>U Mom Knows Best: My New Curtains

My New Curtains

We used to have mini blinds in all the windows but I hated how dusty they got and they were impossible to clean. I have been wanting curtains for a long time but the cost was holding me back. I recently won $250.00 so I bought new curtains for three rooms, the office, dining room and the master bedroom. The boys will also be getting new curtains. I bought these cute energy saving curtains so I am hoping they will help heating costs in the winter. The curtains pictured are downstairs and my bedroom has the same pattern but in black. My windows look wonderful and a big thank you to my husband who hung them all.

  I just love the circle pattern on these curtains and they are so much easier to clean when compared to mini blinds. The dust doesn't stick to these so I really only have to wash them once a year. They are also so much easier to open and close. In the winter, they block out the cold air and in the summer, they block out the heat. When compared to blinds, they were also so much easier to hang up. I really like the way they look in all the rooms that they are in. I bought these at Walmart and they brighten up my rooms. It is an easy way to remodel a room.

 Notice the circle pattern on them? It is a look that I really like. These curtains have a nice modern look and they come in several colors like brown, black, and gold. I bought brown ones for the dining room, office, and my bedroom. I bought the gold ones for my master bathroom.

Do you like curtains or blinds in your home?


Melissa said...

I love that design! Our new house has far more windows than our last so I'm in desperate need for curtains too.

Brynn @ MommyDigger.com said...

They look great, I love the design!

Anonymous said...

they look so good , I love the detail and the color

Chasity said...

I really like them. The neutral color will fit with anything but the design makes them a little more special.

Jayne said...

Congrats on your revamped windows! They look very nice.

Joyce@MommyTalkShow said...

You're right about blinds. We have them and they get dusty so quickly. Great color choice.

ginabad said...

They are cute! We do both, but when I find curtains I love (like these), I put up curtains. I have a similar style in my family room, circles on a white background.

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Mom knows best