>U Mom Knows Best: Staying Fit While Having To Social Distance

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Staying Fit While Having To Social Distance

The C lung virus pandemic can make it challenging to maintain a physically active lifestyle

 I received samples from Chil to facilitate this post

 Now that my new norm is having to shelter at home and stay away from other people, it has been a challenge to continue my workout routine. I have become creative in working out and getting my daily exercise as I do not want to be infected with the respiratory virus that can make me very sick. I have been getting out early in the morning to go running and have been running on paths that other people are not on. That has been making it easy to stay 6 feet away from others. When I do see someone on the same path that I am on, I make sure to pass them with plenty of distance between us.

 I have never liked to run with others as I use my running time as a thinking or clearing my mind time. I also like to run fast and most people my age could not keep up with me. The virus thing has changed my running routine a little bit as now I am running with my boys. My boys are not attending school so we are training together and I am enjoying their faster than my pace as it is helping me get stronger in my running speed. The boys and I have a fun game that we play when we run, when we see another person, we pretend they are a zombie and we run faster. My boys sure are giving my body a good workout every day which also means that my muscles have become sore. Sore muscles don't bother me as I have several natural ways to treat muscle pain from exercise.

The best way to treat sore muscles

 My favorite way to treat my achy joints and dull pain is with CBD. I find that my sore muscles get faster relief when I apply a CBD salve directly on the affected muscle and I love that I don't have to take any over the counter pain medicines that could affect my stomach. I have been a fan of CBD creams for quite some time and I am glad that I discovered Chil Wellness Aspen’s Maximum Relief Salve as it combines many of my favorite pain-relief supplements into one ointment. Now, I don't have to reach for my arnica supplement as this CBD salve has arnica in it as well as medical-grade Magnesium-Sulfate crystals, Boswellia,  and Menthol. This pain relief salve has 1000mg of high-quality Bio-Nano™ Full-Spectrum CBD so I can get moving again with my boys the next day. My personal trainers don't let me have a day off from running as they are training for a 5K race and want me to enter this race with them. I admit that I like to compete when I run a race and I am determined to place in my age category. Now that I am over 50, it might be easier to get 1st place in my age category. I have not entered a 5K race in a long time as I had some running injuries 5 years ago. Before my sports injuries, I did well in races and I won 2nd place in my age category.

No virus or age is going to keep me from running

 I have learned over the years on how to avoid injuries while exercising and I have not had any running injuries since 2016. I have learned how to listen to my body and know when I need to take a break from fitness or when a CBD muscle cream will help my muscles recover. I bet you have asked yourself, is it ok to workout when I am sick? I say yes, it is ok to workout when you are sick unless you have certain cold symptoms. Exercise is good for your body and immune system so during this virus thing make sure to exercise every day. I know that my daily exercise keeps my mind and mood happy so I am better able to cope with staying at home with my wild noisy boys.

 I also have been working hard on strengthing my muscles and I am proud that I can beat my younger boys in a pushup competition. My college kid is home and he again is inspiring me to continue to lift weights. Last July, the last time he was home for a school break, he inspired me at the local gym and gave me weight lifting tips. You have to see the before and after photos of my six-month fitness update to a stronger body. Even I was amazed at how strong my muscles were. So I am making good use of my quarantine time at home and using kettlebells and a rock-filled detergent bottle to continue my lifting of weights. My son has shown me new ways to strengthen my muscles and I am glad that I have a 100% organic American hemp salve that I can apply to my arms after I exercise. I am not going to let sore muscles or age get in the way of stronger muscles. I just turned 55 and I am determined to get a stronger body during this self-isolation. My new motto has been summer bodies are made in self-quarantine.

CBD gives me energy and hydration

 Now that the weather is finally getting warmer, it is important to stay hydrated while staying fit. It is a good thing to drink plenty of water before and after you exercise. Check out my hydration tips while exercising to make sure you are staying hydrated. When it is hot outside, your body may need more than water to stay properly hydrated so drinking a drink with electrolytes will help. I find that I am able to perform better when I drink a hydration drink before and after I run. That way my body gets the right balance of Water, Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, and Glucose. I am enjoying a lemon CBD hydration drink mix from Chil Wellness and I love that it is low in sugar. I find that the CBD helps my mind so I can focus better on my writing.

 Some people may be against energy drinks but I like consuming a natural energy drink before I run as the caffeine helps me get going in the morning. My body performs better with a small amount of caffeine and I never have the jitters or crash when I consume a natural energy drink like this delicious watermelon one with CBD. The CBD helps my mind so I can use my running time to compose my next article. My running time is also my thinking time and can compose a whole fitness article while I run. Now if I can just find a way to record my thoughts onto my computer while I run, then I could get so much more accomplished.

Workout safely

 During this lung virus outbreak, it is even more important to prevent sports injuries. So if you are new to fitness, gradually increase your workouts. Walking is a great form of exercise so don't start running until you have perfected the running thing. Sore muscles are something that you can treat at home but tearing or pulling a muscle may require a doctor visit. Biking is a good form of exercise but make sure to wear a bike helmet. There are many best exercises to stay in shape and even moms can exercise with these workout tips for stay at home moms. So don't let social distancing be an excuse for not staying fit as exercise is good for your immune system. Exercise is also great for your mental health and staying fit will help you better cope during this unpredictable time.


Tessa said...

These are great tips! I have heard so much about CBD but didn't ever think about using it on sore muscles. Since I switched from the gym to working out at home with my husband during the pandemic (who is a 6'6" powerlifter) I have had more sore muscles than ever before. It sounds like this is something I need to try!

Rog said...

I can imagine staying fit or working towards it in this environment can be a challenge. This is a great post to show people it can be done!

AiringMyLaundry said...

These are some great things and tips. I jog around the neighborhood and keep my distance from others. I make sure I am hydrated because it is hot in Texas.

Passion Piece said...

I have no time to keep fit, I've got much more work while working from home than usual! I wish you good luck!

Chad said...

This is awesome! I am trying as much as possible to exercise daily, I am also doing yoga.

The Super Mom Life said...

I'm trying to do some exercise, though honestly, I've been failing at it. I need to get motivated.

StacieinAtlanta said...

We are trying hard to stay fit. We exercise almost every day.

Littlemisadvencha said...

I started to do some exercise but stopped because I lacked motivation. It's really difficult, but I know I should try to stay fit. </3

Marie at Complete Literature said...

I have not done well with keeping up with exercise. I am really needing to change things up so that I can maintain my health. Being dormant for two long, especially working on the computer, is so bad for us over time.

Margaret @ Live Like No One Else said...

This whole virus thing has defintely messed up my routine a bit. I used to try to get 6000 steps on my treadmill every morning. Then my husband was laid off and the kids are home from school. It's taken me about a month to get to a new routine, but I'm back at being more active. It's not the treadmill anymore, but lots of gardening and walking with my husband (which I tremendously enjoy).

Mom Knows Best said...

Glad to hear that you are being active again. My exercise is my sanity time

Mom Knows Best said...

Our hot weather is coming next week

World in Eyes said...

During this period, working from home staying fit is the main issue of everyone. I am trying to continue walk on the rooftop of my house and do some exercise. you npost is good motivational and inspiring.

Gust si Aroma said...

It's not easy at all to stay fit these days. Thanks for these tips!

Lisa Joy Thompson said...

I need to check out your CBD salve. I love that it has arnica in it too! I've been biking 20-30 miles everyday and it's made for some sore muscles on windy days!

Why Girls Are Weird said...

I've been really struggling with exercise right now and I'm really missing the gym. BUT I just got a rebounder and I'm super excited about it!

Natalie said...

That CBD salve sounds really fantastic. I always have soreness after working out. This may help.

monica said...

My husband has been doing a lot of at home work outs. I just started the couch to 5k app. I will keep in mind the cbd oil trick in case I get sore muscles from running!

Jocelyn said...

Way to keep up the good work with exercise. That's what I need to do better at so thanks for the reminder.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tessa! We created the Salve for the founder's daughter, Aspen who has juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Athletes also use it, the medical grade magnesium we use is a big help, it’s like taking a concentrated Epson salt bath. We recommend applying it three times a day for a week to get results.

Anonymous said...

Adding to the above reply (4/24 4:45 pm), not sure why it says 'unknown', it's Ana from Chil Wellness

Erin said...

Thanks for all the tips and ideas! I'm trying to get some exercise, though I need to get more motivated!

Joanna said...

I definitely need to work out more. Since the pandemic started and we weren't allowed to go out anymore I didn't do much exercise.

Lyosha Varezhkina said...

I work out a lot to compensate the lack of movements, it is not enough still. I wish my muscles had a reason to be sore

Priya said...

Ever since the lock down, its been hard to be disciplined to exercise everyday. When you are at home you tend to become lazy. But after reading your post , I am going start working out again at home . Thanks for the tips.

Merryl (Trendmebeauty) said...

Good for you! Health and wellness is so important right now. I've had zero motivation and I definitely need to get back on track with workouts. This post is inspiring me to do that! 😊

Caitlin + Dani said...

Keeping up with our fitness routines has been so important! We are loving Zoom workouts. Still waiting for beautiful weather in Chicago.

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Mom knows best