>U Mom Knows Best: What Foods Help With Growing Pains? Advice From Amwell Online Dietitian Service

What Foods Help With Growing Pains? Advice From Amwell Online Dietitian Service

“This is a sponsored post with Mums the Word Network and Amwell. All opinions are my own.”

   My Youngest son who is 7 has Growing Pains. Earlier this year I discovered Growing Pains is a real condition and not just a just a saying. Several months ago, my son was complaining that his legs hurt. His legs were hurting so bad that he was crying. I gave him some pain medicine thinking that would help, but it did not. My son continued to cry and complain that his legs hurt. I asked him where the pain was and then my husband massaged his legs for about an hour. The massage seemed to help his legs and I though all was good. That is until the next night my son said his legs hurt again. As my husband massaged the legs, I searched online for answers to what could be causing his leg pain. I found out that my son had growing pains and that it was a real condition. I also found out that growing pains could cause his legs to hurt. My son is tall for his age, but I don't if this has any correlation. Through further research I also found out that his pains could be due to a lack of magnesium in his diet. So the next day I went to the store and bought some magnesium pills for my son to take. This was not an easy thing to do as I had to crush the pill up and hide it in peanut butter. The magnesium pill seemed to work as my son's leg pain was not as intense. The only problem was my son hated taking the magnesium pill. I later found a liquid supplement that cost a lot of money. My son did not like the taste of that either and would only take it with juice when he had pain. I knew that my son needed to take magnesium daily to help with the leg pain, which was happening several times a week, but he would not. I needed to find out what foods would help my son with his growing pains. I turn to Amwell, an 24-hour online doctor service for help for my answers. I had a coupon code to speak to a dietitian at Amwell online doctor service, so I took advantage of a great deal. I wanted to see how diet could help with my son's growing pain.

   I first went to Amwell's website and registered to speak with a dietitian through a video chat. Nutritionists are available Mon. – Fri. 9am – 9 pm ET, and Sat. 10am– 6pm ET. I liked that I did not have to make an appointment or leave the house to get the answers that I needed. I decided to chat online with the nutritionist while the boys were at school when the house was quiet.It was easy to register online. I put my coupon code in and then was able to pay for the visit with my credit card. After registering and imputing any information that would help the nutritionist with my chat, I then saw that there were 4 nutritionists available in my area. Only one was available to speak at the time. I pressed the start chat button and allowed the Amwell site to use my webcam. The nutritionist then appeared on my computer, I could see her and she could see me. She asked me about how she could help me and I explained to her about my son's growing pains in his legs and how I wanted to use diet to help with the pain. I already knew magnesium was good but I wanted to know what foods were a good source of magnesium. I also was open to see if any other nutrients were good for my son's leg pain.

   The nutritionist first asked me questions about my son's diet. She first suggested that I give my son a calcium/magnesium supplement and a daily multivitamin. She was pleased to hear that I was already doing just that. Then she gave me some great suggestions that were non-dietary to help my son's leg pain. She suggested to give my son an Epsom salt bath and to rub magnesium cream on his legs. Then the nutritionist suggested feeding my son foods high in potassium, like sweet potatoes and bananas. She also said sea salt and electrolytes would also help my son's leg pain. Her suggestions were to sprinkle sea salt over his cooked veggies and to have him drink coconut water. I had just bought some grape flavored coconut water for my son so that was awesome. We chatted some more about my son's diet and she thought he might need some more protein. My son does not eat meat so she gave me a lot of ideas for vegan protein sources. I thought I knew a lot about nutrition and diet but, I still gained a lot of information from this online visit. I was pleased with the information that I received and I am excited to try these things to help my son with his Growing Pains.

    If you would like to speak with a nutritionist for your diet questions or have a need to speak with a doctor, then visit Amwell. The best part is you don't have to leave your house. That is a plus when you have a sick child or a busy day. There is no driving or waiting in a waiting room. For the most part, you can speak with someone within 10 minutes. If the time is longer, you can have someone call you when the online doctor is ready to chat. I even have a coupon code to make your first visit free. Just use coupon code CARENOW18 and click on the below link.



Masshole Mommy said...

My kids had growing pains when they were little, but it really hasn't happened since they were babies.

annies home said...

My grand-kids have growing pains, my own children did not seem to have as many. the doctor says it is from them growing so rapidly

Ana De-Jesus said...

I don't remember having growing pains but I can imagine that it must be painful! The doctor was so helpful I never knew that sea salt could help leg pains.

Jamie said...

Wow, that is interesting!! Never knew it could be a lack of magnesium. I'll have to talk to my son's doctor about this. Thanks for the info!

Buzz4Mommies said...

What a handy service! Plus it is great to know a little more about growing pains. I know I experienced them as a kid and so have my children!

Razzledazzlestyles said...

Great review. These sites are popping up everywhere :) good job mom ;) xo

Unknown said...

i'm reading so many positive things about amwell and unfortunately i know all to well that growing pains are real

Mom Knows Best said...

The doctor says leg pain can also result from a chemical imbalance so she said sea salt may help too.

Mom Knows Best said...

The magnesium seems to work for my son. He had leg pain last night and I gave him a magnesium supplement and rub the magnesium lotion on his legs. That took care of the pain.

Krystal said...

Really interesting. I've never dealt with growing pains in my kids but I have friends whose children suffered from them.

Meagen said...

For Heidi G.
I had growing pains when I was younger and from time to time magnesium seems to help with my muscle pains.

Elizabeth O. said...

I really think this is a great alternative if you are unable to go to the nearest hospital. This is really helpful.

Rachel Mouton said...

This is perfect! I love the idea of not going into the doctor's office :)

Unknown said...

Great information and review. Thank you for sharing.

Lauren McCann said...

Interesting perspective on growing pains. Never thought they were something you could treat!

Unknown said...

It's good to know that the lack of magnesium can be the cause. This is why it is best to consult the experts :) Thanks for sharing this!

Jay | Life of Creed said...

Thanks for the information on growing pains and the review of the Amwell! It's nice you don't have to leave the house to get answers from a professional.

Daughters said...

Whether I had "growing pains" or not I don't know. This is information that some parents will find very helpful to explain what there children might be experiencing. Thank you for raising awareness.

Angie@Chasingmyhalo said...

Thats a pretty cool service that I didn't know existed, I will definitely keep it in mind for the future! I have heard that growing pains can be quite painful! It's funny, I am a little over 6 feet tall, and I don't ever remember having any..isn't that crazy? I was just always growing, no real quick spurts lol. I currently use both Epsom Salts and Magnesium lotion for other health benefits! Hope that these suggestions will help your son!

Dogvills said...

This sounds like a great service. This will save me from rushing to the emergency room.

Liz Mays said...

This was so interesting and helpful as I've always suffered from growing pains too. My daughter gets them as well. I learned something from your Amwell visit, and I learned Amwell is super knowledgeable!

Deal Match Maker said...

This is a pretty cool app! I want to check it out. Sounds very useful and convenience

Shaylee Anne said...

I had terrible growing pains when I was a kid (even though I only ended up hitting 5'0" haha) This looks like such a useful app!

Sojourner Williams said...

What a great service- Amwell! I don't recall having growing pains, but I don't think I had serious growth spurts. It was more gradual. This is something to look out for with my sons though.

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Mom knows best