>U Mom Knows Best: Bob's Red Mill Grains of Discovery And Spelt

Bob's Red Mill Grains of Discovery And Spelt

A while back Bob's Red Mill sent me a wonderful box of grains from around the world. I am having a blast trying them all out. My next discovery is a grain called Spelt.

Spelt is a grain from Germany and has a chewy texture with a sweet nutty flavor. It also is high in fiber and a good source of iron, magnesium, and B-12. For more information about Spelt go to 
Spelt needs to soak overnight in water before you cook it. You then drain the water and cook it. You can use Spelt in any dish that calls for rice.


1 cup Bob's Red Mill Spelt (soaked overnight and drained)\
3 cups water
chicken bullion cube for taste

Bring the water to boil and add the Spelt. Cover and reduce to a simmer for 60 minutes. Drain the Spelt after cooking. Makes 2 cups.

I then used the cooked Spelt to make a wonderful dish.

Spelt Egg Casserole

4 cups cooked spelt (double the above recipe)
1  package frozen spinach (thawed and drained)
1 cup parmesan cheese
1 teaspoon garlic powder
6  eggs

Grease a 9 X 13 pan and set aside. Combine in a bowl all the ingredients except eggs. Then put the mixture into the greased pan. Use a large spoon and make evenly spaced holes in the spelt mixture. Carefully cracked each (one at a time) egg into each hole. Season each egg with salt and pepper. Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes or until egg whites set and yolks are still runny. allow the dish to set for 5 minutes before serving. 


Kerri said...

Looks like a healthy treat. I'll have to try it!

Dawn said...

That egg casserole looks delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

Buzz4Mommies said...

Wow-that looks fantastic! Thanks for sharing!

Jamie said...

Yum!! I love Bob's Red Mill - and I just found out they are carrying them at Big Lots for cheaper!! <3

Melissa said...

I have always wondered what kind of dishes spelt could be used in. I'll definitely have to try your recipe out now. Thanks for sharing!

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Mom knows best