>U Mom Knows Best: Take Care Of Your Voice Naturally With Sprouts Voice Remedy

Take Care Of Your Voice Naturally With Sprouts Voice Remedy

Do you rely on your voice for your job? There are many people like singers, speakers, teachers, telemarketers, and many others who need their voice to perform their job. They can't function well if their voice is hoarse or if they are congested. I have found a natural product that will help them keep their voice from going hoarse.

Sprouts Voice Remedy is a natural product that tastes good and is easy to take. This product will promote a healthy voice and heal voice hoarseness and laryngitis. It enables the voice to be smooth and clear by reducing inflammation. It also gets rid of phlegm and reduces congestion. This easy to take liquid lubricates and moistens the vocal cords so you can keep on talking.

Here is the list of ingredients in the product that are proven remedies to help the voice:

Slippery Elm Bark has a soothing and healing effect on any part of the body. It is extremely soothing for inflamed mucus membranes in the throat. It soothes inflamed, irritated mucus from inside of your mouth all the way through.

Fennel Seed helps break up chest congestion and reduces inflammation. It is also helpful in clearing the lungs from mucus and phlegm.

Horseradish Root is an expectorant that relieves nasal and sinus congestion.

Thyme Herb eliminates mucus from the lungs and respiratory passages, facilitates breathing, opens the nasal passage, and breaks up congestion.

Celery Seed relieves muscle spasms and reduces inflammation.

Horehound Herb is a powerful expectorant that relieves lung congestion, decreases thickness and increases fluidity of mucus in the bronchial tubes and lungs.

Each bottle has 59 doses and each dose lasts for 12 hours. I tried this product and it tastes good and has no after taste. I have spring allergies and my throat gets inflamed and hoarse from all the mucus which then makes me cough all night. I took the Sprouts Voice Remedy before bed and it allowed me to get a good night sleep as I was not coughing from all the mucus.

My teen son even likes Sprouts Voice Remedy. He came home from a high school event complaining that he was hoarse from having to yell a lot. I told him to use the Voice Remedy and he did. He said the taste is pretty good and I never heard any more complaining that night about his voice. He was talking just fine to me.

To find out more about Sprouts Voice Remedy, click on the below link.

"These opinions are my own and I was sent the above mentioned product in exchange for a review."


Unknown said...

Well, that's handy. Besides yelling at my kids often, I also talk a lot on the phone for my money, so yeah...this is cool. besides, Im sick of tea and honey to sooth the vocal cords :)

Unknown said...

I'm all about natural remedies, but struggle with doing the honey & lemon solution, so I think this will totally hit the spot! Love it!

Shonda said...

I need to get this for my Mom. Her voice is constantly hoarse of late, and rabsy sounding.

Buzz4Mommies said...

This sounds fantastic! It would have come in handy when I was in choir!

Unknown said...

Those are some great ingredients for throat health!

Rebecca said...

What a great all natural alternative. Beats over the counter stuff.

Uplifting Families said...

This sounds like a great alternative to allergy medications which tends to dry things out. I haven't heard of this before. I should share it with my husband, he is a singer.

Ashley S said...

Sounds like a great alternative! Thanks for the heads up.

The Minister's Wife said...

I'll have to keep this in mind. My son is an actor and needs to keep his voice in shape! Would be handy for him to have around.

Linda A Kinsman said...

This would have come in handy for my high school daughter last week during a play in which she had to use a gruff voice.

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Mom knows best