>U Mom Knows Best: Smith's And Kroger Friday Freebie

Smith's And Kroger Friday Freebie

The free item for Friday is  Tum-E Yummies Fruit Flavored Drink at Smiths and Kroger. All you have to is go to http://kroger.softcoin.com/programs/kroger/digital_coupons/?campaign=DigitalCoupons&banner=Smiths and load it to your store card. Then you have until 10/19/2013 to redeem it in the store. My kids have always wanted to try these drinks so now I can let them for free. Also while you are signed into your account go HERE to play an instant win game. You can win $50 store gift card or on of 1000 other prizes. I won a six pack of Dr. Pepper soda.

1 comment:

Glamamama said...

Thanks for sharing these great deals!

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Mom knows best