>U Mom Knows Best: My Strawberry Grape Beet Smoothie Gets Me Energized In The Morning, No Need For Coffee

My Strawberry Grape Beet Smoothie Gets Me Energized In The Morning, No Need For Coffee

    I just love smoothies as I can pack a lot of wholesome nutrition in a glass. My smoothies that I make are so healthy that they give me great energy to start my day and keep me going, does your coffee do that? I find that coffee does not give me lasting energy, although I do drink it later in the day for help with thinking. I find that coffee helps my mind work better, but not give me energy. My smoothies always have protein powder, fruit and veggies in them along with supplements like probiotics, omegas and matcha. I don't eat meat so I get some of my protein from my smoothies. I am always creating new flavors of smoothies and my latest flavor is strawberry grape beet. This smoothie tastes awesome and the beets not only add great nutrition, but it gives the smoothie a great thickness.

Strawberry Grape Beet Smoothie 
1 cup grape juice
1 scoop Zahler Reach strawberry whey protein powder
1 cup diced fresh or can beets
desired supplements,optional
( I like 2 tablespoons flaxmeal, probiotic powder, and 1/2 teaspoon Matcha green tea powder)

Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. You can enjoy right away or make it the might before so you can grab it from the fridge for a breakfast on the go. 

  The protein powder that I used comes in flavors like strawberry, Chocolate, Vanilla, Cookies and Cream, and Cappuccino so I can have variety in my daily smoothie. I used the strawberry flavor in my smoothie that I made. I also mixed the strawberry protein powder, by itself, into a cup of water and found the taste pleasant but not that sweet. So, my personal preference is to use the protein powder in my smoothies.

This Reach protein powder is made by Zahler and is great to use in smoothies or mix in water, juice or milk for an instant breakfast. My son likes to put a scoop of protein powder in a shaker bottle so he can later add water to make a great after running protein drink that helps repair his muscles. 

    People use protein powders for different reasons. Zahler's Reach is made with whey protein and is popular among individuals who have specific fitness goals, like athletes and bodybuilders. Protein powder is also great for people who want to add more protein to their diet. Protein is essential to practically every part of the body, from hair and skin to muscle and tissue.  Whey protein has a fast absorption rate, which means that not only does it help build muscle, but it also helps repair muscle immediately after a workout. Whey is a complete protein, providing all the nine essential amino acids necessary for our bodies.

  I love that this protein powder is low in sugar, has 2 grams of fiber and 110 mgs of calcium in it. The powder makes a great base for smoothies or mixes well into water, juice or milk. There are so many yummy flavors to choose from so you can make a different drink everyday. You can even use Reach protein powder as a meal replacement. Check out all the delicious flavors of Zahler Reach whey protein powder:

"These opinions are my own and I received the above mentioned product in exchange for a honest review."


One Momma Saving Money said...

That sounds amazing! My only question is does it stain? I would be drinking it on my way to work and would hate to show up to work with red teeth :)

Masshole Mommy said...

That sounds like a fantastic way to start the day. It sounds like a delicious drink :-)

Sicorra@NotNowMomsBusy said...

I love protein powder fruit smoothies as well. Honestly I have never tried beets in my entire life. They just do not appeal to me for some reason.

Jamie said...

That sounds pretty good!! I have never liked beets, but know that they are good for you. The other flavors might cover it up and make it worth it! :)

Unknown said...

Interesting recipe! I just prepared some beet tonight from my garden and was wondering what I should do with them! This looks like a great recipe to try1

Claudette said...

I love that you are so into making these juices. I am too much of a coffee lover for the time being to switch - not first thing in the morning, maybe for a midday meal I will give it a try.

Unknown said...

This looks so amazing! I am not much of a coffee drinker but sometimes I do enjoy a nice frappe! I will definitely try this out, a great healthy alternative! I never thought about that combination before either.

Susan P. said...

This looks so good! I love beets. I really do need to kick my coffee habit...going to try this!

Jay | Life of Creed said...

I need to drink more smoothies!! I don't eat meat often, so this would be a tasty way for me to get some protein, by adding protein powder. I love that you like to come up with new and exciting flavor combinations. Thanks for sharing!

Elizabeth O. said...

I've never had the chance to use protein powder before. But the drinks on top look really refreshing and filling at the same time!

Beth@FrugalFroggie said...

I have a smoothie for dinner usually. I like that it keeps from snacking before I go to bed.

B is 4 said...

I need to try this protein powder. I don't drink smoothies enough but I do like them. I never thought of using beets in the recipe, I'll have to give this a try. I'm like that, too, I drink coffee not for energy but to help me think. :)

Arvin Travels said...

Great after workout drink!!! Thanks!

Unknown said...

I'd like to try this flavor concoction. This is a great way to get your after workout protein.

Mykidsguide said...

That looks delicious. This is the perfect drink to bring when I'm walking.

Liz Mays said...

Well this certainly sounds delicious. I could definitely work with one of these in the morning.

Jessica Cassidy said...

that looks pretty and yummy. I missed making smoothie. I love the strawberry/ banana smoothie the best.

Mom Knows Best said...

I have not found it to stain my teeth.

Mom Knows Best said...

The grape juice does a wonderful job of covering up the taste. I had grape juice to use up so I added it to it.

Nita said...

I love strawberry smoothie or any other flavor. I'm not really a breakfast person, but like smoothie instead.

Ashley R said...

Interesting combo! My morning smoothie has hemp milk, hemp seeds, strawberries, a banana and spinach. Keeps me full for a while!

Aduke Schulist said...

This looks good. I would probably drink this and coffee tho.

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Mom knows best