benefits as it pertains to colds and the flu. I'm keeping this recipe for the future! Great suggestions to pack more than food in their lunches!
These are some great ideas. I love the idea of packing more than just lunch. With kids being in school now, it's easier for them to get exposed to more germs. Nice to have products like these.
Every product is a great find! Love them and would use for my family without doubt.
I've never tried black elderberry. I love that the gummies turn out black. That's got to be even more fun for your boys.
I think packing sanitizer in the lunchbox is an awesome idea. My son is always forgetting to wash his hands.
If you succeed in bringing young people closer to these products, you have really hit the mark!
I love discovering new natural products and things for kids. Thanks for sharing these with us!
Nothing is better than being healthy the natural way. I really think your kids are in good hands. I find your tips amazing.
Great suggestions! I never thought about packing anti-bacterial wipes in their lunch. Thanks for sharing!
These are great options! That elderberry syrup helped my entire family last year when we came down with the flu. This year I'm starting early and stocking up for the entire season.
These are great tips! I'm thinking about getting some elderberry products soon!
These are actually very good to have available in any home, kids or not. Thank you so much for sharing.
For me is washing hands, taking vitamins, simple habits that help keep them healthy! Loved your post!
Hand sanitizers and wet wipes are always in my kids' bags. I also make them wear a mask when commuting or riding a crowded bus. Better to keep those viruses and bacteria away. I will look for some Elderberry gummies. That would be a nice addition to our daily supplements.
I've used the Clean Well sanitizer in the past! I love that it is a more natural alternative and that it is alcohol-free!
I definitely go for the wash the hands often and drinks lots of water.
As a mom of two young children cant agree more. Thanks for sharing all the useful ideas.
I also choose natural products for our family, not just the kids, whenever I can. We are not perfect but I think these are safer alternatives. I'd like to have those wipes!
These sound like a must for back to school season!
I have used any of these but this stuff looks like a definitely must try. Looking into
I try to encourage my nieces and nephew to wash their hands frequently and to cover their mouth when they sneeze or cough. Mostly, so they won't get me sick.
Thanks for this helpful healthy tips. Am still single so am trying all these for myself. LOL! NITA
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