>U Mom Knows Best: National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend Is Coming To A Location Near You

National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend Is Coming To A Location Near You

It is that wonderful time of the year! Time to buy your Girl Scout cookies.

Thin MintsPeanut Butter Patties / TagalongsTrefoils / ShortbreadDo-si-dos / Peanut Butter Sandwich

They say a picture is worth a thousand words and these pictures do all the talking. Just looking at the pictures makes me want to buy those yummy cookies that you can only buy for a short time.

"I was compensated from Mom it Forward Media to write this sponsored blog post. However the opinions expressed are my own."

Are you ready for cookies? I know I am. Every February, I know it is time to start selling Girl Scout cookies. My daughter who is now 23 years old was a Girl Scout for many years. She and I would go door to door selling many cookies. People would be so happy to see that wonderful order sheet to be able to place their order for cookies. Their one question was always "how soon do I get my cookies?" My daughters customers could not wait to enjoy the yummy cookies. My daughter always sold a lot of cookies, as the money earned went to her troop so the girls could go camping. We would have over 100 boxes to deliver.

Then there was cookie booths, where my daughter and I sold boxes of cookies outside stores to people who were so happy to buy these wonderful treats. People loved that they could get their cookies right away. My daughter learned people skills, how to be friendly and how to count money.

As a mom I loved my daughter being in Girl Scouts as she learned so much. She learned how to become a leader among many other important life skills. She learned skills that will last a lifetime. That box of cookies you buy will mean so much to girls who participate in Girl Scouts. Buying Girl Scout cookies is about more than handing over money for a box. It's about the skills a girl gains from interacting with you. It is about the experience of running a cookie business and working with others.

Here is a fun PAGE that tells about the history of Girl Scout cookies, make sure to watch the video as it is funny. I found out that Girl Scouts have been selling these yummy cookies for 100 years.

 I love this Website that the Girl Scouts made, it tells you all about the cookies and where to buy them.   All you do is enter your zip code and the website shows you where you can purchase those yummy cookies. Click cookie information to learn about the different flavors of cookies, just be careful about drooling on your computer keyboard. I am lucky that we have a couple of girls in our church who are girl scouts so I am able to order my cookies from them. If you don't have connections with a girl scout be sure to visit the above website to find out where you can buy some cookies. Click here for the cookie information. They have  familiar favorite cookies as well as new cookie flavors. My favorite is the Samoas made with caramel, chocolate and coconut. Then again maybe it is the Do-Si-Dos a crunchy oatmeal sandwich cookie with peanut butter inside. I can't decide so I will be buying all the flavors.

Samoas / Caramel deLitesDo-si-dos / Peanut Butter Sandwich

 Starting February 7th you can join the Girl Scouts for National Girl Scout Cookie weekend. This will be their kick off for the selling of Girl Scout cookies with a big event happening in New York City. Click here for more information Girl Scout cookie weekend

There is also a fun local event happening in Albuquerque, New Mexico on Sunday, February 9th. They are hosting a Girl Scout Cookie Challenge, where local chefs take the iconic Girl Scout Cookie (they can use as many flavors as they like) and make a sweet or a savory treat.  Registration is $7 in advance (pay online or at the GS office) or $10 at the door.  To register or to find more info:  nmgirlscouts.org

Some more information that I receive Girl Scouts of New Mexico Trails:

Next Friday 2/7 at 9am on Good Day New Mexico with our CEO (Peggy Sanchez Mills) and one of these chefs (Rachel Broglie with The Sassy Apron) speaking about the cookie challenge and showing Rachel's creation.

Next Wednesday morning 2/7 at 7am on The Morning Brew (Comcast Ch 27), a staff member and a chef (Fred Schuller from Bravo! Cucina Italiana) will share the GS Cookie Challenge.

In ABQ the Magazine on page 200, our CEO was just highlighted with the "My Favorite Recipe" column.  Peggy shared a recipe made with Thin Mints, highlighted our GS cookie program, and shared about the GS Cookie Challenge. This February issue just came out.

“Girl Scout Cookie Weekend is a great opportunity to share the fun and excitement of the Girl Scout Cookie Program,” said Anna Maria Chávez, CEO of Girl Scouts of the USA. “As we celebrate the 97th anniversary of Girl Scout Cookies, it’s important to remember supporting the program helps girls build a lifetime of skills and confidence.”

So tell me what flavors of Girl Scout cookies will you be buying and how many boxes?

To learn more about the Girl Scouts and their wonderful program, go to these links:

 GSUSA Website

GSUSA on Facebook


Anonymous said...

Those all look so good. I love the shortbread ones.

Michelle F.

Dawn @ Pin-n-Tell said...

LOVE me some girl scout cookies! Thin mints are my MUST order :)

Buzz4Mommies said...

I love reading about all the history with the cookies! Now I really need some Thin Mints!!

Ellen said...

We love Girl Scout Cookies!

Bonnie G said...

Oh now I want some cookies. =) Thanks for sharing.

Maria said...

I was a troop leader for 5 years and a G.S Scout myself as a kid. I still love Girl Scout Cookies!

Gabe and Libby said...

I just ordered some cookies from a neighbors daughter, and my husband always orders from people at work. LOL - we buy a dozen boxes of Thin Mints and put them in the freezer - Oh they are GOOD!

Unknown said...

I absolutely love girl scout cookies and always buy them when I get the chance. I will be keeping my eye out in my area.

Melissa said...

My mouth just started watering! I'll have to be on the lookout for Girl Scout cookies now!

??? said...

I love Girl Scout cookies :) although I always seem to miss when they're selling them. Maybe I'll get lucky this year!

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Mom knows best