>U Mom Knows Best: Skin Resurfacing Choices

Skin Resurfacing Choices

 The desire to have young looking skin leaves us with many options when it comes to our facial skin. This below Featured article has some information about skin resurfacing.

 Skin resurfacing is a popular way to revitalize your skin when it becomes damaged. It is particularly popular among patients who want to repair damage to their facial skin. There are several types of resurfacing treatments to pick from. They are also commonly known as peels or peel-like procedures.

 Why Resurfacing Treatments Are Called Peels One reason your skin can show damage over time is that the sun can damage it. It can also be damaged by debris that accumulates on its surface. In addition to those issues, the skin itself has a slower cellular turnover with age. That means dead skin cells do not flake off as quickly. When they build up, they can have a negative impact on how you look.

 The reason resurfacing treatments are called peels is they “peel” away the junk and dead cells getting in the way. That allows the healthy skin cells you have to take their rightful places on the surface. Although many peel procedures exist, they are not all completely equal in their methods, popularity or histories. For example, the JetPeel facial treatment is fairly new to the scene. Meanwhile, treatments like laser procedures and chemical peels have been used for decades.

 Differences in How Resurfacing Procedures Work Resurfacing procedures are all slightly different. For example, laser peels come in many different types and styles. They can also perform treatments at varying depths. That is accomplished by simply selecting the right laser with the proper light wavelength and heat output for the job.

 Chemical peels are similarly versatile. That is because they don't always contain the same chemicals. Changing up the mixture a bit can affect how many skin layers are treated. That provides a degree of treatment customization for you. The stronger the chemical mixture, the more skin layers are treated. However, that also increases recovery time and potential complications.

 Other resurfacing and related procedures use completely different methods. Those can include blasts of air or particles to peel away undesirable materials on your skin's surface, as with microdermabrasion. Then there are treatments like JetPeel, which uses blasts of oxygen and saline solution directed at problem areas on your skin.

 Selecting a Resurfacing Procedure Based on Your Type of Skin A big part of selecting the proper resurfacing procedure is undergoing a skin assessment. That assessment begins with color. The darker your skin is, the more limited your resurfacing options often are. That is because several resurfacing procedures, including certain laser treatments, can cause changes in skin pigment. Lasers can also have difficulty targeting treatment areas on darker-skinned patients unless they are YAG lasers or other specific laser types used to treat dark skin.

 The traits of your skin also affect treatment. For example, skin in certain areas is quite thin. In other areas, it is thicker. That has a direct impact on the treatment methods that can be used. The same is true of existing skin conditions, such as acne.

 Considering Procedural Variations for the Best Outcomes Another thing you need to understand about skin resurfacing procedures is many of them have variations. For example, microdermabrasion is a milder treatment than dermabrasion. Similarly, chemical peels come in light and deep varieties. Laser treatments can also vary in terms of the depth of tissues treated.

 Final Determining Factors When Selecting a Resurfacing Option After you consider all of the skin type and health-related factors, you may still find yourself with a few viable treatment options. If that is the case, think about the bigger picture to make a final choice. Procedures have variations in costs, recovery times, potential side effects and comfort levels at the time of treatment. Chances are good you can hone in on one particular procedure easily after thinking about each of those aspects of every treatment on your shortlist

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