>U Mom Knows Best: My Fun Trip To New York City

Friday, July 10, 2015

My Fun Trip To New York City

   I am so excited that I get to go on a wonderful trip to New York City. I will be leaving July 14th and returning July 20th. I am going to several blogging conferences so it will be quiet on this page for a week. I am going by myself and my husband will be at home with the boys. I will try to post about my fun on Facebook but won’t be doing too much as I will be super busy learning and having fun.  There may only be pictures on Facebook. The conferences that I am attending are BlogHerconferences and Blogger Bash. These are great opportunities for bloggers to get together and learn about blogging.  I am excited to meet with brands and I hope to be able to bring lots of cool reviews and giveaways to my readers. Seeing fellow bloggers and meeting new ones will be awesome too. So while I am off having a whole bunch of fun you can check out some of my recipes. I will try to post a different one every day. Also don’t forget to enter my Fresh and Lean giveaway daily for a chance to win one of two prizes for a healthy meal service that delivers awesome healthy food to your house. I will see you next week.


Nerdy Procrastinator said...

Oh my gosh, I hope you have lots of fun! I've always wanted to go to blogging conferences. :) safe travels!

Mom Knows Best said...

I will be having a blast. This is my first time, I am so excited!

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Mom knows best