>U Mom Knows Best: Why I chose To Purchase a NordicTrack Elliptical

Why I chose To Purchase a NordicTrack Elliptical

Investing in your health is always a good thing

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 The year 2020 is one that most people will look back at and have stories to tell. The year 2020 was a year that will go down in the history books. It will be a year filled with memories, both good and bad. The Covid lung virus took us through a year that I am sure most people would never want to revisit. This crazy year had me investing more time in my health as I realized that a healthy body could fight the virus better.

 At the beginning of 2020, my family, including me, all came down with a nasty cold. I never get sick and this illness had me feeling miserable for a couple of days. Covid was not in the headlines but I look back at this time that I documented my illness and it could have been the dreadful Covid-19. It was that experience and the pandemic that made me rethink my health. I began to eat more immune-boosting foods and upped my exercise. My husband even started exercising more, now that he was working from home. I was proud of my husband as he was doing great on his fitness routine. I think having my college kid home inspired him to work out at the gym more.

 Then the gyms shut down and the college kid went back to school. So my husband stopped exercising. When the gyms reopened, my husband went to the gym a couple times of a week but without his son motivating him, my husband stopped going to the gym. I could not join him at the gym as the required face mask rule did a number on my asthma. So my husband just stopped exercising. I could not even motivate him to go on walks with me. I did not want to see my husband get sick with Covid, especially since he was working outside of the home. So I started to look into home fitness equipment.

NordicTrack was the answer to my husband's health

 There were many options for at-home fitness equipment. So I had to do my research on the best fitness equipment for home use. I wanted a piece of exercise equipment that was similar to the fitness equipment at the gym. I started with browsing exercise equipment at local stores like Walmart and the reviews did not look favorable. Most people who left reviews stated that the workout machine needed repairs after the first year. I wanted something that would last so I realized that I would have to spend more money. With not knowing when things would be back to normal and when we would stop wearing face masks, I made the decision that my husband's health was important. So I needed to invest money in his health.

  I decided to look at other fitness brands like Peloton and when I did I saw NordicTrack in the search results. I compared the two brands together and decided on NordicTrack for many reasons. The prices between Peloton and NordicTrack were similar but NordicTrack had a better warranty and the iFit interactive fitness program was free for a year. I also liked that NordicTrack could ship out their product quicker than Peloton.

 So I told my husband that we should purchase an exercise machine for the home. My husband was hesitant as he knows that I don't like spending money. When I explained to him that the fitness machine would make it easier for him to work out and that it would benefit me on cold winter days when I could not get outside to run. I also remembered all the fires last summer that made the air unhealthy for my asthma. So a piece of indoor fitness equipment would also be good in the summer.

Make sure to check out some awesome new products that I discovered for the New Year!  https://www.momknowsbest.net/2021/01/11-healthy-products-that-you-need-for.html 

Treadmill, Bike, or Elliptical?

 Since the machine for exercise was needed for my husband, I let him decide which type of exercise equipment that we would purchase. I love exercising so I knew that I would enjoy working out on a treadmill, bike, or elliptical. My husband selected the NordicTrack elliptical as he mentioned that the treadmill hurts his knees. NordicTrack makes three types of ellipticals: front-drive, rear-drive, and freestride. Each elliptical has different uses and different measurements. Since we were placing the elliptical in my college son's bedroom, we were limited on space. The NordicTrack front-drive elliptical took up the least amount of space and was available in two styles. The main difference between the NordicTrack Commercial 9.9 and Commercial 14.9 after price, was the screen size.

 We decided on the more NordicTrack Commercial 14.9 as it was available to ship out right away directly from NordicTrack's website. The other elliptical models had a month or more waiting list. My husband was happy to get the bigger screen which was 14 inches, double the size from the 9.9. After I placed my order, it took 2 weeks for the machine to arrive at our home.

Building the Elliptical was simple

 With the pandemic, the elliptical was delivered to our driveway and that meant we had to build it. I searched the internet for videos on how to assemble the Nordictrack equipment at home and I found one that included step by step instructions. When the elliptical arrived my husband and boys were able to build the machine in about an hour. The included instructions made the job simple.  

NordicTrack comes with one free year of iFit

While all NordicTrack fitness equipment comes with a free year of iFit interactive personal training, there are plenty of free workouts on the machine. While I don't require the interactive personal trainer to work out, music is my thing, the iFit personal trainer motivates my husband to exercise. 

The iFit app is pretty cool. This interactive training thing allows you to remotely workout with someone. You can use the iFit program even if you don't own a NordicTrack exercise machine and Amazon has deals on iFit programs that you can use with a different fitness machine. I like that I can run with someone in Hawaii on my elliptical. The iFit guides your fitness with a variety of personal trainers leading the way and automatically adjusting the speed, incline, or resistance of your machine. 

 Using the iFit interactive training is taking me to places like beaches, mountains, and even pyramids. Since the iFit fitness program adjusts the incline and resistance of the machine, I get a tough workout while climbing steep hills with a personal trainer. I like that I can choose my workout based on place, type, time, intensity, and more. While I like running, my husband prefers walking. So the NordicTrack elliptical is a machine that adjusts to our workout levels.

 Even my teens are enjoying the NordicTrack Elliptical. They are learning history as they exercise through different places around the world. One son enjoyed walking through a pyramid and the other son took a walk around Washington D.C. I am glad that we can use the iFit program free for a year to motivate my family to work out.

Just like the gym exercise machines

 The NordicTrack elliptical machine feels like the elliptical machines at the gym. In fact, I like the NordicTrack better. The main reason is that the elliptical automatically adjusts the speed, resistance, and incline so I get a better workout. Sure I wish that the NordicTrack had a TV so I could watch my favorite shows while working out. My husband solved the TV problem by hanging a smaller TV on the wall. 

  I like having an at-home fitness machine and I am glad that I decided to invest in one. On cold winter days, I can workout inside. Next summer when the air quality is bad for asthma, I will be using the elliptical. I like having different options for my daily exercise and I may never return to the gym. I am having fun with my fitness workouts and the NordicTrack elliptical is giving me an awesome workout. I like to increase my intensity to challenge myself and this gives my abs a great workout. After 2 weeks of regular use of the elliptical, I lost 2 pounds even though that was not my fitness goal. 

Make sure to check out some awesome new products that I discovered for the New Year!



Celebrate Woman said...

A great way to get your cardio workout and lymph movement. Awesome post to outline your ideas and reasons behind this purchase.

Ben said...

Ellepticals are so good for cardio and your joints. I have a treadmill right now, but when that gives out, I want to get an elleptical.

Brianne said...

I WISH we had enough room in our apartment for an elliptical! WE live in NYC, so there's no room for anything. =( If we ever get more space, I'll be giving this one a serious look.

AiringMyLaundry said...

I've heard great things about this. If I had the space, I might be tempted to get one.

Neha said...

I have been planning to get an elliptical for so long. Thanks for reminding me I need to give some serious thoughts to it!

Kathy said...

I would love to get one of these. I have a treadmill and a few other exercise equipment. An elliptical is another I'd love to get next.

Ryan Escat said...

We have the same one at home and it's really great to have one,since we can't be out most of the time.

Passion Piece said...

I'd need such a Nordic Track Elliptical, as I lack movement and physical exercises these days! Would be great to get one for myself. :)

Melanie Edjourian said...

I love these. I used to use them all the time at the gym. Great choice, I really wish I had room for one.

Gust si Aroma said...

I've tried elliptical machine in the gym some time ago and I liked it a lot! It would be awesome to have it at home!

Joanna said...

That is a great way to keep fit, especially under a lockdown. I used to use these at the gym, but now the gym is closed.

Chad said...

I wish i had enough space i would have bought nordictrack in a heartbeat! Seems amazing...

Jennie said...

Thanks for sharing some of the differences between the Nordictrack and Peloton

Romy Schorr said...

It's amazing how many at home fitness options are available now and the Nordic Track Elliptical sounds great. Good for you that you found a great workout option that works for your family

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Mom knows best